Bad Morrissey experiences


New Member
I have a pit ticket to see Morrissey tomorrow night, but I will not be able to use it. Why? Because my damn boss scheduled me for a shift last minute (the guy who was supposed to work it decided to skip town this week without telling anyone, whereas I had given them proper notice). If I went, I'd lose my job. Great, so now I'm working on my birthday and I'm missing a chance to see Moz. Plus, now this ticket is going to waste. I feel guilty, pissed and generally upset.
Cheer me up, tell me your worst experience involving Morrissey (how sadistic).
I have a pit ticket to see Morrissey tomorrow night, but I will not be able to use it. Why? Because my damn boss scheduled me for a shift last minute (the guy who was supposed to work it decided to skip town this week without telling anyone, whereas I had given them proper notice). If I went, I'd lose my job. Great, so now I'm working on my birthday and I'm missing a chance to see Moz. Plus, now this ticket is going to waste. I feel guilty, pissed and generally upset.
Cheer me up, tell me your worst experience involving Morrissey (how sadistic).

Can you play sick tomorrow to get out of work?
I doubt it, they'd be suspicious given that I was supposed to be out of town.

Wow, your boss is a douche for making you work on your b-day and on a day where you requested off. That is absolute crap!
Quite frankly I would be tempted to tell him to stick his job where the sun doesn`t shine.I mean the worlds not going to cave in if you have your birthday off.Is he like scrooge or something?I`d pull a sickie.Moz or work?Moz everytime.:o
My boss is quite anal, she yelled at me on my first day because I wore black shoes with two small white stripes on either side when the dress code states that we must wear plain black shoes. I've been tempted to quit many times since then, but I'm a bit trapped seeing as I need the money for college. At least once this summer's done, I will never have to deal with it again.
Quit the bloody job. When you're looking back on your life, do you want to cherish that birthday which you spent in the company of Morrissey, or a day's work at a job you'll soon forget about anyway. I know it's easy for me to say, but take a look at the bigger scheme of things and there's only one thing you CAN do.
uugghhh I am probably losing my job as well. I just got a call today, saying I should be at work (part i get like 2 days a week) when I was told I should go tomorrow. Well, long story short, I will probably get fired. Wonderful? I think so. I am tired of popcorn and small-talking with people about what new crappy movie they are going to see. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!!!!!

I'd quit if I were you, but not if your whole life/family depends on your salary.
Quit the bloody job. When you're looking back on your life, do you want to cherish that birthday which you spent in the company of Morrissey, or a day's work at a job you'll soon forget about anyway. I know it's easy for me to say, but take a look at the bigger scheme of things and there's only one thing you CAN do.

I say the same. And you could still pick up some job for August (if your studies start Sept). So, go for a sickie, if it fails, so it fails.
My boss is quite anal, she yelled at me on my first day because I wore black shoes with two small white stripes on either side when the dress code states that we must wear plain black shoes. I've been tempted to quit many times since then, but I'm a bit trapped seeing as I need the money for college. At least once this summer's done, I will never have to deal with it again.

From the sound of it, you have a menial job. It's not the end of the world if you lose this job, right? Will you be able to pay your bills? Does a recommendation from this job seriously affect your future?

Since your boss yells at you, she probably is not interested in making it up to you "take one for the team" by covering for a lameass who didn't show up to work. At least you called in, whereas that other guy didn't. Tell her you can't, that you will be out of town. Or say you are truly ill. I'd say it's the troof if you're a Morrissey/Smiffs fan. ;)

If she fires you, then she will have lost two workers and will be in deeper shit. The worst that could happen is you lose this job. Is that so bad? Is it really that hard to get a McJob that you have to put up with a shitty boss?

