Kristeen Young is off the tour (updated)


Posted by an anonymous person:

She announced on FB about 10 mins ago:

We won't be continuing as opening band for the Morrissey tour. Thanks to all who showed up early and gave us such life-sustaining enthusiasm. Thanks to Morrissey for his years of support and generosity. There are lots of plans and lots of possibilities and we can't wait to tear into them.

An anonymous person posted:

Kristeen Young is making sum cryptic comments on farcebook. She's either been booted off the tour again or the tour is cancelled.
Another anonymous person posted (original post):

Kristeen Young Facebook comments. is she booted off the tour again? Is the tour cancelled? WTF IS SHE GETTIN AT?


Earlier, Kristeen tweeted that she did not have a virus in regards to the previous article has been since updated which had stated "According to the show’s promoters, Morrissey, the touring crew and opener Kristeen Young have come down with a virus."

Link to interview mentioned:

Kristeen Young gives voice to the periphery while linking up to the stars - RedEye Chicago


Can you recall the first time you met Morrissey?
The very first time I met him he didn’t recognize me. He had seen me in a video he really liked, and he didn’t recognize me as that person, so he had me kicked out of the studio [Laughs]. He was like, “Who is that girl? Get her out of here!’”
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Not so sure. Reminds me a bit of this:


Wow. You ID'd that in no time flat, Cornflakes. I take it back, apparently that is an ancient Moz holding position brought back to life. He still looks a bit 'off' to me.
Hang on - you've been running a hate campaign against KY for lying about her age for the past few months, and now you want to paint her as a villain for telling the truth about not being ill?

Is lying good or bad - make your mind up, for Cliff's sake.

Lying is bad. But actively saying she wasn't ill is more than "telling the truth." She said in one of her comments "I don't make announcements about other people." indicating she was bitter an announcement was made that she had a virus. That DAY it didn't suit her. But if that day an interviewer had her on the phone and asked about Morrissey, she'd say something along the lines of how they have a beautiful, mutual working relationship and click together in so many tremendous ways. All lies. And the hypocrisy that she doesn't "make announcements about other people" is f***ing balls. She picks and chooses when to lie when it suits her and yesterday she decided to be a c*** DESPITE the tremendous line-towing that's been done in her sad favor. That is my point.
This one? This is what a sad person with a virus looks like, then.


Listen up kids, this photo is the result of being a clever smart arse. Bitter, selfish, twisted, evil, me me me.
This man lost the plot years ago, he has lost and hurt so so many people on his quest to be the number one top dog.
He had everything, he has everything but you only need look at this photo to realise he has absolutely nothing, he has wasted everything in his life trying to be a clever c*** and this photo is the result. It's pathetic to see a photo of a fifty odd year old man who looks like he's been in a room crying his eyes out. Crying like a baby with no real friends to phone up for support because it was clever to spit them out in the quest of fame fame fatal fame.

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You know Skylarker, I usually disagree with those who cite your lack of formal education as being evident, however, in this case the check-your-facts-before-spouting-off-your-ill-informed-mouth lesson drummed into every college freshman on every college campus in America, is noticeably absent.

I.don't know if the idiot comment was for me but morrissey has worked with Tony, in 2011 or 12 he did the camera to Dublin sessions - Action is my middle name etc and it was his production company behind 25 live - a film that was shot when moz was very very ill. Any friend would have stopped it.
On Tonys book he makes a point if saying the producer for Bolan bowie Morrissey.
Morrissey is actually very loyal ( to actual friends) and has been very good to kristeen.
Her being on the tour won't hinder him at all in terms of numbers.
When I said living of I meant jn terms of reputation and his constant attemps to try and get moz to do projects with him. You should have heard some of Kristeen's ideas. What a pair
Users both burthen skylarker is a cock cheese breath who like to think he is in the know with Kristeen, far from it
I bet you didn't notice Moz playing pocket billiards either Crystal


That was back in the day when he could reach them. They're probably down around mid-thigh today, bless his heart and sac. :love:
you bastards don't like Morrissey? throw your tickets up on stubhub and shut it.
I buy 2-3 different shows when he tours b/c I assume there will be cancellations.
if you hate the guy so much why do you care? go get some lady gaga tickets and become a little monster. I heard she represents freaks and weirdos now and does so with a lovely corporate twist.
f***in meat suit.

The 'boycott the tour' post is from Arturo, as in Morrissey's security guy, Arturo? Is that a fact? If so, DAYUM, I always liked having a chat with him. Kind of surprising.

John Byron's all "Yeah that's not gonna happen. Lol."
Listen up kids, this photo is the result of being a clever smart arse. Bitter, selfish, twisted, evil, me me me.
This man lost the plot years ago, he has lost and hurt so so many people on his quest to be the number one top dog.
He had everything, he has everything but you only need look at this photo to realise he has absolutely nothing, he has wasted everything in his life trying to be a clever c*** and this photo is the result. It's pathetic to see a photo of a fifty odd year old man who looks like he's been in a room crying his eyes out. Crying like a baby with no real friends to phone up for support because it was clever to spit them out in the quest of fame fame fatal fame.


f*** off you melodramatic c***.
Arturo is pretty angry as well. He constantly posts photos of meat on his Instagram and made some comments about not being asked on this tour.

Jesus, this Arturo thing is turning out to be what I'm most gobsmacked about today -- and there've been plenty of things to pick from.

Actually, the guy's package in the pic with Moz is still Number 1, but Arturo may lap him.
I was just asking because that song was also sung by Al Martino, who got the top spot on Morrissey's "most revered singers" list, and the BRS apparently interpreted that as a nod towards them.

Baby Jef said they were kicked off Wayne Newton's tour, Wayne Newton covered Red Roses...not Blue Roses.
I was just asking because that song was also sung by Al Martino, who got the top spot on Morrissey's "most revered singers" list, and the BRS apparently interpreted that as a nod towards them.

They interpret everything that way. Move on.
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