Does anyone else agree?



I was just watching a programme where a question went out to the audience about Victoria Beckham (aka Posh Spice) having never read a book. It turned out that lots of the audience (mostly men) had never read a book either.
Now I know levels of literacy are abysmal in Britain and America, and I admit to being terrible at spelling and grammar myself. But, I don't put nearly as much emphasis on such things as long as people can read and allow their insular views to be expanded by literature.
I think most people will agree with me that those who don't read books are often bigoted, reactionary and unimaginative. I have met a couple of exceptions, but these individuals are very talented musicians and therefore intelligent in quite different ways.
I mean, does this have any bearing on the recent statistic that Britain is becoming a nation of singletons? Are women despairing of the oafish British male or are we girls just as bad? Or perhaps men are despairing of the ladette and thinking that there's no point to culture ... after all, throughout history, men have been the main purveyors of art in honour of the elegance and sophistication of women. Likewise, women (when given their chance) have been the other voice, detailing their interactions with the chivalrous and misunderstood male.
You can't quite come to an appreciation of that at 3am on a Sunday morning watching some bint in a belt and a boobtube barfing outside Unlucky Fried Kitten.
The new government strategy should be 'A book for every child' ... we need to open up some horizons here.
No wonder Moz has moved to Italy.
I find it so shocking I can hardly believe it. Didn't one of those gel headed contestants on Big Blubber boast about never having read a book?!

It's a carnival of the idiots.
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