Mporium: "Say No To Thankskilling" limited run t-shirt re-stock (November 18, 2022)



As we know, the marketing department is a finely oiled machine 🙄, but offering these via the UK Mporium and not currently on the US one is a bit bizarre given the associated holiday.

(@The Wild Turkey)
Maybe it's a sly dig at the hAmericisation, sorry the hAmericization of the yUK and dIreland and parts of Eurwoke by indigenous ingrates who really should know better. Already we hear people saying "twenny twenny two" for 2022, or "Toosday" for Tuesday, or "bucks" for pounds/euro. Yesterday I heard someone referring to crisps as "chips". People like that should win an all expenses paid one way trip to their local landfill pit.
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