Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

I don’t think so. I think the post was innocuous and ‘’meh’. What other people, obsessed with an ideology, does with it is nobody’s fault but their own.

Who were these people?

Again - it needs to be checked. There's no advantage to letting any more rot set in.

Check my twitter for the people. You will be royally entertained.
Oh! I wondered who Nerak and Karen were. Despite user names there are times on here when other people are referred to by what I assume are their real first names, but I never know who is who. Does this knowledge come from attending shows?


For about 6 months.
Again - it needs to be checked. There's no advantage to letting any more rot set in.

Check my twitter for the people. You will be royally entertained.
But how does one check such a thing?

What’s your handle? And do I need a Twitter to look at a Twitter?
Oh! I wondered who Nerak and Karen were. Despite user names there are times on here when other people are referred to by what I assume are their real first names, but I never know who is who. Does this knowledge come from attending shows?
And most of us call Nicky Wire’s Legs ‘Rifke’, because that used to be her username for ages and it’s much easier to use. What a ‘Rifke’ is, however, I don’t know. I doubt it’s her real name.
And most of us call Nicky Wire’s Legs ‘Rifke’, because that used to be her username for ages and it’s much easier to use. What a ‘Rifke’ is, however, I don’t know. I doubt it’s her real name.
Keep my name out of your discussions with that disturbed individual.

You probably did that on purpose so that the creep will dox me. God, what a little puke you are.
Keep my name out of your discussions with that disturbed individual.

You probably did that on purpose so that the creep will dox me. God, what a little puke you are.
Queen of Batons is a disturbed individual? Huh?

For the love of Christ, calm down! I did no such thing on purpose. And how the heck can anyone dox you just by knowing your old username, anyway?! And why would QofB even dox you?
It must be difficult to live life like you do. In such complete darkness and anger. I feel for you and I hope things pick up.

As you like to say, allow me to quote myself (and then you quote something you’ve said about AI, for example, as if you’ve already expounded on the subject and can’t be bothered getting into it all again, when in reality you’ve only written one short paragraph about it which you quote because your thinking on the subject is shallow and you have little else to say about it, other than “it might put real artists out of work and stamp out creativity”, well not your creativity that’s for sure because seemingly you don’t create anything yourself, you just want to enjoy other people’s hard work from the comfort of your home and for advances in artificial intelligence to cease immediately to ensure that you can continue to do that, but anyway here’s the quote):

You know nothing about me, most of what I write goes over your head because you only glance at it. How many times have I seen you decide you don’t like someone and argue with them, only to change your tune months later and conclude “they’re not so bad after all”? You did it recently with Rifke. You’ve done it enough times that I associate you with doing that and you’d probably change your mind about me too at some stage. Have you ever considered just not making any comments about a person until you’re sure you know what they’re about? Why do you insist on making your feelings about people known when it’s clear from what you write that you don’t read enough of their posts to have a good grasp on who they are. I guarantee you don’t know any relevant information about me: my age, where I live, my diet until I just told you, my weight until I just told you, my favourite Morrissey song or if I’ve been to any Morrissey shows, anything at all like that. You’re clueless, which makes your insistence on letting me know how you feel about me that much stranger. Nothing you wrote is reflective of who I am and you’re venting at a fictional person of your own creation.”

Now I’ll ask again, allow me to quote myself: could you be any slower?
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As you like to say, allow me to quote myself (and then you quote something you’ve said about AI, for example, as if you’ve already expounded on the subject at length and can’t be bothered getting into it all again, when in reality you’ve only written one short paragraph about it which you quote because your thinking on the subject is shallow and you have little else to say about it, other than “it might put real artists out of work and stamp out creativity”, well not your creativity that’s for sure because seemingly you don’t create anything yourself, you just want to enjoy other people’s hard work from the comfort of your home and for advances in artificial intelligence to cease immediately to ensure that you can continue to do that, but anyway here’s the quote):

You know nothing about me, most of what I write goes over your head because you only glance at it. How many times have I seen you decide you don’t like someone and argue with them, only to change your tune months later and conclude “they’re not so bad after all”? You did it recently with Rifke. You’ve done it enough times that I associate you with doing that and you’d probably change your mind about me too at some stage. Have you ever considered just not making any comments about a person until you’re sure you know what they’re about? Why do you insist on making your feelings about people known when it’s clear from what you write that you don’t read enough of their posts to have a good grasp on who they are. I guarantee you don’t know any relevant information about me: my age, where I live, my diet until I just told you, my weight until I just told you, my favourite Morrissey song or if I’ve been to any Morrissey shows, anything at all like that. You’re clueless, which makes your insistence on letting me know how you feel about me that much stranger. Nothing you wrote is reflective of who I am and you’re venting at a fictional person of your own creation.”

