Open letter to Morrissey?


Red Guitar

Morrissey please come home!
I just watched the Irish and I have to say it was horrible.
Old Moz surrounded by a group of arse-hole american kids, doing their damndest to look quite mod and uniterested. My teeth are still itching.
Who's idea was this?

Morrissey could not have looked less at ease, the whole concept was absolute utter garbage..Perhaps this has something to do with having the producer of Blink 123 working for you...WHY!!???????!!!!!!!!!!

People in England do care about you!
You must know that even at the time of "Madstock" real people,not musos or press, but actual fans NEVER EVER thought you were racist,but lets face it in this age the concept of racism is stretched to its complete limit...
The press here has been trashing you for years before this, why pack it in just like that?

Yeah it may be cool to live in Carol Lombards house, but its not 1947, how pleasant can living in 2004 L.A be?
You are a legend, and this is not me speaking as a lovestruck new fan, I can say, honestly and, in the cold hard light of day, that you are a true legend. Your music ,at times, has touched the hand of god in it's sheer genuis,seriously.

Your muse is not in L.A, your music HAS suffered.

England loves you.

> Morrissey please come home!
> I just watched the Irish and I have to say it was horrible.
> Old Moz surrounded by a group of arse-hole american kids, doing their
> damndest to look quite mod and uniterested. My teeth are still itching.
> Who's idea was this?

> Morrissey could not have looked less at ease, the whole concept was
> absolute utter garbage..Perhaps this has something to do with having the
> producer of Blink 123 working for you...WHY!!???????!!!!!!!!!!

> People in England do care about you!
> You must know that even at the time of "Madstock" real
> people,not musos or press, but actual fans NEVER EVER thought you were
> racist,but lets face it in this age the concept of racism is stretched to
> its complete limit...
> The press here has been trashing you for years before this, why pack it in
> just like that?

> Yeah it may be cool to live in Carol Lombards house, but its not 1947, how
> pleasant can living in 2004 L.A be?
> You are a legend, and this is not me speaking as a lovestruck new fan, I
> can say, honestly and, in the cold hard light of day, that you are a true
> legend. Your music ,at times, has touched the hand of god in it's sheer
> genuis,seriously.

> Your muse is not in L.A, your music HAS suffered.

> England loves you.
Stay where you are

The weather's better. And he'd look ridiculous driving along the M62 looking like that.
Re: Stay where you are

Lemme say this, you really seem to be a bunch of ignorant arseholes.

Hooray to Red Guitar.
Re: Stay where you are

His music has not suffered, the new cd is great.

> Lemme say this, you really seem to be a bunch of ignorant arseholes.

> Hooray to Red Guitar.
How dare you

Morrissey never makes mistakes, the video is fantastic. I don't know why people like you bother coming on this site, if it isn't someone waffling on about how good The Smiths were then it's someone like you moaning for no good reason. If you don't like the video why not abandon him like those 3 spare parts Marr, Joyce and Rourke.
who cares?

So the video is not a masterpiece, who cares? Morrissey was never known for great videos, some good ones, yes, but mostly average and some down right ridiculous(november spawned a monster anyone?. It has hardly anything to do with his present or past home city.
If you wanna watch "great" videos get your hands on some U2, Duran Duran, Bjork, or some other people "really" into the damn thing. What's important is the music, and he is briliant as usual.
Video is for teenager wankers who want to skip homework, just turn on MTV and my point is proven.
Re: Morrissey's only ever made ONE good video.

> So the video is not a masterpiece, who cares? Morrissey was never known
> for great videos, some good ones, yes, but mostly average and some down
> right ridiculous(november spawned a monster anyone?. It has hardly
> anything to do with his present or past home city.
> If you wanna watch "great" videos get your hands on some U2,
> Duran Duran, Bjork, or some other people "really" into the damn
> thing. What's important is the music, and he is briliant as usual.
> Video is for teenager wankers who want to skip homework, just turn on MTV
> and my point is proven.

Seasick, Yet Still Docked.
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