Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography"

Oh, my story was just a hypothetical. I must admit that you HAVE gotten me to think about race. Maybe it is time to change the narrative.

Speaking of constructs and race. In Nazi Germany Jews were considered a race for political purposes. This was considered anti-Semitic and thus rejected by the Jews, understandably. But now... some Jews have embraced the idea that they are in fact a race for political reasons to fit the Zionistic narrative. They feel it is anti-Semitic to deny that Jews are a race. Interesting, huh?

"I'm not a Christian and I'm not a Jew," to quote Madonna, so I see the Zionist narrative as an inconvenient fiction that stands in the way of world peace, and it's not surprising. As you say it's a political game of semantics but I don't make it my business to tell groups of people how to define themselves. I do think it's interesting how well-respected and powerful leaders such as Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef defined others, and was still give lavish obituaries which glossed over facts like this:

Rita's death really got to me.
"Oh Rita, I shall catch up with you in the afterlife, and if there is not to be one, then neither of us shall be alert enough to be disappointed."
"I'm not a Christian and I'm not a Jew," to quote Madonna, so I see the Zionist narrative as an inconvenient fiction that stands in the way of world peace, and it's not surprising. As you say it's a political game of semantics but I don't make it my business to tell groups of people how to define themselves. I do think it's interesting how well-respected and powerful leaders such as Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef defined others, and was still give lavish obituaries which glossed over facts like this:


Are you the same anon I have been interacting with or the one that said most Jews self-identify as a race? This is an example of when anonymous posting can be problematic.

Anyhow, I have to agree that people should be able to label themselves. However, remember when it was in vogue to call all black persons African-Americans. I never embraced this for three reasons. First, I felt that unless you were born in Africa, you weren't African. Secondly, is African a nationality, a culture, a race, or even an ethnicity? No, Africa(an) is a continent. Egypt is in Africa. Last time I saw an Egyptian they looked nothing like a black person. And they had a different religion, language, and food-ways, etc. Lastly, not all blacks can trace their ancestral line back to Africa--at least not in recent years. Some hail from Haiti or Jamaica. If we are gonna assign a qualifier to all Americans should I then call myself an English-American because my ancestors were from the UK? It seems absurd. Where do you draw the line? Apparently we all hail from Africa anyhow, as it is believed that the first humans came from that region--not Israel.

Back to the Jewish thing... Sephardic Jews originally came from Spain. They are distinct in many ways from Ashkenazi Jews... and don't carry the Tay-Sachs gene. Are they the same race? They are both Jews by religion and cultural identity. Race does seem to be just a construct used for political purposes. The more I ponder the issue, the more I am becoming convinced this is the case.
"Needless to say, they didn’t make Tomorrow a hit. It emerges in a sleeve on which I languish by a swimming pool reading Variety magazine. In the background is bassist Gary Day, whom I most certainly have nothing against, but I ask that he be chopped off because he looks like a prop. I am told that no one knows how to take him out of the proofs (this is, after all, 1066), and so Gary remains on the sleeve and I feel slightly silly. Art must wait."
"We had traveled with Tim to Berlin to make the girly-gush Pregnant for the last time video, and then to Arizona for the self-damned My love life, where I am seen driving through the streets of suburban Phoenix. In fact, local police will not allow the process of driving whilst being filmed, or filming whilst driving, or breathing whilst living, because the economy turns on permits and taxes and unimaginable local county charges, with the revolving lie that all laws exist only in order to protect someone. The world is not ours. The earth is not ours. The car in the video is therefore hoisted onto an automated platform whereon the camera also sits. With all sense behind me, I grab the wheel and attempt to look natural as I drive at 10 mph on a deserted side street (as one quite naturally would)."
Re: Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography&am p;amp ;am p;quo t;

[/B]If you read the book three times shouldn't you already know this? Me thinks perhaps we caught Brummieboy in a lie.

Yes, I've read it 3 times: which woman? There's more than one. You are both 'me' and 'we'. Well done, Gollum. Now f*** off and read the book and come back when you've decided which female you wish to discuss. Eejit.

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my question to you did you read the book?

yes, 3 times. if you read my comments and had short-term memory, you wouldn't keep asking. have you read it yet? thought not.
Re: Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography&am p;amp ;am p;quo t;

dude, I am done arguing with this shitbag of a human being. I am going on to better things because he twists the words to his own meaning and wants Morrissey to be something that he is no he is angry that he isnt what he thought he was going to say. I am getting tired of this argument with this tosser.

