Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Wow what a c***, if it wasn't for this land of 'hobbit zombies' you wouldn't have a f***ing Moz to worship. Now crawl off back to your false, plastic land of obese spoilt babies.
California Son was born in Moz Angeles, hence the reason why he calls himself CALIFORNIA SON. Get it foreign c***? So you obese hobbit zombies waiting in line for 3 hours at Burger King for your whopper, french fries, and a coke wearing Nike shoes and $350 pair of Levis 501's you had to buy online can keep buying from mporiumuk knowing that you will never see California's Son again in concert but still funding his millionaire lifestyle in Moz Angeles and new uniforms for his basketball team every season.
California Son was born in Moz Angeles, hence the reason why he calls himself CALIFORNIA SON. Get it foreign c***? So you obese hobbit zombies waiting in line for 3 hours at Burger King for your whopper, french fries, and a coke wearing Nike shoes and $350 pair of Levis 501's you had to buy online can keep buying from mporiumuk knowing that you will never see California's Son again in concert but still funding his millionaire lifestyle in Moz Angeles and new uniforms for his basketball team every season.
Never see him again in concert? He last played LA in Oct 2019 but last played the UK in March 2020.

Typical clever Americunt. Go work on your "Math".
Never see him again in concert? He last played LA in Oct 2019 but last played the UK in March 2020.

Typical clever Americunt. Go work on your "Math".
LA has been on lockdown since March 2019. The only place where he could play in the world was England and he coughed all over you dumbshits while he took your money. He already has a permanent residency in Vegas and gigs scheduled for LA. You will never see him in concert again you anti-American terrorist coward pussy. The most pathetic part of this is that you have been duped for 38 years by a proud American who calls himself California Son. You people have got to be the dumbest people in the world. Work on your math and your self respect or do you like being shit on and duped by California's Son?
LA has been on lockdown since March 2019. The only place where he could play in the world was England and he coughed all over you dumbshits while he took your money. He already has a permanent residency in Vegas and gigs scheduled for LA. You will never see him in concert again you anti-American terrorist coward pussy. The most pathetic part of this is that you have been duped for 38 years by a proud American who calls himself California Son. You people have got to be the dumbest people in the world. Work on your math and your self respect or do you like being shit on and duped by California's Son?

Why are you getting yourself so worked up son, you can believe what you want.
Agree. For me it was the realization that the Morrissey that we all loved was gone. He could no longer write beautiful, inciteful lyrics, and his band...truly awful. Pandering to his unlikely Mexican following. Staircase is the only song that was listenable and even that song was marred by the stupid production by that hack producer he fell in love with. Neal Cassady would have been fairly interesting if not for that godawful distorted, horribly recorded guitar. Kiss Me A Lot is so bad it must be a joke. Bullfighter is such a simple, stupid lyric that it wastes a decent track. This is the album where the style and wit of Morrissey was lost forever as well as his ability to rock. Goodbye greatness, hello Holiday Inn Mariachi schlock.
no such word as 'inciteful' comrade.
Agree. For me it was the realization that the Morrissey that we all loved was gone. He could no longer write beautiful, inciteful lyrics, and his band...truly awful. Pandering to his unlikely Mexican following. Staircase is the only song that was listenable and even that song was marred by the stupid production by that hack producer he fell in love with. Neal Cassady would have been fairly interesting if not for that godawful distorted, horribly recorded guitar. Kiss Me A Lot is so bad it must be a joke. Bullfighter is such a simple, stupid lyric that it wastes a decent track. This is the album where the style and wit of Morrissey was lost forever as well as his ability to rock. Goodbye greatness, hello Holiday Inn Mariachi schlock.

correct me if im wrong but arent you
the comrade who posted that :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:
'hi hello yip nip' sucky music was rocket
science? no cred.(n)

Bless Comrade🙏

Greetings from party HQ. please, item needed in
we offer:
1 one fully trained mouflon🧑
one 25 gallon vat of egret stew has condiments good
for party of 25🧑‍🦱

please conclude and accept,

xxx Comrade Thelama.
I reckon California Son is a fan of anything that is Italy because his wife is Italian. I reckon California Son and Nancy do not know the first thing about kickball except that California Son's alleged third cousin twice removed from Ireland once played for the LA kickball team and the team paid California Son to market the team with him by doing photo ops around LA and once in Ireland. I reckon California Son and Nancy are in Italy now for their yearly Italy vacation. No sightings at LAX as to their return chipper curry he doesn't live in LA beach mouth altrichichichicham fake impostor photo ops inn n n nn n nn nn nnnn nn n it.

Fark Arse!
Bless Comrade🙏

Greetings from party HQ. please, item needed in
we offer:
1 one fully trained mouflon🧑
one 25 gallon vat of egret stew has condiments good
for party of 25🧑‍🦱

please conclude and accept,

xxx Comrade Thelama.
Thanks for being my bitch, bitch. But I’m ok here, you p1ss stained oink.
Have a nice day xx


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Not an iota of sense, cant understand a simple request for what is required for Moz cred.o_O
RARE ITEM is what is needed for good cred FFS ! not a used UK Quarry cd you can buy on ebay for a few quido_O
that type of paper is from back in the 50s (n)
notebook paper that is not used in any current civilized country:mad:

The last show you saw was the Great Muppet Caper & your handler had to bundle you up and leave early because you wouldn't stop squeezing your penis in a theater full of children.

Not an iota of sense(n)

" i went to the Moz show with 2-3 other virgins and we had a grand old virgin time"🚠


Not an iota of sense, cant understand a simple request for what is required for Moz cred.o_O
RARE ITEM is what is needed for good cred FFS ! not a used UK Quarry cd you can buy on ebay for a few quido_O
that type of paper is from back in the 50s (n)
notebook paper that is not used in any current civilized country:mad:

Look at the top you berry picking spastic, LPs. Something you’ll never own because have no dollars.
Vegan Cro > No Job> No Money > No LPs > No Shows > No Home and stinks of wet dogs.

Bye now xx

FFS recent Uk release that are available everywhere not real rarities like seller
photo shopped to make it look like you have 2 items available everywhere,like
that would throw off the top collector/insider fan. no sense not even a miniscule iota :hammer:

FFS recent Uk release that are available everywhere not real rarities like seller
photo shopped to make it look like you have 2 items available everywhere,like
that would throw off the top collector/insider fan. no sense not even a miniscule iota :hammer:
Awwww, bless your big soiled knickers

You’re that thick, you’re oblivious of the fact, they’re both what the seller wants, and the seller wants to trade.
Let’s get the M word out for Vegan again:
Look at the top you berry picking spastic, LPs. Something you’ll never own because have no dollars.
Vegan Cro > No Job> No Money > No LPs > No Shows > No Home and stinks of wet dogs.

Bye now xx
President J....

You forgot to mention his only collection is a pile of 70s
German porno books🎥❌❌❌
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