My interview (with stone philips)all is revealed

nicky wire's legs

Chief bully
I just downloaded the audio on MP3 so I can upload it at a later date to a YouTube cringe compilation!
You wrote a few days ago "the whole time I was walking around with you I was thinking "what a drag"", but now you're saying you had fun. I hope you were lying about it being a drag, and not about it being fun, because I wasn't trying to be a drag. I was aiming to be fun to be with.
You wrote a few days ago "the whole time I was walking around with you I was thinking "what a drag"", but now you're saying you had fun. I hope you were lying about it being a drag, and not about it being fun, because I wasn't trying to be a drag. I was aiming to be fun to be with.
you misheard me, I said it was "fine", not "fun". and it was. it was fine. and no, it wasn't a total drag. I even almost liked you until you made those clod-like comments afterwards. i was a little too mean to you though, and im sorry for that. at the time I was just really incensed.
sooooooooo im allowed to breathe then? :paranoid:

Yessss! Take all the air from everyone else that lives in the same house as you! May your life be extended an additional 20 years by their sacrifice! :tongueout:
Never heard such a creepy voice in my life, the cat and dog ran out to the garden to hide and still refuse to come back in.
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