Which social networking site do you prefer?

myspace is for kids, white trash and ghetto folks.
facebook is for everyone else.

myspace has too much crap, too many flashy images, too many people that can't spell and it's doing everything it can to be more like facebook.

suck it myspace.. you're old news!
MySpace is good for music.:thumb:
^This. I also like the fact that you can customize it and make it your own. The interface is 10x easier and more visually appealing than Facebook (on a well designed site).

Facebook is good for.....erm.....
quizzes. mayhem. silliness.
And constantly-revolving (and sometimes interesting) content, for those of us who are easily bored.
bebo's for chavs bbe init

myspace is good for music

facebook is for old people who can't spell for shit, who make me cringe whenever they put 'lol'

my aunt spoke to me on facebook chat, and said 'lmao'

bebo's for chavs bbe init

myspace is good for music

facebook is for old people who can't spell for shit, who make me cringe whenever they put 'lol'

my aunt spoke to me on facebook chat, and said 'lmao'


First rule of Facebook:
No parents or blood relatives of their age allowed! :p
I like Flickr and Twitter.
Flickr for my photography and Twitter to have quick chats with friends :)

I have Facebook and Myspace account but actually hate both.

I also like Last.Fm and Blip.fm if that counts.
Hate them all, I've not logged into any of them for about a month. I did go through a facebook poker phase a while ago. I've been threatening to close my facebook and bebo accounts for ages, I might go and do it. I might take up letter writing as a retro stance against them. Is Rab Mackie still about these days?
I like Flickr and Twitter.
Flickr for my photography and Twitter to have quick chats with friends :)

I have Facebook and Myspace account but actually hate both.

I also like Last.Fm and Blip.fm if that counts.

Oooh, Flickr!!! I LOVE that site.

But Twitter annoys me. I'll never be a tweeter.

I miss letter writing. I used to write a lot of letters. *sigh*
Still, nothing beats the convenience and control you have when communicating via e-mail, etc.
Facebook (from Sarkozyian French "fesse bouc") is a highly modified MySpace profile and advertising medium used regularly by the government and Universities and colleges to spy on society and prospective students, and a mutation of the LiveJournal virus that infects people who consider themselves "way too cool" to have a Myspace. Its precise origins are unknown, but it has been hypothesized that the Facebook mutation occurred after the LiveJournal virus was exposed to a form of delta-radiation known as Internet pretension. Its initial spreading is attributed to the American Stalker's Union. It is mainly intended for clinically depressed teenage wanabees, people who think acting like G's is cool, and co-morbidity with the MySpace virus is fairly consistent. Facebook is also one of the leading causes of many STDs. Facebook is generally defended as "Just a way to keep in touch" - undoubtedly a reference to touching oneself while "investigating" pictures from last night's party in which people who were cooler and prettier than you had a good time.
I have a Face Book much to my daughters embarrassment.:D
The label 'social networking site' is misleading. They are extremely helpful for severing ties.

I have, say, three friends on both facebook and myspace, and they seldom talk to me.
I hate them all. Facebook is a load of shite. The hatred for it stems mainly from peoples' status updates such as; 'just got out the bath lol', 'am starvin myt go de chippy for sum scran, pmsl', 'y r ppl such nobeds', 'so wat if am 14 with twins, 2mny h8ers out ther!' etc. Too many gobshites to delete, couldn't be bothered with it. And I'm convinced some peoples' motivation to go on a night out is solely to add the 'crazy' photos to fb to make it seem like they have a life. Myspace is worse and bebo can feck off.

Legendary post.:thumb:
The label 'social networking site' is misleading. They are extremely helpful for severing ties.

I have, say, three friends on both facebook and myspace, and they seldom talk to me.

Psh. I talk to you on BOTH facebook and myspace. I was talking to our mutual Honduran last night about you, actually.
Legendary post.:thumb:

Ha! I agree :lbf:

I'd probably post more of my every waking moments on FB if it were just, say, solo people I was talking to. I always have to consider my audience. Quite the mishmash of people. My Mom thinks I'm on it too much as it is (I'm not) and how does she know this? Because she's on it, too. :rolleyes::crazy:

I'm not one to start many conversations there, I prefer to chime into others.
cheer up emokid do tom! glitter myfriendtom myspaceisgay
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