Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads


"DARLING" WTF? are you Marlene Dietrich?
a "NON MOTHER SPEAKER"? FFS are you a Comrade
from the Ukraine too?

do you even understand Moz lyrics? FFS?
do you know what hunchbacks means? if so, do you agree
with the hate trolls that they are beautiful?:crazy:

worrying about an article from 1995 that he cant even understand
since its not in the 'mother speaker'o_O please quit trolling.

I love you, what are you?
Like @Verso said "Deeps breaths. It’s going to be okay" (when Boz, Gaz n Spence join Alain & the man on stage in Vegas underneath a giant backdrop of Morrissey's beloved mother).
We have come full circle now. Good night and thank you.

:rolleyes: doh:

thank you for bowing out, darling.

Here it's sauerkraut and vegan sausages. Yummy!

"maybe not the above case"doh:
Yip, no doubt about it another Troll Comrade from the Ukraine.:ahhh:
without a box set but knows everything without being able to understand the language:censored:

Ah, yes. We hear what we want.
Come on, he's really rude. He called me an Ukrainian, just because I translated verbatim from a German newspaper report from 1995, that dealt with issues, I wasn't aware of at the time. At the end he says, that only English speaking people would understand the lyrics, adding fuel to the fire. He deserves what he gets.
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Come on, he's really rude. He called me an Ukrainian, just because I translated verbatim from a German newspaper report from 1995, that dealt with issues, I wasn't aware of at the time. At the end he says, that only English people would understand the lyrics, adding fuel to the fire. He deserves what he gets.
Good luck in shaking off the thickest person to come out of America (Vegan Croc): you’ll now be subjected to it using your every word on everything the daft twat posts until it keels over.
Good luck in shaking off the thickest person to come out of America (Vegan Croc): you’ll now be subjected to it using your every word on everything the daft twat posts until it keels over.
Ah shit, but what the hell. Thanks.
Good luck in shaking off the thickest person to come out of America (Vegan Croc): you’ll now be subjected to it using your every word on everything the daft twat posts until it keels over.
America?! The absolute butchering of the English language makes me certain he (it must be a he) really is from Croatia. No disrespect to Croatia, but there is no way this guy’s from an English-speaking country.
Good luck in shaking off the thickest person to come out of America (Vegan Croc): you’ll now be subjected to it using your every word on everything the daft twat posts until it keels over.
We know this Janice, don’t we🆘

We have badges, paracetamol as proof ... Frank your life is over...

You will now be ( as Janice says)
Subject to scrutiny forever...

Unfortunately your dye has been cast and every part of any further posts you will be made to look like a liar, twat and an ass ... all at the same time....

BUT WAIT.... 🥁🥁🥁🥁

There is hope 🎢🎢🎢

Join the .....

Carlisle Coors Crew....

Me mun says, I should not go off-topic again and respect themes created by other users, who love and worship Morrissey. I will do so. I am a good boy now.
Oh, the shrieks of die-hard fans when confronted with factual figures and quotes. Music to my ears.

Yip Yip Comrade , shrieks are music to your troll ears, and BGV hunchbacks are beautiful to your docile troll 🧠
while Mcmuffins simmer inside your 👅
at least you admit not being a die hard fan not having the box set.👈
eyes on robocop.👀 hes deliquent for 80 in canadian money😾

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