Will Morrissey ever come out of the closet?



I'm sick of waiting. Morrissey's music gave me the courage of coming out of the closet, and though I've been living the gay highlife for the better part of 13 years, I've been waiting SO LONG for Morrissey to come clean about his sexuality. Michael Stipe, George Michael and now even Rosie O'Donell, all of Morrissey's close friends, have come clean, why can't he? Okay, you may say "Will Never Marry", "Handsome Devil" and "This Charming Man" proves that he already has, but these are just cop-outs. Though everybody and their gay puppy knows that Morrissey is gay, why can't he just say it?! When he's ready, I'll be sure to have my 10 inch lovepole ready
Re: Will Nature make a man of me yet? Maybe with some hormones and a sex change, yeah.

> Morrissey is gay, why can't he just say it?! When he's ready, I'll be sure
> to have my 10 inch lovepole ready

He was waiting for you and your big, gay 10" lovepole to declare his undying love and lust!

How can you look into my eyes and still you don't believe me? Have a butcher's at this old '92 interview where Morrissey candidly discusses his sexuality -- "Morrissey Flowers Again" -- Arcane Old Wardrobe

No Sex Please, I'm Morrissey
Re: Will Nature make a man of me yet? Maybe with some hormones and a sex change, yeah.

> He was waiting for you and your big, gay 10" lovepole to declare his
> undying love and lust!

> How can you look into my eyes and still you don't believe me? Have a
> butcher's at this old '92 interview where Morrissey candidly discusses his
> sexuality -- "Morrissey Flowers Again" -- Arcane Old Wardrobe

I can't say this interview is too "candid". Sounds like he's still hiding something, and all those around him are in on it. Though he did admit to a homosexual experience, the notion that all his cocksucking in his whole life has amounting to just two hours is unbelievable to me. I sucked cock for more than two hours just this morning! Morrissey, if you're reading this, just come out and say you're gay! You'll be so much happier. Big Gay Al, you're my hero!!!
more important

When he comes out, will Chris and his friend be there waiting for him?
Re: Some people are just more confortable in the closet!
That's exactly what I'm talking about

There will still be innocent minds like the one above that can't read between the lines, that don't understand irony, that won't ever know that this whole "celibate" business was just a cruel joke on the fans for the benefit of the press, if Morrissey never fesses up and comes clean about his gayness. Young, tortured gay souls will continue to be tortured but old due to his constant betrayal of his gay self. Morrissey, don't you know it's okay to be gay? You've condemned two generations (and more to come) of innocent gays into bedroom seclusion and suicidal brink because you just won't be honest. Not only is it okay to be gay, it's terribly fun, and I couldn't imagine how horribly dull it must be straight. I know you do too, Morrissey, and don't think I haven't heard about you and Ricky Martin in Miami. So please do the gay world a favor and just say it!

I'm queer myself, and it's so obvious he isn't just gay. "Bisexual" would be the closest term. No one truly knows how he feels, and he may feel more attracted to men, but it's just so, so, so, so obvious he's not gone down to the level of thinking "sex sex sex" but more "love love love".

Like Rufus Wainwright said, "Gay people go on about sex too much!"
Right, thanks for the contribution, now go back playing Nintendo
Re: Look...

> I'm queer myself, and it's so obvious he isn't just gay.
> "Bisexual" would be the closest term. No one truly knows how he
> feels, and he may feel more attracted to men, but it's just so, so, so, so
> obvious he's not gone down to the level of thinking "sex sex
> sex" but more "love love love".

> Like Rufus Wainwright said, "Gay people go on about sex too
> much!"

Are you're sure you're gay? And you believe in "bisexuality"? Bisexuals are heterosexuals that are perhaps open-minded and into trying new things, or perhaps just confused just as I once was, but people are generally either gay or straight. You can say I was "bisexual" until my misery lead me to understand that yes, I am gay! And so happy to be so....

So no, I don't believe Morrissey is "bisexual". He's gay and he knows it, you know it, I know it, but the majority of his fans do not. I got in a fight at a bar recently because some flower-carrying straight fan was so "offended" that I professed he was gay, enough to try to hit me. Sadly for him, I'm a man that works out 14 times a week and I had him pummelled to an inch of his life.

So to all you pea-brains and children that still believes he is "celibate", now really. Can you trust everything the man says? He is gay, and he should have the courage to come out and say it. He's ruined his career not taking a stand, such as when he was accused of being racist by the NME. Now I believed him then, though definitely he should have come out to his own defense. I agree with the NME that there's danger that some of his more mentally-challenged fans wouldn't know the irony and start lining up for the National Front. Now with this gay thing, how many more poor innocent gay fans will need to suffer just because they are ashamed of being gay, 'cause poor old Morrissey is a slapper with a secret!
Here we go again...

Oh, for god's sake, hasn't this topic been done to death by now? I know there isn't much to talk about Moz-wise, but this endless "is he or isn't he" banter is just tiresome. It's gone on for years, and it never seems to stop.

> Are you're sure you're gay? And you believe in "bisexuality"?
> Bisexuals are heterosexuals that are perhaps open-minded and into trying
> new things, or perhaps just confused just as I once was, but people are
> generally either gay or straight. You can say I was "bisexual"
> until my misery lead me to understand that yes, I am gay! And so happy to
> be so....

