Andy Ison, isn't it about time you threw yourself under a train you f***ing tedious c***!

And I quote *NM* MERCHANTS f*** OFF. It was you who said that, wasn't it.
> And I quote *NM* MERCHANTS f*** OFF. It was you who said that, wasn't it.

I was being ironic.

Are you American?

Or merely an annoying pedant with too much time on their hands.
> I was being ironic.

> Are you American?

> Or merely an annoying pedant with too much time on their hands.

As was I. Being ironic that is. As for being an annoying pedant, I wouldn't dare to strip you of that crown. To much time on my hands? Considering it took me the combined total of approximately two minutes to type both these posts, I wouldn't say so. And no i'm not American, not that it matters. Now that was a gross generalisation on your part. For shame.
> As was I. Being ironic that is. As for being an annoying pedant, I
> wouldn't dare to strip you of that crown. To much time on my hands?
> Considering it took me the combined total of approximately two minutes to
> type both these posts, I wouldn't say so. And no i'm not American, not
> that it matters. Now that was a gross generalisation on your part. For
> shame.

As your 'ironic' post can also be read as an attack on me, I make no apologies for presuming it was.

After all, attacking me seems to be quite fashionable on this board at the moment.

Americans, as we know, don't really 'get' irony, at least not as readily as their English counterparts, hence....

Finally, whether it takes two minutes or two days to do something is academic in this instance. my point being that it's time you'll never get back, so perhaps you should employ it more wisely.
> As your 'ironic' post can also be read as an attack on me, I make no
> apologies for presuming it was.

> After all, attacking me seems to be quite fashionable on this board at the
> moment.

> Americans, as we know, don't really 'get' irony, at least not as readily
> as their English counterparts, hence....

> Finally, whether it takes two minutes or two days to do something is
> academic in this instance. my point being that it's time you'll never get
> back, so perhaps you should employ it more wisely.

You seem to be very defensive when it comes to people expressing their opinions on what you post. However, you seem to be extremely capable of offering your opinion on others, and indeed can be very harsh. Are you unable to accept criticism, or indeed unable to see the double standards in all of this? You should not be surprised whan you are "attacked" as you put it, because of the often venomous and insulting nature of your posts. In others words, what goes around comes around. I have no desire of an apology from you, as I don't give much creedence to what you say.

My nationality is beside the point. I may be Austealian, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Jamaican or indeed from any other English speaking country. My point was one should never generalise in this manner - it borders on xenophobia/racism.

And before you comment on how I spend my time, remember you'll never get your time back either. If you are unable to accept the fact that you are not always right and that there will be certain people who view your posts as a waste of time, then I'm afraid you have a problem. I only hope that you don't conduct yourself in life as you do on this board from time to time because that would be an awful shame.

However, if it helps, you can vent your spleen in my direction. You may find it a cathartic experience, and release some of that stress you sppear to be suffering from. I don't mind, I'm quite comfortable with myself and won't take it personally.
> You seem to be very defensive when it comes to people expressing their
> opinions on what you post. However, you seem to be extremely capable of
> offering your opinion on others, and indeed can be very harsh. Are you
> unable to accept criticism, or indeed unable to see the double standards
> in all of this? You should not be surprised whan you are
> "attacked" as you put it, because of the often venomous and
> insulting nature of your posts. In others words, what goes around comes
> around. I have no desire of an apology from you, as I don't give much
> creedence to what you say.

> My nationality is beside the point. I may be Austealian, Welsh, Scottish,
> Irish, Jamaican or indeed from any other English speaking country. My
> point was one should never generalise in this manner - it borders on
> xenophobia/racism.

> And before you comment on how I spend my time, remember you'll never get
> your time back either. If you are unable to accept the fact that you are
> not always right and that there will be certain people who view your posts
> as a waste of time, then I'm afraid you have a problem. I only hope that
> you don't conduct yourself in life as you do on this board from time to
> time because that would be an awful shame.

