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  • D
    DAVIE is a bit annoyed and he has to work weekends in a new clothing store and the missus isn't happy because of the "working weekends"...grr!
    Yes, hopefully the next family will be better. I've found a new family from july. 3 girl; 5 years, 3 years and 8 months. The family seems lovely and the mum is swedish. So hopefully that family is better. I just can't stand the mum in the family I'm with now. She's a paranoid, neurotic bitch!
    Oh, what did you buy at ikea? I'm well thanks, a bit frustrated, really sick and tired about the family I'm with now. But only 2 months left thank god.
    Hello - how are you doing?

    Not been on the forum - or the other forum - for ages, didn't realise how long it had been.

    I was especially thinking of you because I was going over a layout I had done and making a note of the fonts I had used. Century Gothic is my favourite so I had a list on my notepad saying 'CG', 'CG', 'CG' over and over again....random, I know, but there you go!

    Looks like I came back to the forums just in time, I usually always miss tour dates and have to buy off Ebay. Bit crap that he's not announced any US dates yet - I hope he does soon.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello x
    I called you (mistress) instead...hope you don't mind :D
    Yeyy....your not (possible sister) anymore....I have a better role for you!
    :O You weren't! I'm very happy your my friend...I edited it for the fourth time, just now...I did it for comic value :p
    I always miss people off my best friends list....It's hard creating a list of people you despise and people you love!!
    I actually redid it before we spoke :p
    Yay! God absolutely exhausted, I've got the swine flu, I don't do anything but still I'm to tired to even get out of bed.
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