Now I’ll ask again, allow me to quote myself: could you be any slower?
There’s nobody like you on this forum. I’ll give you that. No one matches your anger or hostility.

Haha, my creativity? How do you know what I do or don’t create? What do you create? How would any of us know what the other one is creating in their real life? Such a weird assumption.

Your second paragraph is deeply strange. I know as much or as little about you as you do about me. I know that you are Irish and a few years younger than me. I know that you hate Jews. I know that you’re constantly angry and hateful. I know that it’s impossible to have a conversation with you (because of the above). I know that you stalk several users here and monitor their posts and their every move and keep tabs on what they say that dates back several years (which is very unsettling and odd). I know that you think the world of yourself and that you lack all humbleness and that everyone that disagrees with you is an idiot. And I know that you like to attack people’s intelligence, believing that you yourself is superior when in fact you come across as anything but.

“Nothing you wrote is reflective of who I am and you’re venting at a fictional person of your own creation.” That was very well put. But you seem to be clueless to the fact that it goes both ways. You obviously don’t know the real me and I obviously don’t know the real you. We are reacting against the Morrissey-solo versions of each other that might not fully mirror our real selves. Or have you put the entire real life you on display here? I hope not and I doubt it. Do you give this site your all? Do you put your heart and your soul into your posts here? I don’t think it would be healthy to take it that seriously (that said, it’s obvious that you do take this site very seriously).

It’s hypocritical of you to lambast me for attacking you without knowing you when you’re doing the exact same thing yourself. Don’t you see?
Wow Samsa, the person who believes 30,000 Palestinians deserved to die because “they’re ugly” thinks you made some good points, you must really be onto something! She’s the pettiest person on this forum and she’s willing to side with people she doesn’t particularly care for if they’re arguing with someone who she’s annoyed with at that particular moment. Completely unprincipled, she was never the most thoughtful person but after her comments about Israel/Palestine not one word from her is worth anything, so let’s just establish that right out of the gate.

Contrary to what she claimed, no good points were made in the above post. It’s difficult for me to find the energy to reply to it because, forgive me, I’m already bored, so I’m going to try to make this as brief as possible. I don’t think anything particularly insightful was said which requires an extended explanation, it was just ‘the usual’ post from you when you’re writing to me.

I know that you stalk several users here and monitor their posts and their every move and keep tabs on what they say that dates back several years (which is very unsettling and odd).

This is not true. Tell us how you “know” it. I think it was something The Truth said years ago and you settled on it as an established fact. No “stalking” goes on and I don’t “monitor” anyone’s “every move”. As for keeping tabs on what people say dating back many years, there’s this marvellous thing called the human brain which has the power to recall facts, you don’t even have to input files, it stores all the information itself whether you want it to or not. Being in possession of a brain that recalls things people say is creepy :fearscream:. Along with that, there’s also the site’s search function which I believe you only learned the existence of recently. With that, I don’t even need to have a precise memory of which thread a post was made in or on what date; having only a vague recollection of something that was said is sufficient! So they’re my secret powers: human brain and search function. I ‘know’ you can be a bit slow on the uptake so hopefully that has cleared things up for you.

Do you give this site your all? Do you put your heart and your soul into your posts here?

I’ve said before I stopped making an effort with my posts after I read the excremental poetry of Baz and TheSmiths_1985. That lowered my standards, perhaps I should thank them. Prior to that I was from the BrummieBoy school of ‘if you’re going to write something, at the very least make it worth reading’. Now I tend not to concern myself with ‘effort’!

Haha, my creativity? How do you know what I do or don’t create?

Call it a hunch. Maybe you write Romantic era style poetry, that seems like something ‘creative’ you might like to try to do, and I shiver thinking about what that might be like.

It’s hypocritical of you to lambast me for attacking you without knowing you when you’re doing the exact same thing yourself. Don’t you see?

I’ve read your posts and know what you’re about, you made it clear before that you didn’t read my posts, so no it’s not the exact same thing. It’s the difference between not saying anything outlandish when you criticise someone because you’re basing your criticisms on what they’ve actually said (and had the audacity to remember it), and saying things like “you stalk several users and monitor their every move” because you don’t have a clear picture of who you’re talking about and instead resort to generalisations and hearsay. When you later find out your generalisations were wrong you say “hey, this person isn’t so bad after all!”, but it was never that person who was fault, it was you making claims about their character when you had very little information to go on. I’m basing this on things I have seen you say. You don’t have the best instincts, if you don’t mind my saying. This post has gone on for longer than I’d hoped it would; can I go now??
I know that you hate Jews.

One more thing. You’ve been too comfortable for too long. About 12 years ago I took myself out of my comfort zone and slowly but surely began arriving at conclusions that I never would have expected. You’ve never arrived at uncomfortable conclusions because you’ve never forced yourself to be uncomfortable. As a result of this, even A.I. terrifies you.
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