Why Doesn't Morrissey Come Out of the Closet?

Why don't you spred your ass cheeks and sit on my big fat dick!!
The same reason Chris won't, they are both sexual enigmas and clever
Re: Why Doesn't Mr. Proper Come Out of the Closet?

> In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep
> his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out &
> proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a
> little 'sad'.
> I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to
> appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join
> the modern world!
Hey, ooohhh you called me shit. your gay because you listen to the music of some gay guy morissey and your a guy and your girlfriend ho are you is a slut.
WHY DOESN'T SPARTACUS spell his own name correctly?

Because he's Mexican, baby!!
Announcing you are gay and its effect on your career

> You are missing the point. This is not the 1950s. There is no reason for
> someone to be s obsessively private about their homosexuality. Young
> people regard that as pathetic. Morrissey made his name as a radical
> artist - aka "The Queen is Dead" and "Margaret on the
> Guillotine". Yet George Michael & Elton John - who were
> MAINSTREAM in the 80s are now far more radical than Morrissey.

May I ask...do you have any experience in the real world of business? You don't know the damage announcing you are gay can have on your career. In MOST states across the US, you have NO protection against being fired for being homosexual. You're gay, you're fired and there's not a damn thing you can do about. Do straight people even realize that that's the way it is in most of the "united" states, even today?

Hollywood has their token gays aka Will & Grace, but then even "Will" is straight in real life. The only true gay person represented on that show is the stereotypical flaming queen. Not the 1950's but the sterotypes are still ever present.

Remember 'Ellen'? She announced she was gay then POOF, her show gets cancelled. Rosey O'Donnell...same thing. Ricky Martin? Why'd his popularity plummet so quickly?..everyone found out he was gay. You mentioned George Michael. What has he been doing since getting caught wacking off in that restroom in LA? Last time I remember him being any sort of force in music was back in the 80's. When people found out he was really gay (early 90's) his fanbase dropped considerably.

The ONLY way it is safe to announce you're are gay without it having a negative effect on your career is to be in the position of Elton John...so filthy stinking rich that you just don't give a damn anymore what people say. For years Elton insisted he was "bi" only because he knew the public would be a little more accepting of that.

True, the youth of today don't give a damn if you're gay or straight. Thank god, there is hope for future. But the sad truth is that business today is still largely run by the old school, and they just aren't as open to it all. Until they die off and the gen xr's have total control nothing will change.

The bottom line is that it's nobody's business but his own what he prefers. You don't want the world knowing what's going on in your bedroom. Imagine if you were constantly put on the spot about your orientation. Give the man his privacy and the respect that he deserves. Afterall, that's exactly what you expect for yourself.
Re: WHY DOESN'T SPARTACUS spell his own name correctly?

> Because he's Mexican, baby!!

No, no, no! Sparacus is a play on words, dimwitts! He's sparring with us therefore he's 'spar-acus'. I'm not a fan of his but I know what he's up to.
Re: Rosie O'Donnell is GAY?!!

Yes, and so is Ellen Degeneres!
> In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep
> his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out &
> proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a
> little 'sad'.
> I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to
> appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join
> the modern world!
Hey, didn't Mr Morrissey came out of the closet at very first Smiths album (lyrics "she is too strong and I'm too delicate... And pretty girls make graves") Where he documents his typically gay experience of refusing come-ons of a woman... I mean, his lyrics is so openly gay-oriented, much more so then George Michael...
> In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep
> his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out &
> proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a
> little 'sad'.
> I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to
> appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join
> the modern world!

He's not in the closet you dumpling. Why does he have to say what his sexuality is? If you knew anything about the man you would know he is gay.
Do other musicians proclaim on a daily basis they are straight?
I don't think so. It really doesn't matter does it?
Re: Why Doesn't Mr. Proper Come Out of the Closet?

I was Mr Proper's first love. As a matter of fact, HE loved and wanted me, so, during one of those nights when you have nothing to do, not even a hore to f***, I made his dream come true. he said that he never felt such a hot pain in his *** before.
> Hey, didn't Mr Morrissey came out of the closet at very first Smiths album
> (lyrics "she is too strong and I'm too delicate... And pretty girls
> make graves") Where he documents his typically gay experience of
> refusing come-ons of a woman... I mean, his lyrics is so openly
> gay-oriented, much more so then George Michael...

Exactly. Which makes his refusal to acknowledge it all the more silly.
Re: Why Doesn't Mr. Proper Come Out of the Closet?

> Hey, ooohhh you called me shit. your gay because you listen to the music
> of some gay guy morissey and your a guy and your girlfriend ho are you is
> a slut.

You are clearly some illiterate drunk, of the kind found on 'dotmusic'.
Re: Spartacus you are a sad man. A loser in life.

More rubbish istead of argument. Why don't you irrational people talk sense?
Re: He doesn't have a stitch to wear?

> You could just join the modern world and respect the man's privacy!
> Sheesh!!

In the modern world there is no need for successful people to remain closet cases.
Re: He doesn't have a stitch to wear?

> In the modern world there is no need for successful people to remain
> closet cases.

That's not the point, regardless of whether or not his sexuality would hinder his career, that's personal information that he has every right to keep to himself, whether he's straight, bi, or gay. There's no reason he should have to tell anyone. I'm sure there are private things in your life that you don't announce to everyone, and that doesn't mean that you're embarrasssed about them or trying to hide them or worried about what it would do to your career. He doesn't owe the world an explanation, it's no one's business but his own. And to be honest, he doesn't need to even have a reason not to label himself or spell it out to the world. Unless it's something he wants to do, there is absolutely no reason he should.
Re: Announcing you are gay and its effect on your career

> The bottom line is that it's nobody's business but his own what he
> prefers. You don't want the world knowing what's going on in your bedroom.
> Imagine if you were constantly put on the spot about your orientation.
> Give the man his privacy and the respect that he deserves. Afterall,
> that's exactly what you expect for yourself.

Well said.

Sparacus, how would you like it if Mozzer dragged you up on stage at a show and made you answer loads of really intimate personal questions about yourself?
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