Morrissey fan in the Philippines



Hello everybody,

I'm a recently revived Morrissey fan who lives all the way in Manila, the Philippines (which is about as sunny and tropical as you can get). 7 years ago, when "The More You Ignore..." was quite popular in these parts, I bought a copy of "Suedehead". I think I listened to it for a few times, and then to my detriment, put it in storage and forgot all about it. Well, two months ago, I suddenly found myself listening to the album again and became completely smitten. I started downloading all the Smiths and Morrissey songs I could find on Kazaa. Of course, I felt guilty listening to illegal MP3s and so I began to buy the original CDs, which are relatively quite hard to track down here in my country. Maladjusted and the Best of Smiths set are fairly common, Southpaw and Strangeways I found in a bargain bin. But I even needed to travel to Hong Kong to buy some of the others like Vauxhall and Bona, and even over there they didn't have everything. So aside from the albums I now also have the Live in Dallas DVD and Oye Esteban is on its way (I would also have bought the Hulmerist and Introducing VHS tapes, but in my climate they'd be fungus farms in no time).

There's a decent number of The Smiths fans over here, but actual Morrissey fans are very few (I know of probably only 2 others). So it has been really quite (gee, how stereotypical) lonely. All my friends just don't get him. This is the first time I've ever posted on a discussion board dedicated to a certain artist. I don't think there's anything more I can say about the man or his music that hasn't already been said, and more eloquently or passionately at that. But with this post, I would just like to have my existence be made known to the Morrissey-loving community at large.
Moz fans in Philippines? really where?, When I lived there in the 80's I couldn't find the Smiths either.
> Moz fans in Philippines? really where?, When I lived there in the 80's I
> couldn't find the Smiths either.

Nothing much has changed. You still can't find them unless you look really, really hard.
> Moz fans in Philippines? really where?, When I lived there in the 80's I
> couldn't find the Smiths either.

Nothing much has changed. You still can't find them unless you look really, really hard. And the Smiths "fans" I do know of are really more into the whole New Wave thing than the Smiths specifically. Depeche Mode, Spandau Ballet, The Cure, & Pet Shop Boys CDs abound, but you'll be lucky to find even one album of The Smiths in any branch of the major record store chains. I'm really more of a Moz fan than a Smiths fan, and a relatively young one at that (I'm 23), so I wasn't really paying much attention to music during The Smiths heyday.
so what's popular now? I went to highschool with Buhawi Meneses of PNE. I know what you mean by new wave. Yo don't let these MoFo's on this message board intimidate you, This message board is usually full of unsavory characters
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