URGENT - Morrrissey pulls out of "Friday Night With Jonathan Ross"



I've just submitted the following story, but thought I should post it here in case others (like me) were about to set off for the recording. This is 100% confirmed, I'm afraid.

"I've just heard from the BBC that Morrissey has pulled out of today's (Thursday's) filming of tomorrow's "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross". He was due to pre-record "You Have Killed Me" earlier in the day and do the chat this evening, but has had to withdraw for personal reasons. So he will not be at this evening's recording."
Here we go again.... are the tour tickets refundable? And the hotel rooms, and the flights, and the car hire, and the.... oh dear.
Re: Why is this your FIRST ever message here "danbutt"?

I don't normally post on the forum, but I've been a site regular for years and years and years.

Look at http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=+site:www.morrissey-solo.com+morrissey-solo+danbutt
Ok fine, what a pain I was looking forward to that too.

> I don't normally post on the forum, but I've been a site regular for years
> and years and years.

> Look at
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=+site:www.morrissey-solo.com+morrissey-solo+danbutt

I was just about to head off for this... bugger!

What is the source for this information, please?

> I've just submitted the following story, but thought I should post it here
> in case others (like me) were about to set off for the recording. This is
> 100% confirmed, I'm afraid.

> "I've just heard from the BBC that Morrissey has pulled out of
> today's (Thursday's) filming of tomorrow's "Friday Night with
> Jonathan Ross". He was due to pre-record "You Have Killed
> Me" earlier in the day and do the chat this evening, but has had to
> withdraw for personal reasons. So he will not be at this evening's
> recording."
> I've just submitted the following story, but thought I should post it here
> in case others (like me) were about to set off for the recording. This is
> 100% confirmed, I'm afraid.

> "I've just heard from the BBC that Morrissey has pulled out of
> today's (Thursday's) filming of tomorrow's "Friday Night with
> Jonathan Ross". He was due to pre-record "You Have Killed
> Me" earlier in the day and do the chat this evening, but has had to
> withdraw for personal reasons. So he will not be at this evening's
> recording."

Someone here did say that Morrissey was having serious vocal problems. This does not bode well.
Re: source?

> What is the source for this information, please?

I have a friend who works on the show. Sorry to bear bad news
> I've just submitted the following story, but thought I should post it here
> in case others (like me) were about to set off for the recording. This is
> 100% confirmed, I'm afraid.

> "I've just heard from the BBC that Morrissey has pulled out of
> today's (Thursday's) filming of tomorrow's "Friday Night with
> Jonathan Ross". He was due to pre-record "You Have Killed
> Me" earlier in the day and do the chat this evening, but has had to
> withdraw for personal reasons. So he will not be at this evening's
> recording."

Wonder if The Chris Evans interview will happen on saturday?
> Someone here did say that Morrissey was having serious vocal problems.
> This does not bode well.

well, yes, his voice did seem a bit crackly in Austin last week, but we have so much pollen and shit in the air and the weather was changing quite a bit going from being really warm to really cool that it didn't seem like a big thing.

if it's truly personal issues, it could be anything including family related stuff.
Re: source?

Thanks for the info... am now debating whether to go anyway... I suppose David Attenborough is on it... but Gavin Henson and Pink... blimey....

(wonder who they'll get at the last minute to replace him?)

> I have a friend who works on the show. Sorry to bear bad news
Jack Dee is always on standby, but GO because he's bound to mention it alot
Re: Jack Dee is always on standby, but GO because he's bound to mention it alot

i just phoned bbc they no nothing about it, has far as they know he's still on
> if it's truly personal issues, it could be anything including family
> related stuff.

Listening to the sxsw shows (or maybe it was Austin) online, he did seem to be struggling somewhat. Morrissey losing his voice is just about the last thing I want to think about right now - I hope you are right.
This "danbutt" is probably "broken" again taking the piss, thanks for that "lostsoul"
Re: OK, so what happened?

I know the Friday show hasn't aired yet in the UK, but someone must know whether he taped the show or not.

Any word?
yeah, if it were me....

i'd go ahead and go just because you don't really know about these things and the worst that can't happen is that he won't actually be there.
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