
  1. baltimoz

    Band Is In Baltimore

    The Band is in Baltimore, as is His personal bus. I didn’t see Moz, but the band looks great.
  2. TheSmithsForever

    Johnny Marr and Morrissey (Mashup)

    Hi there, What would happen if Morrissey popped up from backstage and snatched Johnny Marr's microphone while he was playing with his band? A bit of fantasy, a bit of tinkering and a lot of imperfect AI technology to illustrate this, with tracks played live by Johnny Marr, whose voice is...
  3. swinzor

    Looking for: Hand In Glove (Ampex Reel to Reel / Strawberry Studio Mix) Version

    So...i've seen a post on Instagram showing the Ampex of this track (shown in image), and i don't know if it has any differences from the original mix, anyways, if someone here could drop it, i'd be very thankful :praying:
  4. swinzor

    How Soon Is Now? UK buzz #004 (download)

    The Smiths - How Soon Is Now? UK Buzz #004 From the UK Buzz vinyl collection This is a rare version of this song, and very few know about it. It starts with a radio dialogue. The song itself is just a shorter version of the official one. DOWNLOAD MP3...
  5. swinzor

    The Smiths - Acid Head (unofficial 7" LP bootleg - remastered for good & DL)

    The Smiths - ACID HEAD (Unofficial 7" LP Bootleg) Not directly taken from the bootleg (Sadly). TRACKLIST: A1 - Half A Person (John Peel Session) A2 - Cemetry Gates (Live at the National Kilburn) B1 - I Know It's Over (Live at the National Kilburn) I couldn't get my hands in one "real" copy of...
  6. swinzor

    Looking for: Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (mispressed A1/B1 version longer song) (reference link) A link to what it basically is (vinyl) (just in case) So i don't seem to find any online track of this version. Ebay's post description: "This is the ULTRA RARE first Press that was quickly withdrawn as the title track although on label...
  7. obscenelydolled

    HD deepdive

    still to this day wondering who's mammary glands morrissey wanted to get his hands on
  8. S

    Morrissey in Melbourne

    Any sightings of him down under yet? Anxiously waiting to see him on Monday night… let’s see
  9. Famous when dead

    Pic of Morrissey and photographer Ryan Lowry at the Langston Hughes House, New York

    Original photo of Morrissey and Ryan Lowry at the Langston Hughes House by @timothyoconnell_ from ryanlowry / Instagram. Link posted by 1paranoidandroid.
  10. Dazza

    The Smiths abortive attempt to continue (1987)

    Evening - hope we're good. I was musing about this period earlier, rattling through a few possibilities and wondered what some of you thought of the post-Strangeways attempts to essentially replace Johnny Marr and continue under the Smiths name. My understanding is that it lasted a matter of a...
  11. Dazza

    Kill Uncle and Southpaw Grammar - what ifs

    Hiya - hope we're good. I've put these two albums together in the title as they seem to be regarded (in my view not altogether wrongly) as sort of 'career stopping' albums for Moz. Many of us have great affection for both Your Arsenal (probably his most consistent and complete album IMO) and I...
  12. Dazza

    Morrissey and love, relationships etc...

    Evening - I've no wish to turn this into a gossipy type thread, but wanted to make an observation and see what people thought. There are of course 'gaps' in Moz's history in this area and I don't think we know everything, nor have we any natural right to. His private business is entirely that...
  13. A

    "The sun shines out of our behinds" a YouTube series on The Smiths

  14. R

    FS: Smiths VTG Hatful of Hollow US Tour Shirt XS/S

    VINTAGE 80S THE SMITHS HATFUL OF HOLLOW TOUR T-SHIRT 1984 JERZEES SCREEN STARS SMALL/EXTRA SMALL Real-deal, of-the-period vintage 80s tour t shirt for The Smiths' Hatful of Hollow release. US tour t-shirt. Likely Jerzees or Screen Stars. 50/50 cotton-poly blend. Extra small or small. Shirt...
  15. C

    Crowley the cat killer

    "This story about Aleister Crowley aged 14 killing a cat "to see if it had nine lives" "Reference page 30 Colin Wilson's The Nature of the Beast The Aquarian Press" "I remember that all the time I was genuinely sorry for the animal; I simply forced myself to carry out the experiment in the...
  16. The Sense Of Doubt

    On sale: The Smiths & Morrissey print bundle

    On Sale: The Smiths & Morrissey print bundle >
  17. marred

    What is your Morrissey vs The Smiths listening ratio?

    I was just thinking that across the car, my computer and the turntable I listen to Morrissey a lot more than I do The Smiths. This has nothing to do with liking The Smiths less than Morrissey but more to do with what I grew up listening to. The first time I heard Education In Reverse (Viva Hate)...
  18. cameronk

    Piccadilly Palare master tape video

    I got a copy of Bona Drag (both A-side and B-side) on reel-to-reel tape. While it is not THE master tape, which I'm assuming is held in Abbey Road or wherever else the original 1990s Morrissey tapes are located, it is a generational master copy from a pressing plant that used it to press records...
  19. SuedeMoz

    Poll What's the reason for recording a new album when BOT's release is still uncertain?

    As an outsider it seems an odd choice to record a new album, Without Music The World Dies (WMTWD) when BOT is still not released (and with no official release date announced). Further, it was stated: "There is no record label as yet for the project, and ways to attain global distribution are...
  20. Mozagoth!

    Thoughts on the 2017 Mozza biopic 'England Is Mine?'

    Thoughts on the film? Personally, I thought it was pretty bad, and that seems to be the general consensus, though I have seen some very positive reviews, too. I can't say I've read Morrissey's auto-biography yet so I can't vouch for the factual...
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