It’s not about politics

I didn't hold these beliefs 20+ yrs ago, I don't think white people could save the planet by having fewer children, and I completely acknowledge that the reproductive habits of people in Asia and Africa are not going to change on account of me. "Saving the planet" isn't my goal. The planet is going to be fine, but I'm reasonably confident that the people are f*cked, so my logic is that the fewer people (of any race) there are when famines, die-offs, and societal collapses occur, the better. I could be wrong, but personally I'll err on the side of caution.

I conceived a child once (20+ yrs ago) and we opted not to have it for reasons unrelated to the environment. If we'd made the opposite decision, then sure, maybe I "wouldn't be talking like this" and I'd justify having a child. Or with my luck, Bud or Little Timmy would be a Petersonista with a blog entry called My Idiot Cuck Dad Tried To Raise A Soy Boy And Thank God He Failed (Losers Gonna Lose) and I'd have given the world one more useless eater of meat. Who knows. But in retrospect, given my current apocalypticism, the decision seems all the more wise.

Individual assessments of the climate threat differ. Anyone optimistic about the future is more than welcome to breed according to their hopes; indeed, "everyone can do whatever they want." My eco-fascism is a pipe dream; I'm realistic about its chances being nil. With no hope of making policy, all I can do is make observations. I like to note the number of children had by people who clamor for upping the birthrates. Are you planning to contribute, or do you want to delegate the new white man's burden to the midwits and dimwits?
The problem is we have an aging society. Who is going to care for the west's elderly? Oh yeah, immigrants. They'll come here and they'll flourish and have the children white people aren't having. Doesn't really solve the problem of population growth but it does add to the problem of the west's destruction. But since you're a bitter, self loathing sort you probably wouldn't care about the west preserving it's standards or values.
What makes you think so? I’ll concede, the data could be anomalous. But it’s not as if there’s no data whatsoever, and even if the warming is natural, that doesn’t mean it still won’t cause feedback loops (permafrost melt, decrease in Arctic sea ice) that would increase the rate of warming.
However the climate evolves we will adapt, we've been doing it for tens of thousands of years. If AI gets us by the balls it's all over in 10 years or less. yet we get hysterical about one and not the other.
Modern secularism perpetuates the species just fine. The global population is 8 billion. More people are currently alive than the sum total of everyone who lived for about the past six thousand years. Do you think we somehow need more? It seems to me like the work of the devil would be unfettered population growth, since more people = more suffering. Schopenhauer said the devil laughs at every orgasm. I'm sure the devil would be laughing uncontrollably at Muslims and Christians having a birth rate competition on the precipice of climate change and potential civilizational collapse.

Oh, I think you're wrong on that one, Aubs. There is population growth in the developing world, sure, although even there the birth rate is falling, but the developed world is facing population collapse.

However the climate evolves we will adapt, we've been doing it for tens of thousands of years. If AI gets us by the balls it's all over in 10 years or less. yet we get hysterical about one and not the other.
Ricky Gervais is spot on when it comes to climate change. If human beings are wiped out, we have nothing to worry about because we will be dead and the planet will be a paradise for the animals without us around. If we are not wiped out, then why worry about it? We are an inventive species, we can adapt.
However the climate evolves we will adapt, we've been doing it for tens of thousands of years. If AI gets us by the balls it's all over in 10 years or less. yet we get hysterical about one and not the other.

Hmm, that strikes me as overconfident, because surely there are potential climate extremes we couldn't adapt to. Tens of thousands of years is not a long span, geologically speaking, and we appear to have thrived during a relative sweet spot in the earth's history. We've managed to survive ice ages and volcanic blackouts, but we've also had dire population bottlenecks, too. Sometimes our "adapting" has been just: not having every last one of us die. So I'd agree, I'm sure we could adapt to climate change in that sense, but it could still be a civilization-ending catastrophe.
The problem is we have an aging society. Who is going to care for the west's elderly? Oh yeah, immigrants. They'll come here and they'll flourish and have the children white people aren't having. Doesn't really solve the problem of population growth but it does add to the problem of the west's destruction. But since you're a bitter, self loathing sort you probably wouldn't care about the west preserving it's standards or values.

