Oh please Pasadena!


New Member
While this may sound like a joke I can assure you it's not. Simply put I've got the flight from Europe booked and paid for but missed out on the tickets. If anyone has a spare ticket for the thursday or friday show that they would let go for a reasonable amount then please send a PM. Besides if you have yours lined up and fear strangers you might like to know that I'm a swedish male, 27, somewhat born against but not overly dangerous. Thank you :)
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no ticket

hah, maybe you should take that advice concerning quality dental work in the US? I can only promise to make the rest of your teeth look just like those few in the front :cool:

oh snap!
british dentistry...ouccchhh
If the first link won't work try the second. Good luck.

Thanks Dave I appreciate it though I'm still hoping someone decent has a decent seat available for a decent price which neither Ticketliqs 'reputable sellers' nor the eBay craze seems to offer at the time :(
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