Not to be rude, but do you realize how incredibly condescending you're being? You may not be bisexual, which is fine. So you're 100% gay, and thrilled to bits about it. Well, good for you. To deny that an entire sexual orientation exists, however, simply because you don't practice it...well, that's beyond ridiculous. Some people *are* genuinely bisexual. Deal with it. Stereotyping isn't pretty, my friend.

> So no, I don't believe Morrissey is "bisexual". He's gay and he
> knows it, you know it, I know it, but the majority of his fans do not. I
> got in a fight at a bar recently because some flower-carrying straight fan
> was so "offended" that I professed he was gay, enough to try to
> hit me. Sadly for him, I'm a man that works out 14 times a week and I had
> him pummelled to an inch of his life.

That's a rather silly thing to fight over, you know. I'm glad, of course, that you seem to know Morrissey so intimately, since you claim to have the "definitive" knowledge about his sexuality. *yawn* The fact is, that unless you've slept with the man, you don't know for sure what his preferences are. None of us do. And I, for one, don't really care. I don't need celebrity role models in order to feel secure in my sexuality, personally.
How evasive can he get?

Big M did two British press interviews to promote his last album. In one (Guardian) he said he'd just come out of a 3 year relationship; in the other (Melody Maker), he said he'd never had a relationship in his life ...
Re: How evasive can he get?

> Big M did two British press interviews to promote his last album. In one
> (Guardian) he said he'd just come out of a 3 year relationship; in the
> other (Melody Maker), he said he'd never had a relationship in his life
> ...
Maybe he was just plain embarrassed because the "relationship" was with Mr. Proper....
Re: Here we go again...

> Oh, for god's sake, hasn't this topic been done to death by now? I know
> there isn't much to talk about Moz-wise, but this endless "is he or
> isn't he" banter is just tiresome. It's gone on for years, and it
> never seems to stop.

That's because Morrissey hasn't come out of the closet. Did this "tiresome banter" go on about Michael Stipe? Yes it did, and now it's ended because brave Michael has finally gone on record about his homosexuality. Now if only Morrissey could be half a man as Michael Stipe.

> Not to be rude, but do you realize how incredibly condescending you're
> being? You may not be bisexual, which is fine. So you're 100% gay, and
> thrilled to bits about it. Well, good for you. To deny that an entire
> sexual orientation exists, however, simply because you don't practice
> it...well, that's beyond ridiculous. Some people *are* genuinely bisexual.
> Deal with it. Stereotyping isn't pretty, my friend.

I'm assuming you're one of those "geniunely bisexual" people? I'm sorry, but you are actually a homosexual. Just because your dad took you to the garden shed to beat the gay out of you doesn't mean being "bisexual" somehow legitimizes your "heterosexuality".

> That's a rather silly thing to fight over, you know. I'm glad, of course,
> that you seem to know Morrissey so intimately, since you claim to have the
> "definitive" knowledge about his sexuality. *yawn* The fact is,
> that unless you've slept with the man, you don't know for sure what his
> preferences are. None of us do. And I, for one, don't really care. I don't
> need celebrity role models in order to feel secure in my sexuality,
> personally.

That's funny 'cause from your post, you are anything but secure in your sexuality. And of course Morrissey isn't either. He's the worst kind of homosexual, the kind that cashes in on the public's naivety and ignorance while privately is living a sex life even Wilt Chamberlain would be ashamed of. To deny that he is a "role model" is to be completely stupid considering your surf this site and post on these boards. He has, of course, legions of innocent but silly fans that would do anything to "be like Morrissey". And if to be like Morrissey (the Morrissey he wants you to believe, alas) is to hate yourself, hate your sexuality, and spurn the greatest thing in life (and that is love and sex), well then, it can be argued that Morrissey is more evil that Hitler and Bin Laden put together.
Re: Here we go again...

(Yeah, I know that at this point it's just feeding the trolls, but this is too funny to pass up.)

> That's because Morrissey hasn't come out of the closet. Did this
> "tiresome banter" go on about Michael Stipe? Yes it did, and now
> it's ended because brave Michael has finally gone on record about his
> homosexuality. Now if only Morrissey could be half a man as Michael Stipe.

Umm, okay. Sure. I'm not a fan of REM, and don't pay attention to celebrity gossip in any case, so I really can't comment on this. Moreover, I don't give a rat's arse. Moving on.

> I'm assuming you're one of those "geniunely bisexual" people?
> I'm sorry, but you are actually a homosexual. Just because your dad took
> you to the garden shed to beat the gay out of you doesn't mean being
> "bisexual" somehow legitimizes your "heterosexuality".

Whoa. Judgmental much? It's quite amazing, really, how much you know about my sex life, Morrissey's sex life, etc. It must be hard, being all-knowing and all-seeing like that. Must make life rather hectic for you. Now, I could speculate about what happened in *your* childhood to make you such an obsessed, bitter individual, but I won't do that, 'cause I'm a nice person.

