It's not that you're not entitled to an opinion...



Guest's just you leave a very nasty taste in the mouth - you are unpleasant. The fact that you take the time to post repeatedly on here under different names (your isp gives you away ) with such sheer hatred for Morrissey and the new album suggests more than just expressing an opinion. I really don't mind if you don't like the album (haven't heard it myself) but why such bile?

> The fact that you take the time to post repeatedly on here
> under different names (your isp gives you away ) with such sheer
> hatred for Morrissey and the new album suggests more than just expressing
> an opinion.

Like what? I look forward to hearing your conspiracy theories.
> Like what? I look forward to hearing your conspiracy theories.

No conspiracy theories...just genuinely don't understand the venom. I used to really like Josh Rouse but found his last album underwhelming and said so on his website. Once. Without bursting a blood vessel or trying to make him or everyone else feel like shit.

You've got to admit, it's a little strange - don't like it? Don't buy it! Everyone's happy...if you ever have been that is. And don't sully the work of Dylan Moran any further.
Well aren't you a bossy little shit.

By the way, I'm still waiting for you to explain what you think are the real motives behind our criticism of Morrissey. I mean, you're calling us weirdos? We're not the ones who accuse anybody who levels any criticism whatsoever against Morrissey of having it in for him.
Re: Well aren't you a bossy little shit.

> By the way, I'm still waiting for you to explain what you think are the
> real motives behind our criticism of Morrissey. I mean, you're calling us
> weirdos? We're not the ones who accuse anybody who levels any criticism
> whatsoever against Morrissey of having it in for him.

Please re-read the first line of my last message. I. Don't. Know.

And l;evelling critcism is fine...but you clearly hang around on this board to do it. It just seems you are motivated by hatred. Please don't ask me that same question again.
Re: Well aren't you a bossy little shit.

First you say you don't know. Then you say it seems "motivated by hatred." Yes, we hate Morrissey's new recordings. Did you figure that out all by yourself, genius?
Oh I love Josh Rouse. I really enjoyed Nashville although it was just a bit understated in nature. Then again the guys whole career is that light sounding dreamy stuff (always completely well written too...God forbid if Jesse Tobias ever gets near Josh Rouse! Then it wil be the end for sure!) (one man's opinion!)

> No conspiracy theories...just genuinely don't understand the venom. I used
> to really like Josh Rouse but found his last album underwhelming and said
> so on his website. Once. Without bursting a blood vessel or trying to make
> him or everyone else feel like shit.

> You've got to admit, it's a little strange - don't like it? Don't buy it!
> Everyone's happy...if you ever have been that is. And don't sully the work
> of Dylan Moran any further.
Allow me to explain.

I have no one set name here, but I only use one name at a time. For example, in any given thread, I will use one name and one name only. And if I'm participating in more than one thread at any given time, I will use the same name in all of them. However, if I leave the board for a while, I may take a different name when I come back (albeit not in any threads in which I have previously participated).

In using we, I was expressing solidarity with the other people here who seem to share my views on Morrissey's new work. In the future, I will try to speak only for myself.
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