Copenhagen - Operaen (July 11, 2011) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in. Beware of anonymous set list trolls!

Set List:

First Of The Gang To Die / I Want The One I Can't Have / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Shoplifters Of The World Unite / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / You Have Killed Me / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / You're The One For Me, Fatty / The Kid's A Looker / Action Is My Middle Name / I Know It's Over / Satellite Of Love / Alma Matters / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / People Are The Same Everywhere / Meat is Murder / Speedway / Irish Blood, English Heart // There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

set list provided by @WorldWontListen from, link posted by an anonymous person

Morrissey website owner thrown out of gig - TalkTalk. Link from an anonymous person.
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Screw julia! Who cares about her old ass too! Donate to the homeless & do something worthwhile with your money instead of following morrissey around like a love sick puppy. Pathetic..

So now, in addition to 'telling' Morrissey how to behave (not to mention which musicians to hire, songs to sing, etc), you're also 'telling' Julia how to spend her money...? And yet people are pleading free society/free speech. Some contradiction here surely? The truth of the matter is this: there are a small group of freaks who congregate here who are so severely out of touch with reality that they believe only they have a connection with Morrissey that is deep and personal and therefore only they can guide his career and comment on the ethics of his conduct with any degree of authority. REALITY CHECK: you're wrong. You have filled all the emptiness and lack of meaning in your life with blind Morrissey-worship - which is an entirely different thing to being a passionate fan. Get a sense of proportion for f***'s sake: this is just a website - it has had no influence on Morrissey's career whatsoever and Morrissey owes David absolutely nothing. (And fyi, how do you know that Julia doesn't make donations to charity...? Oh, that would be because you don't actually know her and are jealously resorting to name-calling, yes?)

As for Anonymous posting, it HAS to be disabled. Anyone who argues that "Anonymous" is no different to an invented username is missing the point completely: it's clear that there are people who make intelligent, literate posts in the Forums but then use the cloak of Anonymity on the front page to spew out all their pent-up vitriol. If they were compelled to do so using the same username as their more temperate Moz-related posts in the Forum, I'm certain 99.9% of them would think twice as it would severely undermine the credibility of their on-topic posts. This exactly the same thinking behind the inability to post Anonymously on all kinds of internet forums and it's largely successful. The only time it fails is when people use proxy servers to set up multiple "named" accounts to circumvent the regular policy of one 'IP address = one username'. And of course pretty much every internet forum removes troll posts, so I've no idea why they are allowed to flourish here.
So now, in addition to 'telling' Morrissey how to behave (not to mention which musicians to hire, songs to sing, etc), you're also 'telling' Julia how to spend her money...? And yet people are pleading free society/free speech. Some contradiction here surely? The truth of the matter is this: there are a small group of freaks who congregate here who are so severely out of touch with reality that they believe only they have a connection with Morrissey that is deep and personal and therefore only they can guide his career and comment on the ethics of his conduct with any degree of authority. REALITY CHECK: you're wrong. You have filled all the emptiness and lack of meaning in your life with blind Morrissey-worship - which is an entirely different thing to being a passionate fan. Get a sense of proportion for f***'s sake: this is just a website - it has had no influence on Morrissey's career whatsoever and Morrissey owes David absolutely nothing. (And fyi, how do you know that Julia doesn't make donations to charity...? Oh, that would be because you don't actually know her and are jealously resorting to name-calling, yes?)

As for Anonymous posting, it HAS to be disabled. Anyone who argues that "Anonymous" is no different to an invented username is missing the point completely: it's clear that there are people who make intelligent, literate posts in the Forums but then use the cloak of Anonymity on the front page to spew out all their pent-up vitriol. If they were compelled to do so using the same username as their more temperate Moz-related posts in the Forum, I'm certain 99.9% of them would think twice as it would severely undermine the credibility of their on-topic posts. This exactly the same thinking behind the inability to post Anonymously on all kinds of internet forums and it's largely successful. The only time it fails is when people use proxy servers to set up multiple "named" accounts to circumvent the regular policy of one 'IP address = one username'. And of course pretty much every internet forum removes troll posts, so I've no idea why they are allowed to flourish here.

