Does Moz have a Band?, a Record Label?, a Fanbase


Reg Plate

Has Moz gone too far? Has he blown everything? maybe he is looking for an excuse to retire? he has pissed off many of his hardcore fans! can he bounce back or is this one step too far?

comments please.

> Has Moz gone too far? Has he blown everything? maybe he is looking for an
> excuse to retire? he has pissed off many of his hardcore fans! can he
> bounce back or is this one step too far?

> comments please.

> Reg

As a protest at his behavior I'm seriously considering delaying purchasing the new album until the afternoon of the day it's released.
that will make it 7 years and 12 hours!

7 years and 12 hours is a long time!

hi theo, you were one of the biggest critics in all this, your name has been added to "THE LIST"
You've perfectly summed up what it is to be an frustrated yet passionate Morrissey fan!
In my own sick way I'll always stay willingtospendmymoneyonyourrecords&showsnomatterhowmanyyoucancel
But can he keep trading on it???

Betty a lot of folks have taken a week off work, saved up etc, if that signed contract ever gets made public will Moz be lynched from the nearest lampost by his bootlaces! or will we forgive him yet again? peoples pactience is cigarette paper thin judging by some of the posts.

Yeah I knowwwwwwwwww.....

But he's been doing it for twentY-one odd years and we stiLL hang on in dont't we? There's dedication for ya...
Dedication, woooaaaaaoooohhh Dedications what you need....

Sorry I just came over all Roy Castley upon reading your last post! don't know why mind!


Re: What programme was that off theN???

Record Breakers!!!
If you wanna be the best, if you wanna beat the rest Dedications what you need,

ps Norris McQuirter held the stopwatch for roger Bannisters 4 minute mile!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Yessssssssss....

So it was I remember noW... I bumped into RoY Castle once once on the North Pier at Blackpool... and he gave me a peck on the cheeK!
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