Why should Moz make excuses for Being Asexual?


MIke Belizon

So there is this new book about moz and it's mostly about his sexuality. I wonder if this author has any real talent? I bet it's drivel, but can't be sure.

Why in the world should moz make excuses for being what he is?. This really makes me very angry. Here is a man who has to answer for nonsense and it hurts him. I saw a snipet of the gender-bender thing on MTV. It's unbelievable but what he says is true, people just won't believe, I know because unlike many people I am a true fan. He did write the soundtrack of my life and believe you me, I understand what he is completely. I lived it, not that there's anything wrong with me. I find it funny when these intellectual wannabess (Johnny Rogan included) psycoanalyse Moz and these people people fall way short of simple logic. And as for the gay community, well you people are really confused, intrinsically. I not saying there something wrong about it, but if that's what you are (Seinfeldian appology)
> He did write the soundtrack of my life
> and believe you me, I understand what he is completely. I lived
> it, not that there's anything wrong with me. I find it funny
> when these intellectual wannabess (Johnny Rogan included)
> psycoanalyse Moz and these people people fall way short of
> simple logic.

well that's nice and all - but aren't you pushing it too far as well saying that you "completely" understand what he is ? That you lived "it"?

I don't doubt the honesty of your feelings, but I have the opinion that we should also allow Moz to have his 'own' feelings.
Yes it's all his own, But my point is that I believe it. It so simple but it just won't register with people. The best answer has to be the simplest one
asexuality is a myth

hello idiot. mr morrissey is not asexual. he's never even used the term. he's said "celibate" in the past, but that was a long, long time ago. the man himself has even stated "all people are sexual, the prefix is immaterial." so how about getting your facts straight, "true fan." and face up, moron, morrissey is sexually attracted to men. a "true fan" wouldn't be stupid enough to overlook that important bit of imformation. it's hard being stupid in the modern world, but i'm sure you'll get by somehow.

> So there is this new book about moz and it's mostly about his
> sexuality. I wonder if this author has any real talent? I bet
> it's drivel, but can't be sure.
> Why in the world should moz make excuses for being what he is?.
> This really makes me very angry. Here is a man who has to answer
> for nonsense and it hurts him. I saw a snipet of the
> gender-bender thing on MTV. It's unbelievable but what he says
> is true, people just won't believe, I know because unlike many
> people I am a true fan. He did write the soundtrack of my life
> and believe you me, I understand what he is completely. I lived
> it, not that there's anything wrong with me. I find it funny
> when these intellectual wannabess (Johnny Rogan included)
> psycoanalyse Moz and these people people fall way short of
> simple logic. And as for the gay community, well you people are
> really confused, intrinsically. I not saying there something
> wrong about it, but if that's what you are (Seinfeldian
> appology)

it's best to draw conclusions based on facts, based on evidence. does logic escape you? you can't just colour in the gray areas with your own warped ideas.

do you have issues around your sexuality?

> Yes it's all his own, But my point is that I believe it. It so
> simple but it just won't register with people. The best answer
> has to be the simplest one
Like it or not, it's part of his myth.

Have you ever read the F. Scott Fitzgerald shortstory "Bearnice Bobs Her Hair"? This incredible boring girl, makes herself more interesting by telling people that she is going to bob her hair (remember this was back in the 1920's when it was a shocker to see women with short hair). Everyone talks about it incessantly, and keeps asking her when she's going to have it cut....and the minute she finally does it..... people lose interest.

I think the same thing goes for Morrissey. The minute he flat out declares what he is in very black and white terms, nobody would care anymore. It was also the question on why people tuned into Moonlighting, Lois & Clark, Friends, and the x-files: will they or won't they get together?

People say that it drives them nuts and they want an answer, but as soon as they find out what the answer is, they become incredibly disappointed.

For years, people have ransacked his lyrics, his interviews, his personal life in the name of finding a clue, and even if they think they have it answered, they know deep down they really don't, so they keep looking. But the paradox is that they don't really want Morrissey to answer it himself. They want a tell-all book. For one point, they don't believe him. Everyone thinks, "surely this witty and handsome guy has it all figured out." Why? Because the conventional wisdom is that all good looking and intelligent people are sexually confident. He should get all the dates he wants, is an adult with years of dating life behind him and should have much fewer jitters than some 13 year old going out to a movie with a girl for the first time, and should have all these things figured out at this age in his life. And let's face it: men are also expected to be virile in that sort of way even if they were fast food workers.

That, and years of people like Mick Jagger exploiting their status as rock stars in getting laid, it throws people when there is a paradox. So, it makes him that much more interesting.

But when he does answer it, I notice that people tend to ignore what he says. They want to know, but it's much more fun speculating.
Re: asexuality is a myth

> hello idiot. mr morrissey is not asexual. he's never even used
> the term. he's said "celibate" in the past, but that
> was a long, long time ago. the man himself has even stated
> "all people are sexual, the prefix is immaterial." so
> how about getting your facts straight, "true fan." and
> face up, moron, morrissey is sexually attracted to men. a
> "true fan" wouldn't be stupid enough to overlook that
> important bit of imformation. it's hard being stupid in the
> modern world, but i'm sure you'll get by somehow.

Actually, as biting as your post was...I sort of agree with you. His reputation in the 90's has gone way back with 'friendships' with men, and other activites on a certain level almost no one talks about...however, a TRUE fan would be aware of his relationships in the past that stem back to :::ghasp!::: women! He has been known to actually have close relationships with women as well. It isn't stupid for someone to project their assumptions here for everyone to read- maybe it is even more ridiculous to go pointing fingers at people when you yourself don't even read up enough. I hope I haven't burst that horrid bubble around you. It wouldn't be very nice of me, now would it?...

If you have made up you mind

No I don't have issues with my sexuality. I do find it very very interesting, I know exactly what I am and I have no doubts. I remember taking a course on psycology, Human sexuality I believe and I found the content very very intersting and I've always thought that psycology that's not on the very top ten would be a waste of time. That's why I have strong opinions about this. If you look at it historically there have been many mistakes by sex scientist even the revolutionary ones. Did you know that it was only recent history that it was accepted that women "ejaculated". Yes I suppose I was wrong to call it asexuality. But I do believe that he is celibate without being wierd about. I stand by my statement that I am a true fan because these lyrics makes so much sense to me. When I hear songs that I like, it's mostly because because of the rhythm or the beat or whatever. But with moz its different you know and I know I am not psyco.
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