My thoughts on ROTT

  • Thread starter Springheeledjim84
  • Start date


Contradictory reports had me worried, many claiming it was Morrissey's "Rockiest yet" giving me visions of a lesser version of his 1995 eight track album Southpaw Grammar - many would claim Morrissey couldn't go any lower than that album, I personally think its grand. Others, Morrissey mainly said it was his "serene (est) collection of songs" and that it was influenced by Rome - now this got me excited - dreams of songs on the same level of Late Night, Maudlin Street, I know its over and I've changed my plea to Guilty. Then the reports came in stating that famed producer Tony Visconti (Bowie, T.Rex Fame) was to produce with Ennio Morricone at the orchestration helm - with that I had had hopes for the album.
This is a work of art - one of his best albums ever - and yes it requires more listens than You are the Quarry.
Lush orchestration, amazingly produced - Morrissey sounds so empassioned and the songs are so immediate and emotional. The mans genius remains intact, his fans singing praises and Artic Monkeys fans riled by his comments - ahhhhhhhh all is well in the world of Morrissey!

The tone of this album is very different from any of Morrissey's back catalogue - more sexually explicit than ever and fuelling those gay rumours once more. Musically, its also somewhat of a departure - yes the cutting, sarcastic passionatic lyrics stay - but then there are the voice samplings akin to Vauxhall and I's and a savagely alive arrangement - gone is the cold sterility of You are the Quarry and here we have a warm, elaborate, tender piece of work.

Dear God please help me is one of his best tracks - EVER!! With an affecting Morrissey, his voice cracking with emotion "the heart feels free" - my heart feels like its going to fail!!! Immense - well done Moz. 10/10
Life is a pigsty truly is the centrepiece of the album - with the proclamation "Even now, in the final hour of my life, im falling in love again" this is one of the loveliest and most affecting moments of his entire career. Stunning and remarkable - Morrissey, you should be proud.

This album is almost epic with the presence of Morricone and Visconti - wise move Morrissey getting those two at the helm. Rome seems to agree with him, and its inspiration is apparent here - gone are the tales of Mexican gangs and here we have tales of walking through lonely streets in Rome seeking answers from god, and songs oozing with emotional conviction. Now what I find is that with the right inspiration and people behind him - Morrissey can come up with something quite remararkable. It worry's me that Morricone and Visconti are not going to be there for the next album and Moz is going to rely on the inspiration from Boz Boorer etc. As fantastic as these guys are - I feel Morrissey has to branch out - find some new people to play with - people that will inspire him to make interesting, challenging music again - because the last thing I want when it seems Morrissey is at the height of his powers, is to release something along the lines of Kill Uncle which was pelted by the critics - he needs to follow with something just as good as ringleader;

This album is clearly the best thing Morrissey has done since Vauxhall and I and I think a bit better than Your Arsenal or anything else from his solo catalogue.
1. Vauxhall and I
2. Ringleader of the Tormentors
3. Your Arsenal
I truly cannot wait to see the Morrissey Live again - working himself and the audience into and emotional frenzy and reassuring everyone that his legend status in intact - The Grand Dame lives one -


Thank you.
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