**you are not the shitbag Brummie boy is... ;)

oh, that's a shame. I'll miss our interaction! it was so..'fascinating'. Now, don't change your mind! put me on Ignore.

Your prose is really, really bad. If you're going on to better things, I hope it includes remedial education.

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I think maybe since your number one fan bought his cologne online recently that you aren't exactly laughing at the sad bogus intellectual clowns, but with them. :p

I hope that comment made sense in your interior mental landscape. Do you seriously think I'd bother to try and parse your oblique neural blips?
The weather is a continuously inspired moment, making everyone stretch, whereas the blackboard sky of London makes everyone shrivel and walk with a hump. In England, days bleed into each other without distinction, yet in Los Angeles every single day seems like what it is – a new day.

Arthur tells me that he has been asked to write the music for an upcoming film called Josie and the Pussycats. It’s the kind of taradiddle you will hear non-stop in Los Angeles. If people only spoke of what they had done as opposed to what they were about to do, it would be the most silent city on the face of the earth.

Arthur would never ask me how I was, and he would never make any reference to the fact that I made music. I therefore assumed that he didn’t much care for it, which is not unreasonable, but there was a certain mad-eyed dithering to his countenance that suggested self-imposed brain-damage.

‘You can buy New York Dolls t-shirts at Urban Outfitters for $45,’ he would rage, ‘but why would people do that when they could SLEEP with me for $45?’

I wasn’t cruel enough to explain to him that most people would much rather have the t-shirt.
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Round and round and back to Sweden, where two nights in Karlstad have sold out quickly. The band are edgy and my voice sounds tired, but glances and gestures from the crowd remind you that your time and your life could not be better spent. In Sweden, the front row gets younger and younger, whereas I unfairly get older and older.
Re: Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography&amp ;am p;amp ;am p;quo t;

oh, that's a shame. I'll miss our interaction! it was so..'fascinating'. Now, don't change your mind! put me on Ignore.

Your prose is really, really bad. If you're going on to better things, I hope it includes remedial education.

- - - Updated - - -

I hope that comment made sense in your interior mental landscape. Do you seriously think I'd bother to try and parse your oblique neural blips?

This is the last thing I will post in regards to this individual:
I would agree that the prose as you call it was quite bad – more than likely I was on my mobile and could not edit myself properly, so much for that.

However let’s get back to you…..

From my viewpoint: you are in need of a serious psychological intervention of some kind by a group of your friends or at the very least a mental health evaluation from a licensed professional of your choice that can help you with the issues that have.
Your narcissistic and misogynistic (bend and spread ...really) writing shows that you need to get your manic depressive or schizophrenic thought processes under control before you hurt yourself or someone that you care about.
Secondly, your long winded manifestos about nonsense seem to be a cover up for something lacking in your life. We cannot provide any relief for you here.
Finally, when and if you get your mental health back, I would suggest you take a writing class at a local college to learn how to write properly. Because judging by the way you write no one in the academic world would take you seriously.
That is the honest to God’s truth.
Ladies and gentleman please don’t give any more thought and energy into these poor souls’ delusional ramblings.

Re: Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography&amp ;am p;amp ;am p;quo t;

This is the last thing I will post in regards to this individual:
I would agree that the prose as you call it was quite bad – more than likely I was on my mobile and could not edit myself properly, so much for that.

However let’s get back to you…..

From my viewpoint: you are in need of a serious psychological intervention of some kind by a group of your friends or at the very least a mental health evaluation from a licensed professional of your choice that can help you with the issues that have.
Your narcissistic and misogynistic (bend and spread ...really) writing shows that you need to get your manic depressive or schizophrenic thought processes under control before you hurt yourself or someone that you care about.
Secondly, your long winded manifestos about nonsense seem to be a cover up for something lacking in your life. We cannot provide any relief for you here.
Finally, when and if you get your mental health back, I would suggest you take a writing class at a local college to learn how to write properly. Because judging by the way you write no one in the academic world would take you seriously.
That is the honest to God’s truth.
Ladies and gentleman please don’t give any more thought and energy into these poor souls’ delusional ramblings.

Is this addressed to Morrissey? LOL! 180!