I'm not in favor of mass immigration, but as for who might care for the elderly in the West, I'm not sure why that can't be Westerners. Even with a decline in births, you could implement austerity in other sectors to free up people for elder care. Or you could legalize euthanasia. My father went out after almost a year in hospice. It makes the patient "comfortable," sure, but that comfortable time is spent dozing in and out of drug stupors and having nurses clean up after your evacuations. Hardly a dignified or meaningful quality of life. And my mother is going out with dementia. Seeing the decline up close and personal, I know that if I ever get the diagnosis, I'd definitely like the option of a peaceful exit.
Oh, I think you're wrong on that one, Aubs. There is population growth in the developing world, sure, although even there the birth rate is falling, but the developed world is facing population collapse.

A smaller population is just a smaller population, it doesn't mean failure to reproduce. The modern West requires population growth because the economy is based on consumer growth (more people, more spending). You could (theoretically) have a smaller, median-replacement-level population and a static economy. You would, of course, have to be satisfied with what you have, instead of coveting more tech and disposable pieces of household crap made in China. In its favor, there would be less pollution and despoiled countryside.
In the few years that I have visited this forum I have learned that:

the kind of Islam that comes to our countries and rapes our women, practices halal slaughter in our countries and even the kind of Islam that just wants to be left alone = BAD

the kind of Islam that treats the gays a bit shit = whatever

the kind of Islam that is vehemently anti-America and anti-Israel = GOOD!!!

The 7th generation potato famine survivor should read up on the potato famine & discover how many people thought it would be better if his "inferior race" didn't survive.
AI or an asteroid hitting the planet pose far greater threats to humanity than 'manmade climate change' ever could.
In a way, AI is a greater threat because of how much it's contributing to man-made climate change, through the energy it uses, directly, and indirectly as it supports expansion of industries and activities. Who knows how long we'll be allowed to say such things, since according to latest reports, freedom of expression being eroded almost everywhere? -
Hmm, that strikes me as overconfident, because surely there are potential climate extremes we couldn't adapt to. Tens of thousands of years is not a long span, geologically speaking, and we appear to have thrived during a relative sweet spot in the earth's history. We've managed to survive ice ages and volcanic blackouts, but we've also had dire population bottlenecks, too. Sometimes our "adapting" has been just: not having every last one of us die. So I'd agree, I'm sure we could adapt to climate change in that sense, but it could still be a civilization-ending catastrophe.
Wed are living in a time when Earth is coming out of a cooling period. We can and will adapt.
Fixed it for you.
Fixed what (and thanks, I think!)?
Wed are living in a time when Earth is coming out of a cooling period. We can and will adapt.

Not without massive difficulty, according to most scientists -

Although efforts underway, such as scaling renewables, are making inroads -

"Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. With record construction of solar and wind in 2023, a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent. 2023 was likely the pivot point, marking peak emissions in the power sector." :)
Is it fair to produce art, specifically music lyrics, in evidence; a question explored by a new documentary.

- As We Speak: Rap Music on Trial, a documentary by J.M. Harper, Emmy-nominated director of jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy, intricately examines the evolution of racist attitudes and actions toward Black music genres that spans centuries, connecting the current legal weaponization of rap music to a long-standing history of Black musical genres being deemed immoral and illegal. -

Has this happened with The Smiths, Morrissey? It could, conceivably. Here's an example of a controversial one.

Fixed what (and thanks, I think!)?

Not without massive difficulty, according to most scientists -

Although efforts underway, such as scaling renewables, are making inroads -

"Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. With record construction of solar and wind in 2023, a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent. 2023 was likely the pivot point, marking peak emissions in the power sector." :)
'Most scientists.' When you understand that science is bought and sold just like every other commodity you'll realize the futility of that statement.

And yeah renewables are working so well some European nations are moving back to nuclear. :lbf: :lbf: :lbf:

Take away govt subsidies and the renewables sector is fooked.
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