Thursday Pic of the Day (*PIC*)

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welcome back retard, go f*** your brother & carry on shovin them purple crayons down your neck ya f***in Nonce c***!
Re: grass of the Day

he's just a thicko gullible nonce c***, he got well suckered into believing that shite about the job, we've been laughing at that for months since we told him not to mention it as it's a secret!
ha ha caught the thick c*** out once again!

> Can you please speak English Mr Pimp.
Re: Psych 101

again in English? No No No, not getting it?
Thick nonce c***, how many kiddies you f***ed up today you dirty f***er!

> Not to mention my dear....should the "proper" authorities in
> those cities get wind of his monetary windfall,they will probably cut he
> and porky's ass off from receiving free cheese. Cant have that can we???
> they like being fat,it comes natural and easy for them. They like being
> lazy too,whcih comes easy for them too.
Re: Psych 101

WTF are you on about tubby??? run out of moonpies again???? Still after all this time,cant come up with any sort of real "comeback"(if thats what you call your sorry excuse for one) than this shit????? I dont f*** little kids or guys douchebag. I dont need to. I bang hot women,unlike you shamu f***er.
Re: grass of the Day

Yeah.........just like i laughed out loud for months when you told me you werent a mod either and neither was lynne????
Re: grass of the Day

You thick c***, I was never a Moderator.
You are a nonce c*** though.

> Yeah.........just like i laughed out loud for months when you told me you
> werent a mod either and neither was lynne????
Re: grass of the Day

> You thick c***, I was never a Moderator.
> You are a nonce c*** though.
Grim, you seem really grumpy, have you ever tried getting more fiber in your diet.
Re: grass of the Day

Well I'm not grumpy just that that thick c*** pimple just can't seem to get thru his thick skull that I was never a moderator but that's because he's so obviously a retard. :o)

> Grim, you seem really grumpy, have you ever tried getting more fiber in
> your diet.
Re: grass of the Day

> Grim, you seem really grumpy, have you ever tried getting more fiber in
> your diet.
I get grumpy when I don't get enough oats
Re: grass of the Day

> You thick c***, I was never a Moderator.
> You are a nonce c*** though.
Grim, I even emailed David Tseng and asked him if it were true that you and Lynne were Mods- he was totally surprised and said, "How did you know??" and he admitted that you were. Stop with the name calling.
Re: crass of the Day

Well dear Colleen, either DavidT is taking the piss (if so excellent) or you/him are lying. Why should I lie about something like that? I did admit in a post to being a Mod but that was the Modernist thing back in '79, ya know the scooters/two tone suits/dancing all night etc.
I suggest you email him & ask him if I was a Moderator.

Happy new year?
P.s. ask me anything about anything on here & I'll reply with the truth.
P.p.s. what was pimples reply when you asked him to stop the name calling? Oh you forgot to ask that nonce c*** did you?

> Grim, I even emailed David Tseng and asked him if it were true that you
> and Lynne were Mods- he was totally surprised and said, "How did you
> know??" and he admitted that you were. Stop with the name calling.
Re: grass of the Day

Let's it's fibre over here, I understand you get more fibber (but that's the company you keep hee hee)

> Grim, you seem really grumpy, have you ever tried getting more fiber in
> your diet.
Re: grass of the Day

> I get grumpy when I don't get enough oats
Well NJ is the Garden State so you can come over here and sow as many oats as you like. #718 I'll leave the door open.
Re: grass of the Day

> Well I'm not grumpy just that that thick c*** pimple just can't seem to
> get thru his thick skull that I was never a moderator but that's because
> he's so obviously a retard. :o)
I have to share this story with you. PJ and I were at my niece's B-party(she turned 4) last weekend and my nephew(he's 6) punched her and when my brother asked why he punched his sister he said "she made me do it.
Re: crass of the Day

> Well dear Colleen, either DavidT is taking the piss (if so excellent) or
> you/him are lying. Why should I lie about something like that? I did admit
> in a post to being a Mod but that was the Modernist thing back in '79, ya
> know the scooters/two tone suits/dancing all night etc.
> I suggest you email him & ask him if I was a Moderator .

> Happy new year?
> GrimO
> P.s. ask me anything about anything on here & I'll reply with the
> truth.
> P.p.s. what was pimples reply when you asked him to stop the name calling?
> Oh you forgot to ask that nonce c*** did you?
Grimo love, I will. David was truly shocked that I knew this. Or maybe he got it mixed up with Lynne. I dunno. I wouldn't lie about something like that, Grim. Yeah yeah, I do know, I WAS there, in 1979, I had some Mod friends. Grim, no, I didn't ask Improper about the name calling but I will email him. Don't you think it's enough? I understand about your mum, and sympathise, but how long has this war of words gone on? And you can ask ME about anything on here, and I will give you the truth. I'll email Proper now, in fact.
> As opposed to the biggest slapper/minger of the entire free world,(that be
> your mum fatso)??? Your mum's given more rides than grayhound.

> Just because you chose to bang a fat pig is no reason to get upset and
> call others names porky. It's not our fault she's such a f*** up she cant
> even moderate a message board,thats your mistake for dating her f***nut.

> By the way,you wish you could even get someone as hot as devils. Stick to
> suckin off your futbal team fatso,it's what you're good at.
My beloved Josh, can we somehow stop this war between you and Grimo? SOMEHOW? Is it even possible? Please, for me?
Re: crass of the Day

> Well dear Colleen, either DavidT is taking the piss (if so excellent) or
> you/him are lying. Why should I lie about something like that? I did admit
> in a post to being a Mod but that was the Modernist thing back in '79, ya
> know the scooters/two tone suits/dancing all night etc.
> I suggest you email him & ask him if I was a Moderator .

> Happy new year?
> GrimO
> P.s. ask me anything about anything on here & I'll reply with the
> truth.
> P.p.s. what was pimples reply when you asked him to stop the name calling?
> Oh you forgot to ask that nonce c*** did you?
Why don't you take a look at what I posted Proper underneath his post? I'm sure it won't change anything, but f***, this has to end somehow.
Re: grass of the Day

> Well NJ is the Garden State so you can come over here and sow as many oats
> as you like. #718 I'll leave the door open.

Great.All this Highland air gives me a BIG appetite though.I'll need two helpings in the morning and one at night.Is that ok ?
No jam mind....oh go on then we can have jam if you really want
Re: grass of the Day

> I have to share this story with you. PJ and I were at my niece's
> B-party(she turned 4) last weekend and my nephew(he's 6) punched her and
> when my brother asked why he punched his sister he said "she made me
> do it.

What kind of parent lets siblings punch each other?

Thanks for sharing the story, I would have been too ashamed to admit that about any of my family members.

Your brother sounds like a wonderful person to be raising his children this way. No doubt he laughed at your nephew's witty reply?
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