> However, if it helps, you can vent your spleen in my direction. You may
> find it a cathartic experience, and release some of that stress you sppear
> to be suffering from. I don't mind, I'm quite comfortable with myself and
> won't take it personally.

OK, let's get a few things straight.

If you actually had a sense of humour, and I really must say, I've seen no evidence of it up to the present, I suspect even you would probably laugh were you to realise just how profoundly indifferent I am to the 'criticism' levelled towards me from you or anyone else on this site.

It amuses me to ridicule the sanctimonious, ego fuelled dullards who post their ill-concieved drivel on here, just as it can be entertaining for me to play with the pompous & the self-important, as a cat plays with a mouse, before devouring it.

Just as it amuses me to deal in racial stereotypes, on occasion, for comic effect.

I am only too aware of the fact that time is a precious commodity, this is why I'm prepared to share the benefit of my experience with those who would waste theirs on meaningless trivialities.

Now are you gonna get the f*** off my case or what!?
> OK, let's get a few things straight.

> If you actually had a sense of humour, and I really must say, I've seen no
> evidence of it up to the present, I suspect even you would probably laugh
> were you to realise just how profoundly indifferent I am to the
> 'criticism' levelled towards me from you or anyone else on this site.

> It amuses me to ridicule the sanctimonious, ego fuelled dullards who post
> their ill-concieved drivel on here, just as it can be entertaining for me
> to play with the pompous & the self-important, as a cat plays with a
> mouse, before devouring it.

> Just as it amuses me to deal in racial stereotypes, on occasion, for comic
> effect.

> I am only too aware of the fact that time is a precious commodity, this is
> why I'm prepared to share the benefit of my experience with those who
> would waste theirs on meaningless trivialities.

> Now are you gonna get the f*** off my case or what!?

Not until you come to your senses. Dealing in racial stereotypes is not amusing, just insulting. You really think far to much of yourself. Come down off your high horse, I think the rarified air is effecting your thought processes. You see, I don't know whether you are aware of this or not but you do come across as a sanctimonous ego fuelled dullard who posts their ill-conceived drivel in an attempt to annoy others. (Note i before e except after c). How very noble of you to share your precious time with us underlings. Although I'm gettting the feeling that some would rather you didn't.

As for your indifference to criticism, I beg to differ. Any critical comment directed towards you is invariably met with arrogance, abuse and put downs. You don't need to spit out your dummy every time someone says or does something you don't like. Express your opinion by all means, but try to do so in a more adult manner. Resorting to cheap digs does you no justice whatsoever

Now, i'm glad you took my advice and had a little rant-did it make you feel any better. I hope so.

Only one question remains - whose playing with whom?

Love, kisses and all the best.
> Not until you come to your senses. Dealing in racial stereotypes is not
> amusing, just insulting. You really think far to much of yourself. Come
> down off your high horse, I think the rarified air is effecting your
> thought processes. You see, I don't know whether you are aware of this or
> not but you do come across as a sanctimonous ego fuelled dullard who posts
> their ill-conceived drivel in an attempt to annoy others. (Note i before e
> except after c). How very noble of you to share your precious time with us
> underlings. Although I'm gettting the feeling that some would rather you
> didn't.

> As for your indifference to criticism, I beg to differ. Any critical
> comment directed towards you is invariably met with arrogance, abuse and
> put downs. You don't need to spit out your dummy every time someone says
> or does something you don't like. Express your opinion by all means, but
> try to do so in a more adult manner. Resorting to cheap digs does you no
> justice whatsoever

> Now, i'm glad you took my advice and had a little rant-did it make you
> feel any better. I hope so.

> Only one question remains - whose playing with whom?

> Love, kisses and all the best.

Enough already! I give in. You win.

(but it doesn't alter the fact that there are only two t's in 'getting'.....)
Thank you, Your submission is graciously accepted.
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