a valentine's day gift for the ladies

Re: pleasing indeed!

> Who is that dude? He looks vaguely familiar.
He plays Caleb on my soap. He was also on Days.

I'm Irish, and as a Celt poetry is in my blood ... I think there's something noble about it to balance out your life in the fake world of TV.

-- Michael Easton

Re: pleasing indeed!

Ally McBeal! That's where I know him from.
Re: pleasing indeed!

> Ally McBeal! That's where I know him from.
Thats rights, wasn't he a nude model?
Re: pleasing indeed!

That's not another bloody Baldwin brother is it?

His bird's alright though.
Re: pleasing indeed!

> Thats rights, wasn't he a nude model?

YES!! That was actually my favorite episode. It was so hilarious! He had a huge wang, remember? LOL

Rene is trying to attach the clay penis and it keeps falling off. "I just can't do this guy to size". HAHA Good stuff!
Re: pleasing indeed!

> wang. lmao.
When he wears his tight black pants it shows his wang very nice indeed.
Re: pleasing indeed!

don't you feel bad for people who have wang for a last name? i knew a kid and he insisted the pronunciation was "wong." tee hee.
Re: Another Valentine's Day gift for the Ladies

That would be me of course,Im every womans dream.
Re: pleasing indeed!

> When he wears his tight black pants it shows his wang very nice indeed.

So he really does have an enormous wang? That wasn't just an act?
Re: pleasing indeed!

> So he really does have an enormous wang? That wasn't just an act?
No, its all real, but not as big as.......


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