Troll post. Reason: Anonymous and Combative.
If Morrissey is about anything, he is about fandom and outsiderdom. For him to lash out at his superfans and alienate them if quite paradoxical and certainly would have been unimaginable a few years ago.

You mean Superfans who set up websites that show absolutely no respect to the alleged object of their veneration? Superfans who allow, enable and promote the most despicable and sustained personal attacks which far exceed any notion of 'critical discussion'? Superfans whose supporters seem to be under the chronic delusion that the same Superfan and his website is entirely responsible for Morrissey's career since Maladjusted? Jeez. Get a grip, why don't you?


Will be interesting to see if David T is refused entry tonight should he attend. As it stands I don't have a ticket, so would happily buy him a pint outside should I see him and not get in myself.

Maybe Copenhagen was a mix up? A kick up the backside maybe? Gods knows, seems very strange to me.

It sounds like someone tipped off Morrissey's Security and the rest is history.
Yet another asinine comment by the King of asinine. As if Morrissey was meant for 'normal people!'

If Morrissey is about anything, he is about fandom and outsiderdom. For him to lash out at his superfans and alienate them if quite paradoxical and certainly would have been unimaginable a few years ago.


Think this post sums up a lot of the problems with this site.
The term 'Superfan'. There seems to be a bunch of bitter, twisted people, classing themselves as 'Superfans', about this place who seem to actually 'hate' Morrissey quoted above, in a 'Misery' kind of way.
This tends to express itself through attacks on 'the band', 'Moz's clothes' Moz's opinions' etc etc rather than saying 'he's crap'...or simply walking away and listening to their Joss Stone records or whatever...who knows...

They can't let go so cling on, and appear to get off on the attention, even though the object of their desire detest's does that work then?
Troll post. Reason: Anonymous and Combative.

haha. Nail, head.

They're too stupid to see it though.

Ever watched the film 'Anger Management?' Sandler's character gets tasered for being aggressive during 'a very difficult period for our country.' That's very much how I see the moderators on this site. The abuse of minor authority. The moderators are the least capable of moderating - they are ignorant, uninformed and stale. The only alternative is NO MODERATION. I think that's a better option than bad moderation.
You mean Superfans who set up websites that show absolutely no respect to the alleged object of their veneration? Superfans who allow, enable and promote the most despicable and sustained personal attacks which far exceed any notion of 'critical discussion'? Superfans whose supporters seem to be under the chronic delusion that the same Superfan and his website is entirely responsible for Morrissey's career since Maladjusted? Jeez. Get a grip, why don't you?



I don't know if we're on the same planet but I'll try to address this rant.

"allow, enable and promote the most despicable and sustained personal attacks"

Such as what? Morrissey is generally spoken of with hushed reverence on this site! Just have a look! There are even people defending his actions in ejecting a fan who had probably paid a thousand pounds to see him in Copenhagen. What exactly are these 'sustained personal attacks?' That his band isn't terribly good? That's a fact that everyone can see - press, other musicians, fans - everyone except Morrissey, that is. That Morrissey has behaved erratically recently? He admitted as much - he even apologised for his performance on the Detergent O'Leary show. Throwing out fans is a new low and is entirely contrary to what Morrissey represents.

"under the chronic delusion that the same Superfan and his website is entirely responsible for Morrissey's career since Maladjusted?"

I don't think that's true, but I do think without so-low, his 2004 comeback would have been far less successful. This site kept his star burning and kept his fans interested. It also facilitated his world tours and aired new songs. Morrissey's career speaks for itself - he's a genius and geniuses write their own rules; nonetheless, this site is in part responsible for his Quarry-era commercial rebirth.

Your tone is strangely strident and your brain hasn't quite engaged.

Do you actually think Moz was correct to eject Tseng?

Think this post sums up a lot of the problems with this site.
The term 'Superfan'. There seems to be a bunch of bitter, twisted people, classing themselves as 'Superfans', about this place who seem to actually 'hate' Morrissey quoted above, in a 'Misery' kind of way.
This tends to express itself through attacks on 'the band', 'Moz's clothes' Moz's opinions' etc etc rather than saying 'he's crap'...or simply walking away and listening to their Joss Stone records or whatever...who knows...

