Dead Ghoul

  • Thread starter LoafingOaf - Fishy Swa Ska
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LoafingOaf - Fishy Swa Ska

As far as I'm concerned, Belligerent Ghoul, you no longer exist. You are dead to me. I will never knowingly read a message you post ever again. so, have a nice life, sicko.
Twice Dead Oaf

As far as I am concerned you are a pathetic piece of shit that was never alive. Anyone who has not read "Songs That Saved Your Life," or who as is as unfamiliar with Morrissey's music and person as you should ram their head into a brick wall repeatedly. Ghoul is dead to you, right? Why announce it to the world. It's not like you are anybody here. You have no standing, no status, no stature, so you could have kept it to yourself. But you are a troll, a very tall troll who went underground for 2 weeks trolling BG, and making Crushing Bore out to be the bad guy. Lord Fatamort even said so, Oaf. Are you a man? Stop being such a drama queen. You never meant anything to Ghoul. He only liked you because once Lord Fatamort said that there "was a lot of bad blood" between you and her, and he tends to dislike people (Suzanne, CB) who side with her, and he tends to like people that don't like her. You were a pawn in a chess game.

Lord Fatamort deserved everything she got and much much more. I regret nothing.

Ass Clown.
Oafy you idiot

Do you think BG is crushed right now, Oafy? Does any American really mean anything to BG? His only real alliances, allegiance, and fondness is for certain people from the UK. We have a little peace on this board for half a day to move beyond the thread wars and you go and post this. You are very immature, lacking in good judgment, and in discretion/tact. Are these not essential skills that a lawyer needs to make it in his chosen profession? You seem much more touchy feely, much more effeminate, much more cut out to be fawning over rich men while you sell them suits at Burberrys. Going after Ghoul is one thing, but you were selfish in that you did not stop for a second to think where this new surprise attack on BG would lead to. You, and others just love to ambush him, don't you. At least when he trolls it is in a defensive, not offensive position. I hope people have the ability to see beyond the fact that another user is "dead" to you, a statement in itself that is criminally suspect and raises eyebrows and see your total disregard for everyone else. Be careful, how you put things. In your line of world "moral character" is taken quite seriously.
Oaf, I have taken screen captures of Ghoul's psychotic posts in case he deletes them.

> As far as I'm concerned, Belligerent Ghoul, you no longer exist. You are
> dead to me. I will never knowingly read a message you post ever again. so,
> have a nice life, sicko.

I know you said you won't read them, but I'm adding them to my collection of evidence against him.
Coalition of the Willing

LOL Oaf!

I hereby pledge myself to membership of your "Coalition of the Willing" to disarm this board of BG and his Weapons of Mass(turbatory) Distraction. And anyone who knows anything of the history of this site will realise how unlikely an alliance this is.

I urge all solo-ists to take this course also. I've tried calling him names, I've tried being nice in his benign threads, and in retrospect both were a complete waste of time. This guy actually gets off on being the centre of as much shit-stirring as possible. I actually think he's so deranged he BELIEVES all the crap about Mindy being in love with him, she's been stalking him, etc. Someone who can post love-letters to himself here is capable of who knows what level of delusion. He's spoken a bit here about his mental illness, and I do not want to discriminate against people who have such issues or stigmatise them, but I think from his behaviour he is possibly DANGEROUSLY ill. For his own sake and the sake of those who come into contact with him, I hope he gets it.

I mean he's left long, abusive, swearing screaming messages on DavidT's answering machine, he's threatened to kill several members of this site and their children, and I know there are further people who do not want to be named (presumably for fear of further harassment) whom he has harassed here, in chat and on the main board. Many people have stopped participating in this site because of him. The threats he made to Mindy's life and her university career are but the tip of a disastrous iceberg, and one which I just recommend EVERYONE steer clear of.

And Oaf, so far as his telling you you're not a true fan because you've never read "Songs that Saved Your Life", I mean that's utterly hilarious (and explains his wierd obsession with proposing utterly ridiculous interpretations of Moz's songs), coming from a guy who admitted he didn't listen to Morrissey for like nine years because he "didn't have time"! I actually think of all the stuff that gets posted here, aside from new album/tour news the stuff you posted about Moz's "Cramps" connections was about the most interesting and revealing stuff (ie stuff that actually adds to an appreciation of Moz's body of work rather than posting photos we've all seen a million times and talking about what posters you have in your collection). So f*** him.

