Why is Southpaw Grammar so underrated??



Man,is that not like one of morrissey's best albums that just doesn't get any press? I totally dig dagenham dave and the like. I just can't understand it.I also think world of morrissey is tremendous as well.vauxhall I'd throw in the mix too,too much good music,not enough press.
I agree! Southpaw Grammar is a hot listen.

I agree. It's in the top 3. I laugh when I read Moz fans say they hate it. It didn't get really bad music critic reviews(not that they really know anything). Come on...listen to Southpaw. Give it a fair shake. The cd is solid to say the least. In Morrissey "circles" it's almost like it doesn't even exist. I mean I love the live versions of the songs from KILL UNCLE, but the actual cd itself rarely gets any playing time in my walkman or my car. I'm sure many Moz fans don't even really consider it a Moz cd.

> Man,is that not like one of morrissey's best albums that just
> doesn't get any press? I totally dig dagenham dave and the like.
> I just can't understand it.I also think world of morrissey is
> tremendous as well.vauxhall I'd throw in the mix too,too much
> good music,not enough press.
> Man,is that not like one of morrissey's best albums that just
> doesn't get any press? I totally dig dagenham dave and the like.
> I just can't understand it.

I'll never understand it either, except I suppose it's
always the risk an artist takes when they try something
different. Although I don't really care for Dagenham Dave.
It's not a horrible song, but the other tracks are much

The only force in the music press that I've seen stand
up for the album was Alternative Press. Which was nice,
because that also happens to be the best music magazine
around...or at least it was back when I was a subscriber.
I don't keep up on such things any more.

>I also think world of morrissey is
> tremendous as well.

It's a good listen, sure, but I wouldn't call it "tremendous,"
mostly because it was songs we have elsewhere.

>vauxhall I'd throw in the mix too,too much
> good music,not enough press.

That's maybe my favorite album by anyone ever. I have mulitple
copies of it, because I like to listen to it so much I need
to have a copy of it near me at all times.
Re: I agree! Southpaw Grammar is a hot listen.

> In Morrissey "circles" it's almost like it doesn't even
> exist.

There are many Morrissey fans you dig the album, and they
all think they're the only ones who do. Sure, there are
lots of Moz fans who dismiss it, but don't think you're

I like the way Morrissey solo albums are distinct from
each other while still being distinctively Morrissey.
> The only force in the music press that I've seen stand
> up for the album was Alternative Press. Which was nice,
> because that also happens to be the best music magazine
> around...or at least it was back when I was a subscriber.
> I don't keep up on such things any more.

In the UK, Q gave "Southpaw" a good review. (4 stars, I think) and everyone else slagged it off. But I agreee, it's a great album. I don't really even consider "World Of Morrissey" a Morrissey album. There was far too much overlap with easily available material. Probably a good budget price introduction, but pretty far down my list. Why they put the live version of "Jack the Ripper" on it, rather than the rarer (and better) studio version, is a mystery to me.

I think it's a "fans album" .... not really taken to by the general public, not much critical praise, but beloved by a small few. I listen to it a lot more than, say "Kill Uncle".
> Man,is that not like one of morrissey's best albums that just
> doesn't get any press? I totally dig dagenham dave and the like.
> I just can't understand it.I also think world of morrissey is
> tremendous as well.vauxhall I'd throw in the mix too,too much
> good music,not enough press.

Say what you will, it is still the weakest of Morriseys solo work.. And I am sorry, but 'Dagenham Dave' is guilty of one of the most boring repetitive outro's ever.. that I just find so charmless.. But I am not criticing you.. each to their own.. but the best thing abaout Dag Dave s the cheeky Terry Venables picture on the cover!!

Just listen to how many 'Southpaw' songs are played live.. and that will give you an idea of how well even Morrissey probably rates it..

..apart from Reader Meets Author which is a great song and stands up there with some of the best....
Vauxhall and I was a number one album in Great Britain, so that's hardly underrated. By far, IMO, his best album, it also includes his finest moment - 'Now my heart is full' which is just incredible.

Southpaw is a rag-tag badly-packaged collection of half-baked naffly produced little ditties that, at best, should have been demos. It looks, and sounds, like a horrible bootleg.

And World of Morrissey is nothing more than a 'Best of'. ....'extra tracks and a tacky badge.....'
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