Earl Grey

I cannot help but notice some horrific spellings on these pages. I seriously think you 'fans' need to get some reading done. I could forgive you if you were all 14 year comprehensive pubescents bickering over the first exploits of The Smiths but by all accounts you are not and seem to me to be tittle-tattling way over your station. Walk before you can run my friends.
wbats whrong with my sbelling mr grey?

i blhame my keyboard, its to sobt.

bets regards,
Earl, if I agreed with you more, I would squeak.
Not that anyone cares, but here are just a few of the incredibly irritating mistakes on this board that are constantly and consistently repeated...

Number one (the BIGGEST!): Your vs. you're.
If you have completed the second grade, you should know that your is used when speaking of another's possession(s), and you're is simply a contraction of YOU ARE. Please, please, please let me get what I want, and learn this.

Number two: Comma splices.
Ready? Two independent sentences should not be separated with a comma. Use a semicolon or a comma+'and'.

Number three: Simple misspellings of words that should have been mastered long ago.
Recieve - wrong. Intresting - Wrong. I could go on, but I won't. Many flagrant misspellings occur on here all the time.

The simple truth: the more you read, the better and more effective your writing. Period. People who don't read a fairly large amount of QUALITY material are unable to write, because they haven't the skills culled from reading things written properly.

Good night, and thank you.
I forgot one thing...

It's vs. Its.

It's = it is
Its implies possession: The problem is its transmission.

Re: I forgot one thing...

> It's vs. Its.

> It's = it is
> Its implies possession: The problem is its transmission.


Easiest way to remember, the comma denotes a letter missing..therefore should read it is.
If you know what I mean.
Re: I forgot one thing...

> Easiest way to remember, the comma denotes a letter missing..therefore
> should read it is.
> If you know what I mean.

Yes, exactly. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt with that one, since usually " 's " implies possession, and it's just the opposite with this particular word.
I thank you in return. I do not doubt that those who bother to read these comments may think we are just being pedantic but I feel strongly about the ability and ambition of people to spell correctly. Grammar is a completely different topic and it is the subject of much controversy. The very bare bones of our language are being lost with the same ease as a "Macdonalds" wrapper leaving a grubby hand.
Language is not disposable.
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