They can't let go so cling on, and appear to get off on the attention, even though the object of their desire detest's does that work then?

Haha. You really are full of baloney. That's an unbelievably crass psychology 101 analysis.

So let's get this right. You believe the problem with this site is that there are too many 'superfans!' And the superfans express their hatred for Morrissey by saying he deserves a better band?!

Oh and they'd be better off listening to Joss Stone, rather than pointing out that Jesse Tobias is a rubbish guitarist and cruddy songwriter.

Right. Do let us know next time you pop on to the site to provide vigorous psychoanalytic insights.

New merchandise available now??
So do we know for sure that Morrissey was personally responsible for David being kicked out? As in, did Morrissey give the word to have him removed or was it just security?
I doubt very much the great man would get off his rear to even bother with David . A click of the fingers would do the trick I'm sure. The dirty jobs always get passed down!

How many bodyguards does he have anyway? I've only seen the same guy with him at shows i have managed to get to in Perth and Leeds.

This is all just so ridiculous
Will be interesting to see if David T is refused entry tonight should he attend. As it stands I don't have a ticket, so would happily buy him a pint outside should I see him and not get in myself.

Maybe Copenhagen was a mix up? A kick up the backside maybe? Gods knows, seems very strange to me.

It sounds like someone tipped off Morrissey's Security and the rest is history.

Of course somebody tipped Morrissey's security off, his name is Hugh Clark. Days before this happened he was openly stating on his Facebook page how he knew David was coming to these shows, and how he was going to make sure that he didn't get in. Hardly subtle. Hugh, who the hell do you think you are playing God of Morrissey fandom? It's none of your f***ing business who is going to see a show, so why don't you just mind your own business?

Hugh has been pissing off a great deal of people lately, with his even loonier than normal behaviour, but now he has crossed the line. The worst part is that Hugh has always believed that if he gets real chummy with the crew, somehow that will help get him closer to Morrissey. So I can see how in his pea sized brain, he probably thought he was doing his service to Morrissey when he was grassing up David to the crew. Hugh, it's generally common knowledge that while some members of Morrissey's crew and staff are kind enough to your face, they pretty much regard you as highly as a tampon, and you are kind of a running joke. Think about the next time you are licking Ed or Arturo's arsenal (or whoever it is now), because karma is a bitch.
This is serious business. Why doesn't Morrissey like a website that makes it's living sharing out bootlegs and stealing from the man? Oh gee, I wonder. You guys all take yourselves far too seriously. enjoy :) Hope you lose lots of cash one day in a big lawsuit.
On the topic of over generalizing, I think people over estimate how crucial this site is to Morrissey fans. Informative? Yes. But not crucial. I go to shows, usually alone. I'll have a couple of drinks and usually stand in the back, Bozside. I'm shy until sufficiently buzzed and I strike up conversations with people around me, introduce myself trying to meet people "Hey I'm Crystal Geezer on solo..." I'm no statistician, but 9 times out of 10, the people I talk to don't even know about this site. They heard morrissey was in town, went to ticketmaster and bought a ticket and are quietly enjoying the music. I think sometimes we think our reality is everyones reality, if we post on a morrissey website everyone does. He's not in any danger of alienating fans who have lives and love his music because of this action. I imagine those are the people he's singing for anyway, not the rabid mega fans who think their dedication made his career. There are real people at the gigs. Normal people. :D

One of the best comments in this thread. It's all about Morrisseys music in the end. Not about some fan site where people call each other idiots.
Of course somebody tipped Morrissey's security off, his name is Hugh Clark.

If the name here were that of any of the moderators, we'd see something like "[personal info removed]" in its place.

It seems Hugh, like Paul, will now become an "exception," to use David Tseng's word, to the site's incoherent TOS.
Yes, you are right, there are probably some terms that say a person can be thrown out. I just asked for a valid reason and the security couldn't really give one.

"Returning troll" would have sufficed.

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