Pete Doherty- Heaven knows i'm miserable now- 1


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Pete dedicated a song on the 19th of September to Dale Massey , a young man who died of a heart attack. while looking for his tribute I found this.

it may have been posted before....who knows?
I checked but found nothing but I'm sure it has.:straightface:
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Pity it wasnt that middle class slumming-it junkie who died...
Even though most of the time he doesn't present himself well, i think pete doherty is a great musician and just chose the wrong road and got caught up in addiction, and before everyone starts going 'junkie scum' etc etc, lets not forget that many people get addictions and its changes them as a person. yes it was their choice into drugs but does that mean we should call anyone who's been addicted to drugs as junkie scum?

I know it seems i've gone off of a complete random tangent on him but i know how most people react when he's mentioned.
he has always been a trainreck. he never cares about his appearance, that really annoys me.

but then, he's got a great voice and he has released a few good singles.

i don't know, i always face this dilemma when he is mentioned.
I have no problem saying I like his music.

I haven't heard his solo disc yet, but the Libertines and Babyshambles were excellent projects.
He is a complete and utter idiot, if I were given the opportunity to witness bad things happening to him... I'd probably pay money for the pleasure.

I guess his new single (not so new now) "The last of the English roses" has something from Morrissey's "The Last of the famous playboys". To be honest I prefered his career on Libertines intead the solo's. But he's not bad at all. Sometimes I have lost my time listening him.
He is a complete and utter idiot, if I were given the opportunity to witness bad things happening to him... I'd probably pay money for the pleasure.

I find that a ludicrous thing to say. How's he an idiot? He has, just like Morrissey turned thousands of people on to not only music but literature. If you know anything about his music (especially his early stuff) then you will know this. he turned impressionable young teenagers onto Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde

Away from that, The Libertines changed British music greatly and paved the way for many of the bands we can actually tolerate in modern music. His lyrics aren't half bad either

You'll never fumigate the demons, no matter how much you smoke....etc etc

All I'll say is give me Doherty over the Chris Martin, Pussycat Dolls and Lady GaGas of this world anyday
I find that a ludicrous thing to say. How's he an idiot? He has, just like Morrissey turned thousands of people on to not only music but literature. If you know anything about his music (especially his early stuff) then you will know this. he turned impressionable young teenagers onto Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde

Away from that, The Libertines changed British music greatly and paved the way for many of the bands we can actually tolerate in modern music. His lyrics aren't half bad either

You'll never fumigate the demons, no matter how much you smoke....etc etc

All I'll say is give me Doherty over the Chris Martin, Pussycat Dolls and Lady GaGas of this world anyday

How can anyone dissgree with that?
I have no problem saying I like his music.

I haven't heard his solo disc yet, but the Libertines and Babyshambles were excellent projects.

It's much better, I reckon. The solo demos, too.

Awful, awful version of Heaven Knows, though.
He's an arsehole

He's a breed of so-called musicians who attempt to determine new trends by setting the worst kind of public personna examples of how not to live your life, and yet he has such a fanbase of worshipping wannabe smackheads

All that, and he looks very stupid in that hat
Are you talking to me? If so, I was not being sanctimonious (no-one is perfect) but just expressing my own personalised opinion on someone who is a complete waste of space on this planet. I mean, what has he ever done that constitutes hero worship on such a large scale? Nothing -he is an arsehole
Are you talking to me? If so, I was not being sanctimonious (no-one is perfect) but just expressing my own personalised opinion on someone who is a complete waste of space on this planet. I mean, what has he ever done that constitutes hero worship on such a large scale? Nothing -he is an arsehole

Reelaround, I have no contention with the validity of your opinion -- everyone is entitled, of course. I was just curious though as to whether you'd agree or disagree with Wit-and-Wisdom's previous statement:

All I'll say is give me Doherty over the Chris Martin, Pussycat Dolls and Lady GaGas of this world anyday

Just wondering where you stand as far as that much goes.
Anybody who uses the phrase how not to live your life in relation to drugs is being sanctimonious.

Anybody who claims that another is a complete waste of space is being sanctimonious.
What an absolute load of tosh!!!!!
And he's a waste of space too, He may have all the tallent in the world but he'll end up dead in a gutter somewhere with nothing. Great example of how to f*** your life up.
And have you seen The Saturdays? I'd much rather have them to this smelly twat!
I think the guy is overrated music-wise. And thank god I don't live in the UK, so I don't have to listen to/read about every single little thing he does.
his first single "last of the english roses" is on some parts musicwise ( the guitar combined with drums)similar to "i dont owe you anything"
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He's only done one half decent song since The Libertines' departure from the music scene. That was 'You Talk'. This is a terrible cover, let's face it.

Hey Solo, it's been a while.
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