Bernard Manning RIP

Jim Davidson is so funny.:eek:The humour I`ve never got is Friends and Will and Grace and all that awful drivel.Oh endless hours of Friends repeats is enough to send me insane.Ok Bernard wasn`t always funny,but I strongly object to anyone who gets offended by "Paki" jokes etc.It seems nowadays everyone is offended by everything.When my last child was in nursery they were not allowed to sing Baa Baa black sheep incase it offended the only coloured child.What utter and dire garbage!!Freedom of speach should exist even for fat bigotted English comediens.He wasn`t a genius just someone who delivered the jokes the people in working mens clubs etc wanted.

Goodness me you do speak some rubbish!!!

How is the term 'paki' not offensive!. I have never met a pakistani who does not find it so.

Yes the whole baa baa black sheep thing is silly. But the golly wog thing is not. People just think it is there Right to offend people.

Further more i don't believe half of the media spin that goes on concerning all the 'PC bridgade rubbish' i.e. banning of christmas decorations etc etc because it offends asians etc

Where i live there ar a number of houses with St George flags outside them (one that is bigger than the house) but no one complains and i live in a very ethinically diverse region.

Bernard manning had some funny jokes don;t get me wrong but he also had a stupid side to him, an ignorant side which showed a lack of respect for others and encouraged racism even if it did not imply it!.
why is it rude?I have to say that I come from a corner of England that has virtually no ethnic minorities.I think there is one muslim child in a 20 mile radius.I have no friends that are not white forgive me if "coloured " is offensive.We are sadly only used to bumpkins and sheep around here.:(

Well ok maybe i retract my last statement after hearing this. It is understandable that you have some prejudice if you are not exposed to diversity. However i think coloured is offensive, are you coloured? what is coloured? are we not all coloured?

You should come down to my part of the country and see how the colours blend!
Of course it is very easy to like him if you are a white, male, straight and able bodied individual. What it would be like to be non of that list and watching him would be different I imagine.

So what you're saying is that you're only offended by racism if you're of a different race, or homophobia if you're gay.
No, I'm saying I would not know how I would feel about it if I was the only white, straight, ablebodied male in a room and someone was doing Bernard style jokes towards me. I've never been in that position to think 'hey it's all a laugh this' or weather to be offended by it.

Two black guys on a bus (cut)
two lesbians walking down the road (cut)
two Jews in a restaurant (cut)
two white men on a train

That sounds incredible. Bolt yourself down , I'll make you laugh some more -
Two women in a car,
three Asians on a skateboard,
five blind men in a lift.

Bolt yourself down, I wasn't laughing at the kind of jokes, it was how they put them all together one after the other, it's something that you didn't see, I did and it was funny.

All Asians are Muslim?
When I was writing that, I thought someone would pick me up on that (well done, you win the prize) but I was quoting the bloke on the radio not using my own words.

If you are a racist then that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion, however at least have the courage of your convictions and come out and say it rather than hiding behind a man using jokes out of Christmas crackers with the word "c***" on the end of them.
Next time I am involved with the 'Lets kick racism out of football' campaign, I'll send you a private message, you can come along and help me hand out the leaflets to fans who then tell me to f*** off and throw it back in my face which makes me more determined that the campaign is very much needed.
The next time the 'Love Music, Hate Racism' festival is on in Manchester, I'll PM you again, and you can help me hand out flyers along Oxford Road and then we can go along afterwards and listen to the music. But only if you're interested.

Jukebox Jury

Great post
I'm no racist I've got a colour TV, was one of Manning's jokes! I like that one. I don't really like the others. But where do you draw the line? Jokes ft various characters (Irish jokes, Welsh jokes, ginger jokes, fat jokes) could be construed as racist. Or just -ist.

I just think everyone should take the pith out of one another regardless.But then that leads to war.

What about Sir Salman Rushdie then? Isn't honouring someone who insulted Muslims just as sick as Manning? Political correctness gone mad. And as for Botham??? The Queen likes to honour weed smokers. MAybe shes on weed too.
Great post

Thank you:)

As for the term 'Paki' I agree totally with you Please.
The word is used as a derogatory term to describe anyone living in the Indian subcontinent, the middle east and north Africa.
There was a row on a local radio station a few years ago, during a cricket game when England were playing Pakistan. One of the commentators refered to the opposition as 'The Pakis' and it all kicked off.
The commentator argued that we say 'The Aussies', 'The Windies' and that Pakistan are 'The Pakis'. He then went on to denounce racism and say he would never use the term to describe anything other than the Pakistan cricket team. He received a slap on the wrist from the radio authorities.

Jukebox Jury
And as for Botham??? The Queen likes to honour weed smokers. MAybe shes on weed too.

Elton John, Paul MucKartney and Mick Jagger have a bit of a druggie past too:eek:
How long will it be before it is 'Arise Sir Pete Doherty':D

Jukebox Jury
How would you feel if someone called you "whitey"? I'm not trying to be rude, but that wouldn't make you feel very good, would it?

