Will Never Breed: Are Morrissey fans less likely to have or adopt children?

  • Thread starter Belligerent Ghoul
  • Start date
Hi f***face. Anyone who bashes America in a such a hostile & ignorant & excessive manner and then still reaps the benefits of our nation, and still dares to set foot in our nation, gets picked apart like a steamed Maryland Blue Crab in the Summer.

> Hey f***er. She can live her life as she chooses. Why must you pick her
> apart like some little old lady? is your own existence THAT dull?
Ill stick it in your ass if you want

> BWHAHAHAHA!!! I'm just reading this now. Damn! How did I miss this?
> Wait, let me stop laughing. Ok...are you really that naive to think that
> marriage is all about love? Can you only love someone truly once you've
> taken the "vows" to stand by eachother through sickness, health
> and all of that other bullshit? Funny how that all seems to be thrown out
> of the window in divorce court eh genius?
> If all I wanted was a "f*** buddy", do you REALLY think I would
> have stayed with the same man (loyally I might add) for 12 years?! Come on
> now.
> I really feel sorry for you if you think that marriage is the be all and
> end all to a relationship. I have not consumed my entire life and
> upbringing on what tacky wedding dress I'm going to wear to marry my
> prince charming and live happily ever after. I'm far more logical than
> that. If two people are happy with how their relationship is, then why
> bother changing it? Are you one of those religious freaks who thinks that
> if you don't get married you're going to burn in hell for eternity? I'm
> assuming so because you're talking out of your ass, just like most
> religious fanatics tend to do.
> The end.
> I'm not religious though I am sure you crap on anyone who believes in God.

> You are not logical - you are Ms. Alternative Lifestyle, a freak yourself.
> How many tattoos and piercings you got bitch? I'm fairly certain you are
> not getting enough protein up in the old cabeza. Vegetarians never do. Why
> did he leave your ass after 12 years? Finally found out what a weirdo you
> really are? Loser. You wasted 12 years of your life. You're damaged goods.

Oh yes -- I remember you. "GenderNectar is a mod bitch". Boy have you got me pegged. I have 15 piercings and that's just on my upper body! And the tattoos?! Don't even get me started. I'M COVERED! Because that's me -- Mrs. Alternative. I wear my badge proud.
When did you hear me say that my ex left me?
I didn't waste 12 years of my life. I'd never think of that as a waste. It was a life experience.
I'M damaged goods? LOL! You're hilarious.
> Hey f***er. She can live her life as she chooses. Why must you pick her
> apart like some little old lady? is your own existence THAT dull?

Thank you my lovely.
You also don't believe in a God that loves you either - so I completely understand your logic.
> Anyone who bashes America in a such a hostile & ignorant
> & excessive manner and then still reaps the benefits of our nation,
> and still dares to set foot in our nation, gets picked apart like a
> steamed Maryland Blue Crab in the Summer.

Pfft! And how exactly am I reaping the benifits of your nation? I can count the number of times I've been to the U.S on my right hand. I could go there every day if I wanted but I have absolutely no need to.
I America can be very beautiful, it's the twats like you that live there that give it a bad name. You've you'd learn to shut your pie hole for 12 seconds, perhaps you wouldn't all be in the situation you're in now. You're all so quick to boast. Let's see if you can dodge those bullets as quickly.
> You also don't believe in a God that loves you either - so I completely
> understand your logic.

I'm surrounded by crazies. How did I get here?
> Ill stick it in your ass if you want

Oh -- tempting offer, but I think I'll pass. Thanks for thinking of me though.
I'm a twat for disagreeing with the politics of George W. Bush, agreeing with Morrissey's statements in Dublin, but defending my nation against malicious & mocking attacks by the likes of you? I don't think so. We are so quick to boast. You are so quick to express self-righteous indignation. Last I checked you were still firmly tied to the UK, not exactly a bastion of tolerance and progressive policies with Tony Blair at the helm. If QE II is just a figurehead and your relationship with England no more than a formality, why the f*** don't you break it off? How can Quebec ever expect to gain independence when your entire nation is still linked to the royals?
> I'm surrounded by crazies. How did I get here?

that's a first clue - everyone else is wrong but you.
People like GenderNectar confuse me though. Loathes children, does not
> believe in Marriage, but claims to believe in love. Love to what end?
> Pretty sure, she just wants "f*** buddies."

Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you have to marry them. A few words spoken in front of some "important citizen" as you are carried away with the mood of romance does not mean you love someone more than a couple who choose not to get married.

And as for children....they are not the result of love, they are the result of sex. A different thing, entirely.
> People like GenderNectar confuse me though. Loathes children, does not

> Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you have to marry them. A few
> words spoken in front of some "important citizen" as you are
> carried away with the mood of romance does not mean you love someone more
> than a couple who choose not to get married.

> And as for children....they are not the result of love, they are the
> result of sex. A different thing, entirely.
Even before Morrissey, I always *knew* I never wanted children, EVER. I had an argument with the doctor when I was 16 about this. He said, your uterus looks fine. You'll have lots of children" and I said, "But, I'm not having children" and he said, pompously, "Oh yes, you will" I said, "Oh NO I won't." The very thought of another part of myself out in the universe was so troubling. So two years ago, I had a hysterectomy. Best thing I ever did. Now I don't have to worry about birth control, PMS or pain. (just sweat a lot). I think actually some people should take some sort of test before they have kids. The gene pool isn't filled with very many bright people. But that goes without saying.
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