Anyway, please solo-ists sign here up to the Coalition of the Willing, an evil is arming to threaten the peace of Moz-solo - we have evidence this time - we know he's tried to purchase uranium from Nigeria, he can mobilise his weaponry within 45 minutes ... ummm, no okay, maybe this isn't the best analogy. This is a coalition based on real, demonstrable facts and evidence (and there's a filed police report to back us up), but I won't draw out that analogy any further lest I threaten the nature of the coalition by re-igniting THAT debate...

So, BG I await your undoubtedly shrill response to this, but I will never know of it because from this moment onwards YOU DO NOT EXIST.

Get help.
> As far as I'm concerned, Belligerent Ghoul, you no longer exist. You are
> dead to me. I will never knowingly read a message you post ever again. so,
> have a nice life, sicko.

You wanna see the hilarious nut-job stuff I got last night off BG - in private chat, to me only!!
Screen grabs ahoy!!

I'm here & here I'll stay

First off, how utterly verbose. Please ask the authorities in Australia to muzzle you for the good of your nation.

So, far, all I have read is crap from your post. I'm still reading...

Thanks for discriminating against those that take medications and go to therapists to improve their lot in life. Still reading...

Mindy is in grave danger of being investigated by USC and I spoke to the Office of Student Conduct yesterday about her. I was encouraged to file a complaint with the office and follow up with the police. I suggest that you advise your friend to stop tracking, trailing, saving, & trolling my posts, to stop playing Private Eye. I futher advise you to direct her to stop stalking, harassing, and intimidating me. I would gladly go to prison but I promise you that Mindy will expelled from USC in the process. If you believe that I would harm Mindy, than Mindy does not value her life. If you believe that I can have Mindy removed/disciplined by her university, than she does not value her education. If she did she would, shut the f*** up. It is that simple.

Interesting how those that come to David Tseng's aid, you, Mindy, Suzanne, are exactly those to whom that blabber mouth has talked about these messages on his machine. Out of all these messages, ONE was a screaming/swearing message because he admitted on a user's journal to keeping a list on me and he presumed I had sent an offensive email to someone's email address I did not even have. The user is named HAZE and now in chat we are friendly, having figured out that it was a someone trying to wind him up. Please ask Haze directly in the chat. He used to never come to the chat before. Since we have gotten to know each other he comes in as "Haze" and we chat in red. We may even be meeting up in Manchester. We talked about that briefly yesterday. So while David T. did whatever he had to do, and while I left a message on his machine I should not have left, something very good came out of that fiasco, namely I got to know this person who is very cool. I like the way he writes. And he likes the way I converse. I think his journal is a good read, and he thinks my chats are the same. I am privy to certain tid bits of inside info and I think Haze likes being informed on all that stuff. I generally look at Chat as something akin to performance art. One must go in there and put on a show, not be boring. Not lie, but just ham it up a little. The Ancient Greeks believed that conversation, debate, exchange, discussion, could, at its zenith be a form of art. Say what you will about me, I know how to Chat. I just truly understand that world.

When women who are good on this message board, drop their panties, and give you cybersex in the chat upon your first time Redding with them, you know you are doing something right! Oh, and I "got some" last night again. Consensual adults, CB, nothing dirty here. Respected users of Solo, people you like. Never kiss & tell. Too bad David can read the reds.

I never threatened to kill anyone but you and Mindy are making me think that I should.

Why don't you and Mind propose interpretations of Moz's songs, instead of calling mine "utterly ridiculous?" It is very easy to stand on the sidelines and tell those that are playing the game how badly the are doing, when in fact if you & Mindy, two people who have nearly nothing to say about Steven Patrick Morrissey were to step on to the pitch, you would undoubtedly be clobbered by those that actually have some notion of what they are doing. CB, which book actually states what every Moz penned song means? Where can I buy it? Where has Morrissey ever definitively stated what a particular song means? Mindy alluded to interviews wherein he has done so. Since you and her know so much, and since I am in the dark with regard to my understanding of lyrics, can you post the meaning of some songs as described by Morrissey or someone with superior knowledge here?

