Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Actually Ive just seen a shed in Carlisle on the telly Baz

Full disclosure. I'm not from Barking.
I'm from Peckham. :thumb:
Del Boy land 😁

Yes it’s been on the news tonight.
Modern day slavery, it’s everywhere.
No doubt I’ll be constantly reminded of this by some on here🐗
I don't think they've got UK channels in wherever V is from, Carl :confused:

I've only got two meself, it sucks.
I don't think they've got UK channels in wherever V is from, Carl :confused:

I've only got two meself, it sucks.
I don’t think they have electricity, or running water down at Cro creek.

It’s 1923 where that c*** lives,
Nothing has changed since then.
It’s a bit like the Walton's
Only that the Walton's have the correct number of fingers and toes.



Possums for the cooking pot down at Cro creek....
This is why he posts pics of the little critters....
Cos he’s just eaten the 4ckers
oh forget it, I'm like the guy with glasses in this video
Possums for the cooking pot down at Cro creek....
This is why he posts pics of the little critters....
Cos he’s just eaten the 4ckers

It's hilarious watching Vegan Cro getting more and more vocal as he realises that everyone has sussed him out as an impotent troll. FFS look at the latest pictures he's posting.
It's hilarious watching Vegan Cro getting more and more vocal as he realises that everyone has sussed him out as an impotent troll. FFS look at the latest pictures he's posting.
Notice its the same folk who red thumb you as well: regardless of what you say. W🥂kers
Looks like it's a toss up between Vegan and Redacted on who takes the crown as the biggest bell end on Morrissey Solo. My vote goes to Redacted as she's made the most ill informed posts in the shortest time in the history of Morrissey solo. The most stupid post ever being - I can't be the only one wondering why he was not invited on the New Order/Pet Shop Boys tour.
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