Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I meant shut up in an Elaine way, I wasn't being rude. I'm intrigued by Barnet now. Tell me more. I thought it was just a haircut, I didn't know it was a place.
I bet I'm the most English person who doesn't even know she's English. Barnett? Rush? Cadwell? Burling? My mom said her grandmother had an accent. I really need to get in touch and have a sitdown with a Mormon. :D
I meant shut up in an Elaine way, I wasn't being rude. I'm intrigued by Barnet now. Tell me more. I thought it was just a haircut, I didn't know it was a place.
Indeed, CrystalGeezer, Barnet is an old english term for hair, I'm impressed that you know this.
Lancaster is a northern city that I've never been to but it is in a beautiful part of the country and next to a lovely seaside town called Morcombe. You could do a lot worse that pay a visit there.
OK Barnet. You asked for it. Barnet is the largest borough in London encompassing Golders Green, Edgware, Mill Hill, Hendon and Finchley and Barnet. Yes, you read that correctly, there is a Barnet in the borough of Barnet. Barnet consists of East Barnet, Chipping Barnet, High Barnet New Barnet and Barnet (so you could say I live in Barnet in Barnet in Barnet. Are you sick of the word Barnet yet?) Brent Cross which is a couple of miles south was the first American style shopping mall built in this country. As a kid, I used to play on the waste ground that it was built on. I guess the most famous thing about Barnet is the Battle of Barnet, a desicive engagement during the English civil war. Samuel Peypes used to visit Barnet for the waters which he imbibed to address various health issues. Consequently there a road nearby called Peypes Crescent. We have an appalling football (soccer) team whose ground is very near me but I cannot be bothered to go the games as they always (and I mean always) lose.
If you ever come to the UK, I would go to Lancaster and forget Barnet.
I always look out for your posts on other threads as they are always sharp and witty.
I discovered a couple of Morrissey songs the other day that I had never heard before, Now I am a Was and the wonderful No one can hold a candle to you (although I believe he didn't write this one). Do know the songs?
Thank you so much. I have GOT to get to England. I have a feeling my mind will be blown. Just reading your description blows my mind a little. My last name is your city with an extra T. I ALWAYS lose too. :cool:

Yes I know both of those songs. As always, beautiful. Heartfelt. Searching. After obsessing about my maybe Englishness i got this stuck in my head, kind of an answer to No one can hold a candle to you.

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I have a feeling i'm going to go to Morecambe and feel right at home. Look, they even have a Target. :love: :p

Oh dear. Turns out the traditional emblem for the House of Lancaster is the red rose. Don't tell the people at morrisseysworld. :D
Thank you so much. I have GOT to get to England. I have a feeling my mind will be blown. Just reading your description blows my mind a little. My last name is your city with an extra T. I ALWAYS lose too. :cool:

Yes I know both of those songs. As always, beautiful. Heartfelt. Searching. After obsessing about my maybe Englishness i got this stuck in my head, kind of an answer to No one can hold a candle to you.

Love this song. There something wistful about late Smiths songs.
I don't believe you always lose CrystalGeezer, you sound far too cool.
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My yearbook from 1992. Lol."No. NEVER!" :D

Actually, the one underneath the Morrissey one is telling. In 1992, maybe starting around 91, I was obsessed with going to England. Completely obsessed, I just had to get there and I'd meet Morrissey and everything would make sense. I probably failed geometry :)o) because I was daydreaming about how I was completely on the wrong continent. Very frustrating times because i was young and poor and powerless to do anything but dream. And fail geomentry. :p I still feel bad about that.

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I think so. I remember that was one of my favorite episodes. I think she had Kramer and Newman kidnap it.

I was trying to remember Kramer's rich philanthropist alter ego guy, so I YouTube'd it, and all these related clips (like this one) came up, and the next five hours went by in three seconds.

H.E. Pennypacker. I wiki'd "Kramer".
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