TROUBLE LOVES ME - a question



I wonder what this line means: "show me a barrel and watch me scrape it"?

Is it the barrel of a gun and does "scrape it" mean to turn the barrel like it is done in "russian roulette"?
The following line says that the subject is "faced with the music", is it a metaphor for facing danger?

Please give me your help!

> I wonder what this line means: "show me a barrel and watch
> me scrape it"?

Its an old British 'saying'.. "Scraping the bottom of the barrel"..

Probably derives from old British navy terminology when the sailors would have a barrel of rum on the warship (in the days of sail).. and the bottom of the barrel would be the most rank, sediment and scum rich helping you could unfortuantely get left with.. So, this means to scrape the bottom of the barrel is the worst of the selection..

An example would be to say something like "Hey look at that girl with that bloke".."..She must be scraping the bottom of the barrel"...

Ruffian. (not scraping the bootom of the barrel)
Thanx a lot.

It's often a problem that proverbial sayings are difficult to understand if it's not your native language. So I completely missed the meaning.
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