I wish

I Wish...

I lived in Taylor Street, Vista, San Diego, California.
I wish I was an interesting person.
I wish I had a neverending supply of beautifully busty blondes, brunettes and redheads. Simple really.
When I was a teenager I often dreamed that Morrissey was holding me as I lay in bed at night falling asleep and I felt lonely or depressed. He would just be holding me and telling me "shhh it's okay" and stroking my head. I feel nothing but love for him even though he is just a symbol.

*Edited to add: This was in response to Mauve21's sweet post.
I wish I were a billionare. I would be the captain of my own yacht. I would travel the world, docking in exotic, beautiful locations. I would eat fantastic foods, swim in crystal clear waters, and meet fantastic people along the way.

(not the real me)

Codreanu said:
"I would sooner be just blindly loved ... "

no! that's boring! i want to be interesting and loved for being interesting.
Touched by your post

scarletteheart said:
When I was a teenager I often dreamed that Morrissey was holding me as I lay in bed at night falling asleep and I felt lonely or depressed. He would just be holding me and telling me "shhh it's okay" and stroking my head. I feel nothing but love for him even though he is just a symbol.

*Edited to add: This was in response to Mauve21's sweet post.
I really had to say and I was! :) I'm no teenager, but I can tell you I really hope my heart will never be broken again and
I know it's safe to love Morrissey. But on the other hand there's every chance my heart will be broken and I know we all take that chance.:cool:
I would get a job soon so My Hon and I can move to somewhere nicer and he can buy all the things he wants...
scarletteheart said:
"Resident Evil 4" is a wonderful game! It's probably my second favorite next to "Nemesis." But babe, if you are a survival horror fan I DEMAND you play the entire "Silent Hill" series and/or "Fatal Frame! :)

Survival Horror is where its at! Never heard of Fatal Frame, but I played only the first Silent Hill. Man, those babies were creepy!
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