Police reports? Go act on them, wanker. There will be hell to pay, I promise. And I have already determined my course of action should I be questioned by the authorities.

I'm not going anywhere. If you, Mindy, Loafing Oaf, or anyone does not like it, you know where the door is.

Please Exit Smiling.
BG was in the chat under his registered name yesterday. There was an English user who came in unregistered as "Sod" acting like a complete Tosser. When Ghoul tried to explain to you that he can only be there under one name at a time you did not seem to get that.

Screen Captures. Get a life.

177 IQ you say?
> BG was in the chat under his registered name yesterday. There was an
> English user who came in unregistered as "Sod" acting like a
> complete Tosser. When Ghoul tried to explain to you that he can only be
> there under one name at a time you did not seem to get that.

> Screen Captures. Get a life.

> 177 IQ you say?

Sorry old bean. Sign off, sign on - different name.At least 4 times. And how could you know what was said to me privately?

Good morning.

Re: Coalition of those that eat Vegemite

> Step out of the closet and admit that you are gay. There is no shame in
> this, and there is nothing wrong with being homosexual at all. Just do it,
> because you sound quite delicate and you told me that you have had sex
> with men. In the very best sense CB, you sound like a fairy. I think it is
> sweet, truly I do. I just think you should stop acting as though you
> prefer women when through what you have written on this board, said to me
> in chat, and from what others have said, you are in denial about an aspect
> of yourself for which there need be absolutely no shame. In fact, my
> graduate program was known as "the queerest in the country," and
> I honestly have no problem with people of your orientation. I just think
> that once you stop living this lie, you will be liberated. In the name of
> health and all that is good, I pray you let your true colors shine
> through. Don't be afraid to let them show.

> Red, Gold & Green...

As a queer person, I find this post very hurtful.

I don't know who posted it, nor do I care. I am not trying to determine who is responsible, add fuel to any argument, take any sides, point fingers, accuse anyone of anything, or get up on some soap box and look down on others for some sort of perceived "political incorrectness", as we all say insensitive things all the time (I know I often do and say hurtful things without even realizing it). I really didn't want to get involved in this exchange, as it doesn't involve me, which is why I am not making any comment on the actual conflict itself, nor am I defending anyone. I am just expressing how this post made me feel, and asking that people be more sensitive.

This post seems to be an attempt to insult someone by calling them gay, under the guise of tolerance. I may be wrong, and it may be that I get a bit defensive given my own experience with homophobia, but I get the impression that this is post, while stating that "there is no shame in this", is actually using homosexuality as a means of insulting someone who may not be queer at all ("you sound quite delicate... you sound like a fairy", etc.).

Even if I am wrong in my interpretation, and there is no mean-spiritedness or tone of sarcasm to this post, it can still be utterly devastating to "out" someone, even when well-intentioned and attempting to convince them to be proud of their identity. I know this from experience (my own, as well as from volunteer work I do at a queer youth support line).

Please, this is just a personal request. You can pay no mind, if you'd like, I just had to say something. I really do not want to start an argument here or make anyone feel bad. If I have done so, I apologize. Who am I to censor others, right? Nobody's perfect (except Morrissey, that is )
Matey, so many people were coming and going, you have no idea who sent you reds. That Sod tosser came & went too. Logically then, you cannot deduce that it was ghoul. Plus he likes you. Do you know that Sod posted in Black for all to see, no less, "ghoul if I ever meet you I am going to cut your balls off and feed them to Mindy." Sorry Uncle, but that was the most disturbing thing stated. Do you even know how many death threats ghoul has received since people came to know he was going to the show in Man.? But you don't see him bitching about it, do you. Because unlike these hypersensitive 20 year old think-they-know-it-all, politically correct, fools he is a man.
> Matey, so many people were coming and going, you have no idea who sent you
> reds. That Sod tosser came & went too. Logically then, you cannot
> deduce that it was ghoul. Plus he likes you. Do you know that Sod posted
> in Black for all to see, no less, "ghoul if I ever meet you I am
> going to cut your balls off and feed them to Mindy." Sorry Uncle, but
> that was the most disturbing thing stated. Do you even know how many death
> threats ghoul has received since people came to know he was going to the
> show in Man.? But you don't see him bitching about it, do you. Because
> unlike these hypersensitive 20 year old think-they-know-it-all,
> politically correct, fools he is a man.

