"Those Without Whom"?


on a hill

I just bought my YATQ cd and I am loving it !
It's not too bad as they say ... I am in song number 6 TWIFOCB yeaahhhh ) but I have to say that the first thing I read and I'm freakin thrilled-- what the heck is this about "those without whom" and that is Julia Fckin Riley???
just the obvious answers for those you dont know

(1) mean "those without whom . . ." . . . , e.g., this CD could have never happened. A form of thanks without saying thanks, because it is implied.

(2) julie riley is a moz superfan who travels to all shows (220+) to date and publishes fanzine true to you.
Re: YOU didnt get IT

> (1) mean "those without whom . . ." . . . , e.g., this CD could
> have never happened. A form of thanks without saying thanks, because it is
> implied.

> (2) julie riley is a moz superfan who travels to all shows (220+) to date
> and publishes fanzine true to you.

This was meant to be a sarcastic comment but nevermind ..
and is Julia , buddy JuliA Riley , not Julie hahahahahahahah
if that was sarcasm, i'd hate to see your version of humour . . .
> I just bought my YATQ cd and I am loving it !
> It's not too bad as they say ... I am in song number 6 TWIFOCB yeaahhhh
> ) but I have to say that the first thing I read and I'm freakin
> thrilled-- what the heck is this about "those without whom" and
> that is Julia Fckin Riley???

yes, thanks to Julia, we get tons of messages during every tour asking "who is julia?"
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