Does anyone else think the alb title sounds slightly.....ropey?

Not me Daz, I think it's classic Moz, I see the theme running through, from Headmaster Ritual, Rusholme Ruffians, Friday Mourning and others. I hope the songs will paint-by-numbers the title.

ropey is not right, all wrong, f***ed up! there is a pic of "suzanne" next to it in the dictionary!
and morrissey is playing my benefit concert, so it's not all bad.
Will never marry...

Morrissey will be, what, 74?!

Trust, Suzanne, I will be a hell of a lot sexier with my violin and poems... not to speak of who will have the more elaborate quiff.
Re: Will never marry...

> Morrissey will be, what, 74?!

hey, the older he gets, the more likely it is i can confuse him into actually doing it. my parents are in their 50's and they do things like accidentally lock the cat out of the house or leave the burner on. who's to say that morrissey won't be confused and think he's playing a PETA concert?

i have no shame.

> Trust, Suzanne, I will be a hell of a lot sexier with my violin and
> poems... not to speak of who will have the more elaborate quiff.

it's not about the size of a man's quiff.
Re: Will never marry...

> it's not about the size of a man's quiff.

Yes, Suzanne, I know... I was only joking.

But sometimes it would be nice if it were.
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