How many of us consider Morrissey a 'sex symbol'?

I think he is heartthrobbingly attractive. I should think that the vast majority of people who like his music (and most of those who don't) would agree he is a physically beautiful and very striking looking man.
Morrissey 02
"I'm tormented! If i had the chance to have sex with him..... would i be the catcher or the pitcher?"Your answer is classic!
It's been so interesting to see people's reactions.
Mr. Morrissey is surely a very lucky man.
And I wouldn't have a problem with going out with him either! :D

The age-thing is just totally irrevilant (am I even spelling this right? it's got evil in it!) in my mind.

Who can't say that this creature is just the apitomy of sexiness?!
how many people are attracted to him/would shag/marry him that are not attracted to men?
ie would make an exception for such extreme yummyness
To start off with when I liked The Smiths I was completely unaware of was just 'The Smiths' then when I discovered Morrissey I was quite proud of the fact I could say 'I think Moz is amazing but I don't fancy him!' because most people just assumed I did (because according to my peers I like 'old men and young girls' - I totally don't though, it's just Geldof and a few others) but now I can pretty much say that yes, Moz is a sex symbol and yes he is ravagingly and devastatingly handsome!
sex symbol?! Yes, he is terrible attracktive but i wouldn't say sex symbol... I mean he is a beautiful creature and why he must be something about sex? Sex is very classic for him... Maybe love... But even love isn't enough for him, don't you think? He deserves something more. But what?
Yeah, I'm hearing what you're saying's almost like he's an anti-sex symbol. You know like the way the writer of the sleeve info on The Best of The Smiths refers to him as an anti-anti-hero. (Lou Reed and Iggy Pop being the anti-heros I seem to remember). I'm not saying he's the opposite of a sex symbol as in he's hideous looking but that it's almost like he's incredibly alluring but at the same time it's not all about sex.
Of course Moz is a sex symbol! He is utterly ravishing and even more so up close. In my humble opinion he has only improved with age. And he has certainly upped his game in the old fashion stakes. He is beautiful and very glamourous.
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Gee, the first time I saw him I fell in love with his voice, his words, and with his "presense." Well, as much as a 16 year old girl looking at a television screen can. I thought he was the most beautiful, most handsome man I had ever seen.

Of course he is aging, I would much rather him age as he is then be plumped up with collagen or what ever these men are doing to try to perserve their "youth".

To me sex symbol, lyrical genius, and always in my dreams.
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