Ah but they do!!I have unbelievably pale skin and was called "ghost" at school!!And by your meaning how could Anybody be offended by being called "whitey"?If they are white I mean.I`ve been called "dumpy","titch" as I`m short.Is this ""shortist"?should i be offended?I`ve been called lots of things.If I`m called "babe" or "hun" or "love" i know of a sad woman who thinks this is sexist.!!:eek:I really don`t care what anyone calls me.I have a Pakistani pal who calls himself Paki.If i say it he doesn`t get all offended.I`d have little respect for him if he did.After all its only a shortening of the word.If "coloured" is wrong whats right?The whole world seems to get offended by everything nowadays.If something is said with a malicious tone or in an offensive manner thats one thing.But calling someone "black" "whitey" or coloured isn`t offensive.:(:confused:
Oh and before ANYONE starts carping on about me being racist I`m married to an ethnic Pole(oh my God I shortened the Word "Polish!!).and my children have a quarter of "coloured" blood in them from the other side.
Ah but they do!!I have unbelievably pale skin and was called "ghost" at school!!And by your meaning how could Anybody be offended by being called "whitey"?If they are white I mean.I`ve been called "dumpy","titch" as I`m short.Is this ""shortist"?should i be offended?I`ve been called lots of things.If I`m called "babe" or "hun" or "love" i know of a sad woman who thinks this is sexist.!!:eek:I really don`t care what anyone calls me.I have a Pakistani pal who calls himself Paki.If i say it he doesn`t get all offended.I`d have little respect for him if he did.After all its only a shortening of the word.If "coloured" is wrong whats right?The whole world seems to get offended by everything nowadays.If something is said with a malicious tone or in an offensive manner thats one thing.But calling someone "black" "whitey" or coloured isn`t offensive.:(:confused:

calling someone "whitey" isnt implying they're pale. :rolleyes: and "colored" definitely has very racist connotations. if you didnt know before, fine. but now you do. and you shouldn't use it. my grandfather says "colored" cuz he was brought up in the FORTIES, and I'm always reminding him not to say it.
Ah but they do!!I have unbelievably pale skin and was called "ghost" at school!!And by your meaning how could Anybody be offended by being called "whitey"?If they are white I mean.I`ve been called "dumpy","titch" as I`m short.Is this ""shortist"?should i be offended?I`ve been called lots of things.If I`m called "babe" or "hun" or "love" i know of a sad woman who thinks this is sexist.!! I really don`t care what anyone calls me.I have a Pakistani pal who calls himself Paki.If i say it he doesn`t get all offended.I`d have little respect for him if he did.After all its only a shortening of the word.If "coloured" is wrong whats right?The whole world seems to get offended by everything nowadays.If something is said with a malicious tone or in an offensive manner thats one thing.But calling someone "black" "whitey" or coloured isn`t offensive:

:eek: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are the most racist person ever on solo, I demand that you retract your racist statements or I shall file a complaint with the mods :mad:

(That's how a PC Liberal would react to your post, you gotta be careful nowdays.) ;)

I personally get what you're saying about how the whole world gets offended by everything these days.......... i don't like the many double standars used either.... like for example it's incredibly wrong to say "coloured" when refering to a black person but when it's a hispanic, they'll right our call that person a Mexican on tv, over and over all day..... or they'll call gays - fags, queens, queers, homos... etc :rolleyes: to me it's all good, I don't like people telling me what I can or cannot say, I really don't need to be told by anyone.... I'm not a racist so I already know what's right and what's wrong. The Politically Correct crowd needs to either, fully live by their near-impossible standards or just STFU! ANd I mean that as a whole.... not anyone in particular.
Oh my aren't the morale high horsers leftists out in force. Bernards shows were full of people from all ethnic backgrounds laughing at themselves and at each other and this is how it should be. If you get easily offended, you didn't go and see him, simple.
Elton John, Paul MucKartney and Mick Jagger have a bit of a druggie past too:eek:
How long will it be before it is 'Arise Sir Pete Doherty':D

Jukebox Jury

The first three all had some degree of talent, something Mr. Doherty has been clearly deprived of since birth :o
The first three all had some degree of talent, something Mr. Doherty has been clearly deprived of since birth :o

the more i read things like this from you, you more i like you:)

that was funny:D
Re: Bernard Manning Dead

I found it funny that the RIP thread for Bernard Manning was started by a person whose name on here is 'Young and Alive'......:D...(Sorry:o)
either.... like for example it's incredibly wrong to say "coloured" when refering to a black person but when it's a hispanic, they'll right our call that person a Mexican on tv, over and over all day

I HATE when Hispanic people are called "Mexicans"! That has always bothered me to no end. :mad: But I get what you are saying, DAnn, about everyone saying their own's just that some people take it a little too far.
“Where is he? How are you, baby? Having a night out with nice people? Isn’t this better than swinging from the trees? – You’re black, I’m white. Do you think colour makes a difference? You bet your bollocks it does!”

“They actually think they’re English because they are born here. That means if a dog’s born in a stable, it is horse.”

“They used to be happy people in the cotton fields, singing their bollocks off day and night. A fella used to go around with a whip… ‘Oh, massa, give us another crack of dat whip. I love dat whip’…”

“A Liverpool docker went to South Africa for a job. The boss tells him: ‘It’s people like you we want here. Here’s a test. There’s a revolver, go out and shoot 6 niggers and a rabbit.’ The docker asks: ‘Why do I have to shoot the rabbit?’ He got the job.”

"Good night - and keep your friends white"

This is what you are defending.
Oh and before ANYONE starts carping on about me being racist I`m married to an ethnic Pole(oh my God I shortened the Word "Polish!!).and my children have a quarter of "coloured" blood in them from the other side.

oh well you can;t be a racist then can you? :rolleyes:
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