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  • D
    Have you been busy in the last few days? :)
    I'm just listening to some Smiths bootlegs I narrowed 28 1984 bootlegs to just 4 and around 20 1983 bootlegs to just 5! Honestly, they were just taking loads of space! I've just booked a new place for my band to rehearse in because we've had enough of "Mr Nasty Man" in the other place we were rehearsing in.
    I think this relationship will work haha!
    I like that song too Crystal. Didn't know you knew any Enya songs! Most people around here avoid them like the plague!
    crystal, your private messages inbox is full. And yes, that is the name of the band :)
    I never get bored! I always have something to do when my computer is on :)
    It's dead on here tonight. I'm wanting a bit of banter with people, but nobody is here.
    where are you working now Crystal? And thanks, I am ready to better myself and try and work my mind because it's been stale for several year hehe :)
    Hey CG, how's life treating you? :) I was going to post in your thread saying what a twat Juno is but I felt that would be somewhat stating the obvious. x
    Thank you :) I will enjoy the next "bird post" you make hehe
    They'll all shut up by tomorrow. If they don't then I'll take action :gun:
    Your too cool to be weird. You don't have to explain yourself!
    If I say your cool, then you are cool :cool:
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