What's your e-mail address? Let's talk about this in private.

disgusting paki

> As a queer person, I find this post very hurtful.

> I don't know who posted it, nor do I care. I am not trying to determine
> who is responsible, add fuel to any argument, take any sides, point
> fingers, accuse anyone of anything, or get up on some soap box and look
> down on others for some sort of perceived "political
> incorrectness", as we all say insensitive things all the time (I know
> I often do and say hurtful things without even realizing it). I really
> didn't want to get involved in this exchange, as it doesn't involve me,
> which is why I am not making any comment on the actual conflict itself,
> nor am I defending anyone. I am just expressing how this post made me
> feel, and asking that people be more sensitive.

> This post seems to be an attempt to insult someone by calling them gay,
> under the guise of tolerance. I may be wrong, and it may be that I get a
> bit defensive given my own experience with homophobia, but I get the
> impression that this is post, while stating that "there is no shame
> in this", is actually using homosexuality as a means of insulting
> someone who may not be queer at all ("you sound quite delicate... you
> sound like a fairy", etc.).

> Even if I am wrong in my interpretation, and there is no mean-spiritedness
> or tone of sarcasm to this post, it can still be utterly devastating to
> "out" someone, even when well-intentioned and attempting to
> convince them to be proud of their identity. I know this from experience
> (my own, as well as from volunteer work I do at a queer youth support
> line).

> Please, this is just a personal request. You can pay no mind, if you'd
> like, I just had to say something. I really do not want to start an
> argument here or make anyone feel bad. If I have done so, I apologize. Who
> am I to censor others, right? Nobody's perfect (except Morrissey, that is
> )

he's a pussycat really, i have made him leave the chat room so
many times, he comes back IMMEDIATELY under a new name, he calls
HIMSELF a disgusting paki so i think in there lies the truth.
I'M not saying he is, , but it explains a lot to me
belly & dismemberment

Last night "Belly" came in to Chat, first as Belly, then as "Sod" and threatened to "cut BG's balls off and feed them to Mindy."
Re: belly & dismemberment

> Last night "Belly" came in to Chat, first as Belly, then as
> "Sod" and threatened to "cut BG's balls off and feed them
> to Mindy."

a bit of your own medicine and all that
go nuke india
Re: Coalition of those that eat Vegemite

Ann - don't worry 'bout it, it's BG and he's being an imbecile as per usual. Yes, he thinks he's trying to malign me by calling me gay (which anyone who matters here (as if it matters) knows I'm not). He seems to think that's some sort of insult. When he first came on here he displayed some extraordinary homophobic tendencies, but he quickly worked out that didn't make him very popular. Hence his reason for deleting the last post.

He knows very well I've never spoken to him in chat, because I've never been in chat. That's his standard line when he wants to malign you or lie about you, that you said something to him in chat or via IM, because of course you can't prove anything.

My girlfriends here right now, btw should I get her to post something?

Anyway, just ignore this loser and his prejudices. Although that's hard given the profusion of handles he posts under, I know.
Bwahahahahaha - that's hilarious!

And while we're playing with stereotypes - "and learn how to play cricket"!
Re: belly & dismemberment

So you admit you were "Sod." BG only left to avoid conflict, to avoid your incessant unwanted private messages, which he posted for all to see. Your final salvo was "come to Manchester, if you dare." He is coming. You can find him at Copperheads, at 187-189 Chapel St. from May 21 onward.

Why would he want to "nuke" India when his entire family is from there? He was only born in Pakistan as he already explained because his father was working there at the time.

> a bit of your own medicine and all that
> go nuke india

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