Thoughts on the single?



Seems everyone is talking about DGPHM, and isnt so complimentary about what theyve heard of the single.

On the download there only seems to be about a minute of it, but what are everyones thoughts nonetheless?

I think the band sound really good and it's catchy, in a way it's sort of difficult to relate to the lyrics, whereas with Irish Blood, English Heart, and a lot of his other singles, you could see where he was coming from and felt it struck a chord with your own feelings too, at times. This doesnt seem the same, but it is very catchy and I think it will do well in the charts.
Yeah, I like it a lot! Very catchy and familiar sounding. I actually like it more than Irish Blood English Heart!
Hard to tell.

Can't quite get a feel for the whole song without a second chorus or an interlude or an outro or whatever else the track may feature.

But I agree with you, these are not "single lyrics". The average person does not know Pasolini and will not bother to Google him. They are almost completely unrelatable and can't be enjoyed the way that Irish Blood English Heart (and I'm an American!) and First of the Gang to Die were.

Regardless, we haven't heard the full track so I reserve total judgement until then.
Re: Hard to tell.

> Can't quite get a feel for the whole song without a second chorus or an
> interlude or an outro or whatever else the track may feature.

If you are using iTunes, you can listen to the whole thing (minus the last chorus/outro, etc...) if you watch it until it stops and play it again from that point.
Re: Hard to tell.

Isn't it great that there's going to be a song in the charts with lyrics like that though? I think it's brilliant!
Re: Hard to tell.

> If you are using iTunes, you can listen to the whole thing (minus the last
> chorus/outro, etc...) if you watch it until it stops and play it again
> from that point.

Thought that at first, but it still stops at the same point, after 'you'll, never be'
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