You should look into some alternative ways of generating money for college.
Oh, Desloge, I'm so sorry. Seriously, quit the job. Odds are, they won't actually fire you. They're just calling your bluff. And you can get another one. Around here? No problem.
yeah quit your job go to moz and then bi a lottery ticket.
you might win. nebber knows!
If you booked it off, you are completly within your rights to take the day off, she can't go back on her word. That's just not the done thing. besides Morrissey or work, work or Morrissey...PIT TICKET....hmm....lemme think. You can get to listen to the Mozfather sing like an angel, move like the devil and possibly be close enough to look into those deep, bright blue eyes.......UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.....What do you think Moz would do.....? I say fight your corner and tell her that you pre-booked it ages ago and it isn't possible to work on that day. And if she gives you that ultimatum, you can threaten her with taking her to a tribunal for unfair dismissal. She will kak her wack and back down. If she doesn't then it's her loss, instead of one person skipping town, she'll lose two and then she will really be in the shit. Go and enjoy your birthday in style, it will be one to remember.....honest. :)
If you booked it off, you are completly within your rights to take the day off, she can't go back on her word. That's just not the done thing. besides Morrissey or work, work or Morrissey...PIT TICKET....hmm....lemme think. You can get to listen to the Mozfather sing like an angel, move like the devil and possibly be close enough to look into those deep, bright blue eyes.......UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.....What do you think Moz would do.....? I say fight your corner and tell her that you pre-booked it ages ago and it isn't possible to work on that day. And if she gives you that ultimatum, you can threaten her with taking her to a tribunal for unfair dismissal. She will kak her wack and back down. If she doesn't then it's her loss, instead of one person skipping town, she'll lose two and then she will really be in the shit. Go and enjoy your birthday in style, it will be one to remember.....honest. :)

There is no tribunal. Desloge and I live in Illinois, it's an at-will employment state. Employers are allowed to fire you for no reason, or any reason, as long as they're not discriminating against you based on any protected status (race, gender, age, etc.)

We're trying to help her sell it- I'm involved because I'd be the one bringing the ticket down to Knoxville in the morning. Spread the word... BTW, it's second row pit, one seat off the aisle.
Hey man, really sorry to hear that. It's very sad. Your boss is a clown.

I have pretty bad experience related to a Moz gig. I went with my girlfriend and my best friend to see him playing in Benicassim in 2004, we were in the front row, so happy and so excited... well, the man never got into the stage; 5 minutes (!!!!!!) before the time the gig was supose to start they anounced that Morrissey couldn't make it. It was terrible, we were sooooooooo sad, and there was some people crying... dramatic. :(
You can file a complaint, that he made you work last minute.
Or you can act super sick.
or just quit and get a new job.

UGH that f***ing sucks though. im so sorry to hear that. it pisses me off.
nothing comes between Morrissey and Me.
There is no tribunal. Desloge and I live in Illinois, it's an at-will employment state. Employers are allowed to fire you for no reason, or any reason, as long as they're not discriminating against you based on any protected status (race, gender, age, etc.)

We're trying to help her sell it- I'm involved because I'd be the one bringing the ticket down to Knoxville in the morning. Spread the word... BTW, it's second row pit, one seat off the aisle.

Is her job really that important to her...?

Hey man, really sorry to hear that. It's very sad. Your boss is a clown.

I have pretty bad experience related to a Moz gig. I went with my girlfriend and my best friend to see him playing in Benicassim in 2004, we were in the front row, so happy and so excited... well, the man never got into the stage; 5 minutes (!!!!!!) before the time the gig was supose to start they anounced that Morrissey couldn't make it. It was terrible, we were sooooooooo sad, and there was some people crying... dramatic. :(

My boss is quite anal, she yelled at me on my first day because I wore black shoes with two small white stripes on either side when the dress code states that we must wear plain black shoes. I've been tempted to quit many times since then, but I'm a bit trapped seeing as I need the money for college. At least once this summer's done, I will never have to deal with it again.

what kind of job is this? if people will die if you arent there, go to work. if not, screw it life is short!
I have a pit ticket to see Morrissey tomorrow night, but I will not be able to use it. Why? Because my damn boss scheduled me for a shift last minute (the guy who was supposed to work it decided to skip town this week without telling anyone, whereas I had given them proper notice). If I went, I'd lose my job. Great, so now I'm working on my birthday and I'm missing a chance to see Moz. Plus, now this ticket is going to waste. I feel guilty, pissed and generally upset.
Cheer me up, tell me your worst experience involving Morrissey (how sadistic).

I think it would be illegal for him to fire you for this unless yuo are casual laber. What about the guy who skipped town when it was supposed to be his shift? Will he get fired? You should go - he can't fire one and not the other, or both!

can he? :o
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