Strange/unexpected Moz references?

Today's BBC 6 Music Steve Lamacq show is asking listeners to submit song titles with "ME" to swap Morrissey. :D

For example, Housemartins' Me and The Farmer ---> Morrissey and The Farmer
Limbaugh, Morrissey, Perry: The dumbest political quotes of the week

Each week, the Daily Caller picks the dumbest political statements and ranks them (just for Yahoo! readers) on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the worst). Who do you think said the dumbest thing? Vote in our poll below!

Erstwhile Smith’s crooner Morrissey is best known for his moody/fabulous 80s tunes, but he also apparently has some passionate views about worldwide politics. Last Friday, he told Juice Online that he thinks the British royal family is "the most overpaid and most utterly useless people on the planet.”

And when it came to the American president, Morrissey’s ridicule was less-pointed, and much stranger. He called President Barack Obama “simply a set of teeth, and useless in every other regard."

Not to split hairs, but Obama is more than a set of teeth, seeing as he also has a torso, arms and legs. It’s a fact!

Cringe Factor: 3/5
Morrissey Makes Daily Caller

Morrissey has made the Daily Caller's "Dumbest Political Quotes of the Week," which is currently a Top Story (on the front page) on Yahoo! in the U.S.

Erstwhile Smith’s crooner Morrissey is best known for his moody/fabulous 80s tunes, but he also apparently has some passionate views about worldwide politics. Last Friday, he told Juice Online that he thinks the British royal family is "the most overpaid and most utterly useless people on the planet.”

And when it came to the American president, Morrissey’s ridicule was less-pointed, and much stranger. He called President Barack Obama “simply a set of teeth, and useless in every other regard."

Not to split hairs, but Obama is more than a set of teeth, seeing as he also has a torso, arms and legs. It’s a fact!

Cringe Factor: 3/5​
Re: Morrissey Makes Daily Caller

Patton Oswalt made a few gentle jabs at Morrissey in tweet form yesterday. Four, actually.

(I hate when people I love make fun of him. It wasn't harsh though.)

Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
"I'm not brooding, I'm sulking." -- dialogue from my unsold sitcom, WHAT'S WRONG NOW, MORRISSEY?

Patton Oswalt ‏@pattonoswalt
"This toast hates me." -- dialogue from my unsold sitcom, WHAT'S WRONG NOW, MORRISSEY?

Patton Oswalt ‏@pattonoswalt
"These birthday candles are making me sad." -- dialogue from my unsold sitcom, WHAT'S WRONG NOW, MORRISSEY?

Patton Oswalt ‏@pattonoswalt
"I don't like plates." -- dialogue from my unsold sitcom, WHAT'S WRONG NOW, MORRISSEY?
Re: Morrissey Makes Daily Caller

"The Queen is Dead" merited a brief mention just now in "The Royal History of Pop". Oddly enough David Quantick was brought in to offer Moz a bit of praise - bizarre considering that his love/hate obsession with Moz borders on the pathological and that he was responsible for that notorious Word article calling him a fat, washed-up racist hypocrite, among other things :rolleyes:
Re: Morrissey Makes Daily Caller

Kristan Higgins and Ruthie Knox revisit the '8os

Take it away, Ruthie and Kristan ...
RK: Hold on, Kristan, I'm not ready for this yet. I'm still trying to find my Pet Shop Boys CD ... *rustles* ... oh, wait. Here. Depeche Mode will do, right?
KH: I was thinking The Smiths, but that Morrissey ... he's so moody. Get a job and move out of your parents' basement, Morrissey!
RK: I used to have a shirt with Morrissey's face on it. Because yes, I was that sort of teenager. But these days, I prefer something more upbeat. Walking on Sunshine?
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First Joey Barton, now Rayne Wooney!

It seems the Granny shagging, wife cheating, cheeky chappy loveable Scouse Scallywag - Rayne Wooney (English footballer, plays for the trophy free team in Manchester), has got Colleen to grow her pubes a little longer, before having them transplanted on his head.

And the MEN gets the award for most ridiculous headline of the year.
burlesque coronation street live morrissey new album poster sport strips the smiths
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