It's what Dr Swells would call a rather long Freudian slip. Now go slip Orson a length and fcuk off. Remember, keep to your rule, don't reply. Put me on ignore and go and cuddle Orson Swells for comfort and cult solidarity.
Re: Favorite Lines or Passages from "Autobiography&amp ;am p;amp ;am p;quo t;

This is the last thing I will post in regards to this individual:
I would agree that the prose as you call it was quite bad – more than likely I was on my mobile and could not edit myself properly, so much for that.

However let’s get back to you…..

From my viewpoint: you are in need of a serious psychological intervention of some kind by a group of your friends or at the very least a mental health evaluation from a licensed professional of your choice that can help you with the issues that have.
Your narcissistic and misogynistic (bend and spread ...really) writing shows that you need to get your manic depressive or schizophrenic thought processes under control before you hurt yourself or someone that you care about.
Secondly, your long winded manifestos about nonsense seem to be a cover up for something lacking in your life. We cannot provide any relief for you here.
Finally, when and if you get your mental health back, I would suggest you take a writing class at a local college to learn how to write properly. Because judging by the way you write no one in the academic world would take you seriously.
That is the honest to God’s truth.
Ladies and gentleman please don’t give any more thought and energy into these poor souls’ delusional ramblings.

ps: Bend and spread? that's what I say to the coppers when they pull me for speeding. I'm not a cuddly queer, I'm one of those angry prison rapist types wot Moz writes Dear Hero Imprisoned stuff to/about.
"It is the song of the unresolved heart, and is so disconnected with sorrow that the sorrow turns in on itself and becomes triumph. Save the last dance for me. Backstage, I drum my fingers through the lyrics, like a stage actor memorizing Macbeth. I am simply waiting my turn."

-page 412, first paragraph
"Linder appears at Caroline Place to tell me that she is pregnant. As the full-stop locks the T in ‘pregnant’, the legs of my bent-wood chair give way and I splat onto the floor. We are both bagged. There can be no composure. Reason is lost for ten full minutes, as Linder and I are unable to look at each other, each fit dying down only to start up again with a further convulsion, and out peals laughter and tears combined. ‘Well,’ I begin, with postgraduate’s calm, and suddenly we are both deranged all over again, painful laughter now causing concern, leakage imminent, sealed-up frenzy running loose."

I was laughing out loud at this part.
My eleventh year brings my becloaked stage debut at the local community center. In the play On Dartmoor, I am Ulrick, a sulky child with a stupid voice. Unseen, I persistently shout down from an imaginary bedroom. The audience laugh, but my father does not. ‘You were very embarrassing’, he tells me, as I appear all-smiles, and my air-balloon collides.
Two years on, at Stretford Stadium I represent the school in the 400 meters dash (of sorts), legs muddied, face wet with rain, I clamber in at fourth place. My father is standing by the finishing-line. As I approach him he says, ‘You didn’t win’, and he looks away, and life decomposes in a bucket. Perhaps I didn’t win but it didn’t help anyone to point it out.

This tells us more about Morrissey than a million statements about his sexuality, etc could ever do.
I can't remember who it was (trying to find who) but he said that he had written her name off his "feel sympathetic for her dead goat" list. Made me chuckle.

"When Neil Aspinall dies in 2008, I think to myself, Well, that's what you get for being so nasty"...Too bloody right! :D

Bowie: (smug bastard Bowie voice, most probably) You know, I've had so much sex and drugs that I can't believe I'm still alive

Morrissey pauses

Morrissey: (loud voice, so everyone can hear) You know, I've had SO LITTLE sex and drugs that I can't believe I'm still alive

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I can't remember who it was (trying to find who) but he said that he had written her name off his "feel sympathetic for her dead goat" list. Made me chuckle.

"Gill Smith and I drive up to Cambridge to see Echobelly, whom I love. Gill’s banger dates back to the Apostles so the journey takes at least five days. ‘I don’t like Sonya’s voice,’ she says, ‘she sounds like a posh bird trying to sound tough.’

‘It would be nice if YOU could occasionally manage to sound like a posh bird instead of Rita Webb,’ I flick back.

The following week Gill writes in her weekly pop column how she ‘went out with Morrissey and no one recognized him – a crisp packet would have caused more attention’, and for this I scrub Gill’s name off my In Sympathy At the Loss of Your Pet Goat list."
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