An open message to David



David, this site--especially this message board lacks class, focus, and originality. I (as most long-time Moz fans, am happy there is finally an official site. I am quite sure I will receive numerous posts indicating my shallow thinking, etc. However, the truth is that you are no longer needed--that all pertinent information can be obtained somewhere else.

I used to think your site was worthwhile, but in essence, it is a forum for immature posts and site administrators. But, based on the history of this, I guess you know that,
Yeah, MorrisseyMusic is a really comprehensive site. *snort*
> David, this site--especially this message board lacks class, focus, and
> originality. I (as most long-time Moz fans, am happy there is finally an
> official site. I am quite sure I will receive numerous posts indicating my
> shallow thinking, etc. However, the truth is that you are no longer
> needed--that all pertinent information can be obtained somewhere else.

> I used to think your site was worthwhile, but in essence, it is a forum
> for immature posts and site administrators. But, based on the history of
> this, I guess you know that,

you speak good english for a japanese citizen, i thank you on behalf of
the international community for your effort
Re: Yeah, MorrisseyMusic is a really comprehensive site. *snort*

It's better than the trash here.
" However, the truth is that you are no longer needed--that all pertinent information can be obtained somewhere else."

And yet you keep coming back....
Coming back---not really. Just here to stir things up. Check my IP history!
> Coming back---not really. Just here to stir things up. Check my IP
> history!

What an asshole you are. This is the only site that matters and it has everything an obsessive or casual fan could want. f*** off and take a hike or post something that makes sense, calling this site worthless doesn't, asshole.
Re: An open message to ..., someone who cares

> This is the only site that matters and it has
> everything an obsessive or casual fan could want.

Do you really believe this to be true? Exactly what is it that you want in a Morrissey board?

> post something that makes sense, calling this site worthless doesn't,

What do you find that makes sense here except the almost hidden bits of Morrissey news? There is so much "worthless" that the real Morrissey posts
are so difficult to find.

Morrissey is the star here, not someone whining about the former bass player/some soup kitchen/perpetrating sex acts on someone's mother, or other off topic subjects. I'd hate to see this site/board die, but telling a legitimate poster to take a hike is not exactly the way to breathe life into this wheezing message board.
Re: An open message to ..., someone who cares

> Do you really believe this to be true? Exactly what is it that you want in
> a Morrissey board?

> What do you find that makes sense here except the almost hidden bits of
> Morrissey news? There is so much "worthless" that the real
> Morrissey posts
> are so difficult to find.

> Morrissey is the star here, not someone whining about the former bass
> player/some soup kitchen/perpetrating sex acts on someone's mother, or
> other off topic subjects. I'd hate to see this site/board die, but telling
> a legitimate poster to take a hike is not exactly the way to breathe life
> into this wheezing message board.

oh, and stuck up c***s like you help, don't you? prick
Re: An open message to ..., someone who cares

Very predictable--you never fail to disappoint.
Re: A reply to someone who doesn't care about Morrissey or this board

> oh, and stuck up c***s like you help, don't you? prick

A totally espected response
Re: A reply to someone who doesn't care about Morrissey or this board

Re: An open message to ..., someone who cares

There's no sense in complaining, it's all we've got, right? There is no alternative.
Yes there is more crap than info about Morrissey but if you've been around for a period of time it's not hard to find the relevant info.
People bitch about this board day in and day out and nothing ever changes, to be honest I don't mind some of the clutter, once in a blue moon it makes me laugh. I enjoy crazys from a safe distance.
If someone complains they can always choose not to come here, all the important news ends up on the main page anyway.

> Do you really believe this to be true? Exactly what is it that you want in
> a Morrissey board?

> What do you find that makes sense here except the almost hidden bits of
> Morrissey news? There is so much "worthless" that the real
> Morrissey posts
> are so difficult to find.

> Morrissey is the star here, not someone whining about the former bass
> player/some soup kitchen/perpetrating sex acts on someone's mother, or
> other off topic subjects. I'd hate to see this site/board die, but telling
> a legitimate poster to take a hike is not exactly the way to breathe life
> into this wheezing message board.
> David, this site--especially this message board lacks class, focus, and
> originality. I (as most long-time Moz fans, am happy there is finally an
> official site. I am quite sure I will receive numerous posts indicating my
> shallow thinking, etc. However, the truth is that you are no longer
> needed--that all pertinent information can be obtained somewhere else.

> I used to think your site was worthwhile, but in essence, it is a forum
> for immature posts and site administrators. But, based on the history of
> this, I guess you know that,

Hmmm....where can I start....hmmm...ok first of all you are one ungratefull SOB!
thanks to David we have had a forum to share our love and adoration for Morrissey. Now that there's an "official" site you have the nerve to post such a stupid ass post. Look dickweed if you trully knew and felt what Morrissey tries to convey to us you wouldn't be such an ungrateful bastard. I don't think I need to go further I'd rather go take a shit. So on that note go F yourself, goodnight and thank you
> What an asshole you are. This is the only site that matters and it has
> everything an obsessive or casual fan could want. f*** off and take a hike
> or post something that makes sense, calling this site worthless doesn't,
> asshole.
I agree with everything you said but I wanted to give you kudos for having such good taste in films! I've seen that about 15 times.
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