> That's funny 'cause from your post, you are anything but secure in your
> sexuality. And of course Morrissey isn't either. He's the worst kind of
> homosexual, the kind that cashes in on the public's naivety and ignorance
> while privately is living a sex life even Wilt Chamberlain would be
> ashamed of. To deny that he is a "role model" is to be
> completely stupid considering your surf this site and post on these
> boards. He has, of course, legions of innocent but silly fans that would
> do anything to "be like Morrissey". And if to be like Morrissey
> (the Morrissey he wants you to believe, alas) is to hate yourself, hate
> your sexuality, and spurn the greatest thing in life (and that is love and
> sex), well then, it can be argued that Morrissey is more evil that Hitler
> and Bin Laden put together.

*snerk* I think we can officially invoke Godwin's Law on this thread.
And as for you, Jules...you're a sad, angry little person. I come to this site because I like Morrissey's music. Wow, what a novel concept. (I also find the trainwreck quality of these discussion boards highly amusing.) My entire life doesn't revolve around the guy. If yours does, well, you ought to get out more. Or get some therapy. Or whatever. And maybe, since Morrissey doesn't seem to measure up to your exacting standards, you should find a new musical hero to worship. Michael Stipe, maybe?
Re: Here we go again...

Tough guys who fight over Morrissey's sexuality in bars. Let me guess .... you live the America, right?

> That's because Morrissey hasn't come out of the closet. Did this
> "tiresome banter" go on about Michael Stipe? Yes it did, and now
> it's ended because brave Michael has finally gone on record about his
> homosexuality.

Michael Stipe never came out as a "homosexual". His words were that he had been in a relationship with a man for the last three years. This doesn't mean he "came out". I remember reading an interview a few years earlier where he said something to the effect of "I have enjoyed sex with both men and women". Michael Stipe is bisexual. Get over it .....

> I'm assuming you're one of those "geniunely bisexual" people?
> I'm sorry, but you are actually a homosexual. Just because your dad took
> you to the garden shed to beat the gay out of you doesn't mean being
> "bisexual" somehow legitimizes your "heterosexuality".

See point above. This is rubbish. So anyone with the slighest hint of of a homosexual tendancy must be gay? What about all the people who come out in middle age after being in heterosexual relationships? Are you saying the years of sex meant *nothing*? Sexuality is fluid, not the black and white picture you paint it as. One can, at various points in their life, be attracted to both men and women. Just because *you* may be exclusively attracted to people of your own sex doesn't mean this is necessarily the common experience. (Who knows, amybe you'll find the right girl someday.)

You of all people should live and let live. Don't be such a biggoted redneck. (Or should that be pinkneck?)

> And if to be like Morrissey
> (the Morrissey he wants you to believe, alas) is to hate yourself, hate
> your sexuality, and spurn the greatest thing in life (and that is love and
> sex), well then, it can be argued that Morrissey is more evil that Hitler
> and Bin Laden put together.

You are an idiot. Awww .... evil widdle Morrissey makes people feel bad because he doesn't conform to someone's elses expectations. Grow up pal. How old are you? 16? I agree that, if Morrissey was 100% homosexual, and was keeping it hidden, it would be a little .... err ... dishonest. But I really believe that the reason he has always been circumspect about his sexuality is because he finds such labels restrictive and unrepresentative of what he is.

No offence to you or your sexuality, but this is a childish and stupid argument.

Simply RThrilled Honey - Message of the Year so far. Wonderful!
Re: Here we go again...

Yeah, I agree with you there! I think Morrissey's a bit like Alan Bennett - when he was questioned about his sexuality he said "That's like asking someone who's dying of thirst in the middle of the desert whether they'd like Perrier or Evian."


> Tough guys who fight over Morrissey's sexuality in bars. Let me guess ....
> you live the America, right?

> Michael Stipe never came out as a "homosexual". His words were
> that he had been in a relationship with a man for the last three years.
> This doesn't mean he "came out". I remember reading an interview
> a few years earlier where he said something to the effect of "I have
> enjoyed sex with both men and women". Michael Stipe is bisexual. Get
> over it .....

> See point above. This is rubbish. So anyone with the slighest hint of of a
> homosexual tendancy must be gay? What about all the people who come out in
> middle age after being in heterosexual relationships? Are you saying the
> years of sex meant *nothing*? Sexuality is fluid, not the black and white
> picture you paint it as. One can, at various points in their life, be
> attracted to both men and women. Just because *you* may be exclusively
> attracted to people of your own sex doesn't mean this is necessarily the
> common experience. (Who knows, amybe you'll find the right girl someday.)

> You of all people should live and let live. Don't be such a biggoted
> redneck. (Or should that be pinkneck?)

> You are an idiot. Awww .... evil widdle Morrissey makes people feel bad
> because he doesn't conform to someone's elses expectations. Grow up pal.
> How old are you? 16? I agree that, if Morrissey was 100% homosexual, and
> was keeping it hidden, it would be a little .... err ... dishonest. But I
> really believe that the reason he has always been circumspect about his
> sexuality is because he finds such labels restrictive and unrepresentative
> of what he is.

> No offence to you or your sexuality, but this is a childish and stupid
> argument.

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