Help concerning Morrissey's background



If anyone is up for it, would they be willing to answer about 8 questions on MOrrisey for me? The fact is ive got them answered already bu i would like to make sure. Why would i need to know these 8 facts you say? Well, another MOrrissey fanatic decided it would be cool to assign me questions concerning his idol, and i would just like to make shure if i got them all right.

If the idea of helping me doesn't spark your interest, perhaps the idea of your knowledge of Morrissey being put into use will :p

It would be easier per-se if these were asked through AIM because of the rapid response, or even email, so if ne one is willing ~ if not, there is always the board.

A question that i have yet to find is the occupation of Morrissey's mother
So any help would be greatly thanks
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