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  • I don't think I realized how drunk I was. I drank ALL the lager then had some cocktails. Not mixed my drinks that much since I was about 16!
    Lol! Lager is like the complete opposite of cider!! Give it to someone else and get yourself a birthday cider!!! :D
    Awww, I love Century Gothic. :sweet: Thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing okay. Just okay but nothingto complain about that I can physically point to which is good I guess. Good to hear from you. :)
    Awww, I love Century Gothic. :sweet: Thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing okay. Just okay but nothingto complain about that I can physically point to which is good I guess. Good to hear from you. :)
    i think I can live with the guilt. if you search amazon its the one that was released last year, (august i think) and it looks like theyve cleaned it up abit cause the video set and the first dvd releases were very fuzzy apparantly. ive waited a LONG time to get my hands on this. no better way to spend a snowed in day :)
    Well the birthday money I got that I should save towards the next tour, i spent on the DVD set of the J Brett Holmes series's. (amazon have it for £20!!) and i'm blaming you!
    lol xx
    aww dont, those signed drag thingies appeared on the ONE DAY my laptop wasnt working.. (waiting for new battery, it has a fit with just the power supply oddly!) and at the exact time idve been online checking the Moz stuff.. I had about a zillion excited messages, which of course i saw the NEXT day. I cried.
    haha, i dont have contact with my family, so i doubt it. i'll finally get my mitts on the new Bona drag, cant wait to get Lifeguard On Duty on to my mp3.
    oh and the boyf is making me nutty chocolate brownies as a cake. (not a big cake fan) mmmmm
    No, it was standing all day at a wedding in flats on concrete. It may have been when I lifted a 50+ pound cupcake tree off a table and heaved it into a sink to wash. :squiffy: The pain didn't turn up until the next day though.

    Hey it's raining here too! ANd I have to walk my dog too, though I'm not sure if he;s getting stroppy since I have no idea what that means. :p

    Honestly Jenn, I was so touched that you asked me if I'd like you to send the article. I have a way of black sheeping myself by being odd, I was so happy that somebody cared enough to send me the article that I gave you a bit of what I do best and love, cutting paper. You are too kind. Don't change.
    Also I look at your magnet everytime I open the fridge. Just yesterday I did and thought "What would Morrissey do?" and my sister put a bottle of Aleve on the counter for me because I threw my back out. The anagram of Aleve is "Leave" and I thought, "That's EXACTLY what Morrissey would do if he didn't like a situation." :p
    I was near the front for Calexico who opened, a super mellow band, standing next to an irritating drunk girl who insisted on bouncing up and down constantly and yelling WOOOOOO no matter how slow the song was. So we moved after their set and were thankful too because where we moved to (there were no bad seats at the venue) you could tell the place where we were was CRAZY moshpit and crowd surfers and all that. I'm getting too old for insanity crowd. :p SO in a way irritating WOOOO girl was a blessing in disguise. :D
    I went to see Arcarde Fire and Calexico on my birthday in England, but the day before my birthday in American and the show was AMAZINGGGGGGGG!!!!!!

    Hey did you get your package yet? :D
    No problem. It is, and very moving and thought-provoking. I'd like to see A Single Man at some point too, but so much to do, so little time etc.
    Thanks for the add. :) This is irrelevant to your actual username as that's probably taken from 'Reader Meet Author', but have you ever seen the film The Reader? It's really rather good, and your username reminded me of it. :thumb:
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