SO who was the top stalker of 2000!!

moz_head_2001 has my vote! oh, and that anita girl (i believe her screen name is unloveable and her friend who went to meet morrissey at his house on his b-day also gets my vote)
yeah, those chics are pathetic!

they claim they were just "driving by"? please! Moz lives on a dead end cul-de-sac on a upward hill!!! you have to be going out of your way to get to it! He has no choice, if he was to walk out of his home, but to "meet" anyone who is outside his door! I think these chics that think that its cool to ram themselves into him and his home are pathetic. they say "he was cool with it", but does he even have a decent chance to not be cool?? he has to "meet" them and snap all those tacky pictures of them and their kids and him signing stuff. ugh! if i had to deal with that even 1 day out of the year, i'd want to jump out of a window!

> moz_head_2001 has my vote! oh, and that anita girl (i believe
> her screen name is unloveable and her friend who went to meet
> morrissey at his house on his b-day also gets my vote)
"I'd like to thank my family, my friends, and everyone who supported me to get this far!"

> Moz lives on a dead end cul-de-sac on a upward hill!!!

How do you know, you mad stalker type person you!!

I sellotape crisp packets to myself and hide in his bins.

Hello little miss BARRY GEORGE

Greetinsg from the smog pit !!

> How do you know, you mad stalker type person you!!

> I sellotape crisp packets to myself and hide in his bins.

> LMC x

> Greetinsg from the smog pit !!

Do you think Barry George did it? I have an ever-increasing feeling that he didn't..

Re: "I'd like to thank my family, my friends, and everyone who supported me to get this far!"

im his mailman!
All barrys,BAZZers are guilty!!!

No i dont think he did it because it seems he was a bumbling idiot and i reckon a hitman done it but theres a Barry in every road in england.

But he deserves to rot in hell for being a QUEEN fan 80)

Bring back the BIRCH!!!!!

> Do you think Barry George did it? I have an ever-increasing
> feeling that he didn't..

> LMC x
Re: All barrys,BAZZers are guilty!!!

> But he deserves to rot in hell for being a QUEEN fan 80)

Yes! I wholeheartedly agree!

Re: All barrys,BAZZers are guilty!!!

Wail! We know of one BAZ who should be given a title, a stately home, a pile of cash and a generous yearly allowance for services to singing and all-round fabness. Don't we, LMC?

Re: All barrys,BAZZers are guilty!!!

I have visions of this certain BARRY or BAZ to his mates banging his head of the wall in his cell singing "its a kinda magic" arrrgghh 80)

If he is so obbsessive as they say he is i cant imagine he must be writing about 3000 letters a day to people to help him in his appeal.

Its a shame that we cant jail all Queen,Elton John and Sting fans and find them guilty of whatever crime springs to mind.

> Wail! We know of one BAZ who should be given a title, a stately
> home, a pile of cash and a generous yearly allowance for
> services to singing and all-round fabness. Don't we, LMC?

Re: All barrys,BAZZers are guilty!!!

> Wail! We know of one BAZ who should be given a title, a stately
> home, a pile of cash and a generous yearly allowance for
> services to singing and all-round fabness. Don't we, LMC?


But what about his vocal chords? You listen to the album and decide what pressies we can bestow him with.

Growl x

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