Istanbul postponed

Re: Istanbul Postponed

Some more tweets...

From the blogger who conducted the Vegan Logic interviews:

From Time Out Istanbul:

Google translation: "Istanbul concert is planned to take place tomorrow Morrissey was postponed due to logistical delays. Standing by for the new date."
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I get that he wanted to hang out with family in Dublin, but this isn't the time. He's working, he could have gone back a few weeks later when the tour was over.

To think it was OK to fly over to Athens on two connecting flights the day of the gig is insane. It still doesn't explain why he couldn't make it to Istanbul and is still in London, unless he's sick, which is where he was last time he cancelled a tour due to illness.

His immediate family lives in LA, with the exception of his mom I think, but she may be in LA now too.
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