It’s not about politics

I’ve never found researching the WEF to be useful. Here’s a tweet that makes a similar case in greater depth:

"The elite would much rather we focus on synthetic meats and support another batch of neoliberal politicians promising to fight the "communist agenda" rather than get to the root of the anti-White agenda in the West, turn on Zionism and collectivise for our interests in a way that can actually take our sovereignty back from the globalist elite who hobnob at Davos."

If there's any anti-white agenda, there is certainly also a anti non-white agenda. Maybe class is a more salient but neglected factor -

All the noise and all the nonsense voices are unbearable.
Not much real hope is offered here, and so far it skirts pandemic doubts, but you might relate to some views and concerns explored -
According to who, can you remind us?

Anyway, here’s a Twitter account doing a great job at exposing sicko Zionists (and in some cases getting them suspended or fired from their jobs). It’s astonishing that the people documented here think they can get away with saying these things without consequences; salivating over genocide while using their real names. They’re not just weirdos sitting in basements either, we’re talking about professionals/business owners/politicians.

Born to beat off.
Why you say that??
Astroturfed campaign that went viral, rejection of Bitcoin, wanting to peg the Argentinian economy to the American dollar. Support for Ukraine/Zelensky.

it was actually David Icke of all people that kinda nailed what I felt/feel was 'off' about Milei:

Astroturfed campaign that went viral, rejection of Bitcoin, wanting to peg the Argentinian economy to the American dollar. Support for Ukraine/Zelensky.

it was actually David Icke of all people that kinda nailed what I felt/feel was 'off' about Milei:

Posting this for my honey bunny because he's not allowed to post anything at the moment!! (teehee)
This is beautiful!!

I know Ireland's full but do you think they'd let a nice 19%-Irish Canadian girl in? It seems like a nice place.
Interesting that the AstraZenaca vaccine was withdrawn worldwide yesterday. Barely reported on the news. So far at least 81 deaths in the UK related to the vaccine, and hundreds more 'damaged' by it. Shocking.

Good. Now let’s get the other vaccines off the market. And teach the current youth and the next generation how to live healthily, so they don’t die of the next flu virus.
Europa geht durch mich :hearteyes: 🇪🇺

Curious. Holocausts are mass murders, perhaps genocides. They were done, and continue to be done, to population groups all around the world. When the BBC went to film the Russians rescuing survivors of concentration camps in 1945, it was their propaganda department that was at the helm. The results were evidently very effective in singling out one monstrous atrocity as worse than all the rest.
The Holocaust was exceptional in world history in terms of its sheer organisation and planning and the numbers exterminated. Socialist-inspired mass murderers have killed much more, of course, but by famine and forced marches etc. not by direct extermination.
There is only one party engaged in genocide in the current conflict and it is Hamas.
Imagine 2 scenarios.
Scenario 1: Israel surrenders. Hands over all its land and its people to Hamas to run a new country called Free Palestine. Every Jew would be slaughtered. Do you doubt that for one second?
Scenario 2: Hamas surrenders. Frees all the remaining hostages. The war would stop.
Who is engaged in genocide here?
The Holocaust was exceptional in world history in terms of its sheer organisation and planning and the numbers exterminated. Socialist-inspired mass murderers have killed much more, of course, but by famine and forced marches etc. not by direct extermination.
There is only one party engaged in genocide in the current conflict and it is Hamas.
Imagine 2 scenarios.
Scenario 1: Israel surrenders. Hands over all its land and its people to Hamas to run a new country called Free Palestine. Every Jew would be slaughtered. Do you doubt that for one second?
Scenario 2: Hamas surrenders. Frees all the remaining hostages. The war would stop.
Who is engaged in genocide here?
World history had already seen industrial-level murders before WWII. The foundations were laid elsewhere, for what was a continuation and extension of methods previously honed elsewhere. Just a few examples among many:

Irish famine -

Concentration camps in Africa during the Boer War 1899-1902 -

Depopulation of the Congo in the early twentieth century -

Those who justify their right to kill must view the deaths of others as less heinous than the slaughter of their own group, but where is the logic there, especially for those also holding a view that animal cruelty in general isn't nice either?
World history had already seen industrial-level murders before WWII. The foundations were laid elsewhere, for what was a continuation and extension of methods previously honed elsewhere. Just a few examples among many:

Irish famine -

Concentration camps in Africa during the Boer War 1899-1902 -

Depopulation of the Congo in the early twentieth century -

Those who justify their right to kill must view the deaths of others as less heinous than the slaughter of their own group, but where is the logic there, especially for those also holding a view that animal cruelty in general isn't nice either?
Jesus, goinghome, that post delves new depths of absurdity. Why is it you are an intelligent and reasonable man, and then on this one topic you go full bat shit crazy? The Irish Famine was not the same as the Holocaust. Cancer is not the same as the Holocaust.
It is really interesting that when the USA and the UK invaded Iraq - and they stopped counting the bodies - the left was not calling it genocide. The left screamed 'illegal war'.
Russia has invaded Ukraine. I don't see the left calling it genocide in Ukraine. I don't see the left marching every week or taking over university campuses to condemn the genocide in China. Or the genocide in Syria. Or the act of genocide that took place on 7th October. Instead, it's Hamas has the right to attack the invader.
The USA and the UK bomb the Houthis. No one shouts genocide.
But when Israel invades Gaza - let's throw the word 'genocide' at them, over and over again, and really rub their Jewish faces in it.
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