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  • D
    It is indeed. But keep that between me and you :) only 1 or 2 people know. I don't tend to give much information out. I remember VivaHate sent the location of where he lived once and I was scared for him.
    I'm okay thank you. I should really stop talking you Crystal now! I'll call you Amie on here, but not in the forum. There's lots of bored people on here tonight. I'm going to be 19 tomorrow. So I hope you've got me a cake :p
    there's too many anonymous people on here now. it's getting pathetic.
    Crystal your getting increasingly horny on this forum! :o :lbf:
    Thanks for the "Marwencol" recommendation!
    I added it my Netflix playlist, and will hopefully watch it soon.
    Hey, I just read your thread: Crystal Geezer visits WME, lol. I have to ask, were you okay after falling in that gas puddle?
    And second, did you ever hear back from anyone?
    I just have to say, your threads are some of the most creative ones on here. You should consider writing a book or starting a blog or something.
    Man, do I ever felt had! :p
    I still think a tailgate sounds like fun.
    I mean, who knows how many chances we will have able to go to a birthday concert?
    My husband & I are coming into San Diego from out of state actually.

    I'm totally down with a tailgate party :rock: Send me a PM if you want to swap info, etc...
    oh f*** her. if it is so horrible here than don't read it; i doubt f***ing andy does or is very upset by it. she needs to grow up ' a friend sent me a link' ha.

    nah i don't make em i seem to find them and its a lot easier than typing out a load of shit really. when a simple picture states it all. It quicker to but when back @ work i won't be able to.
    I don't care about her weight that wasn't the point; the pictures she posted was a retro looking person so i just had that imagine in my head of a retro girl dancing with a bloke with quiff. oh well she is going to be pissed at my latest post. Its nice they have the time to worry about pop stars I know i don't. Its nice to know what is important in your life.
    Lol. Yeah she's really sensitive about her weight. You know when Moz played LA last time I saw Scarlet and her creepy husband in the lobby of the Escondido show, like in a quiet corner. THey both made eye contact, I smiled. Neither of them approached. Then I walked across Sunset in front of the Music Box the day we lined up for tickets and her husband was in the intersection with a shit eating grin sizing me up. Never approached or said hello. THey are both f***ing creepy. And they are obsessed with being first in line. THey leave their daughter at home and will attend 10-15 gigs in a row, travelling all over the country. THey are seriously weird. To say they don't have a "weird loyalty to Morrissey" is ludicrous. They never addressed that, it just goes straight to me being crazy. Whatever. Sideshow stuff I guess.
    I was just deleting some shit ere and i came across the thread where i said scarlet and Steven dancing together would look like the leads out of Hairspray! She thought i was making fun of her weight & sent me a PM which i ignored.
    I was looking for a new Morrissey t-shirt on Etsy. (Summer time coming up and all!) In my search for t-shirts, a vendor came up who had a designed a very rad looking "Jon Stewart for President" shirt that Morrissey was modeling! The vendor was a female graphic designer/artist based in LA, and she had something about "geezers" on her profile. I know you have mentioned you're an artist, and obviously you have "geezer" in your name, so I thought maybe that was your store.
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